Reasoning Notes

Chapter 489 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears

Chapter 489 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears (31)
The orphanage was a scam from start to finish.Here, the dean is the performer, and the orphans are all her puppets.No one dared to defy her will.Otherwise, what awaits them is serving with sticks.Disobedient children will be locked in a small black room.No food, no drink, rats and cockroaches crawled around in the small black room, once you stay there once, you absolutely don’t want to go in there for the second time.Under such high-pressure control, no child would dare to resist.

Except for one person—Xiao Po.At that time, Xiao Po was the most disobedient child, and also the child who gave the principal a headache.She often regrets why she took Xiaopo in at the beginning.Speaking of how Xiao Po came to this orphanage, there is actually a story.In other words, it was discovered that it was a cold and windy winter more than a year before Xiaopo entered the orphanage.The sky was gloomy, with dark clouds, and the air pressure was so low that it seemed that it would rain at any moment.The whistling north wind blew past the side of the pedestrian and blew on the face, which was a kind of pain that scratched the skin.On the sparsely populated street, a pair of few figures walked.It was a man holding the hand of a little boy, and they walked slowly on the dark street against the north wind.

They didn't know how long they walked. The little boy felt his feet were sore and tired. He raised his head and stared at his silent father. He wanted his father to stop and find a place to rest.However, he didn't say it.Father's face was extremely ugly, just like the sky at this time, covered with haze.What happened to father?The little boy was also silent, letting his father hold his hand and walking forward.The two father and son walked blindly as if they didn't know where they were going.

Until, suddenly, my father stopped in his tracks.

He stood in front of someone's house, staring at a sign hanging on the door.The sign says XX Orphanage.

It turned out that this is a place for orphans.Father thought for a while and squatted down.Putting his hands on the little boy's shoulders, he said, "Our place is here."

The little boy looked up and looked at the house.He had never been here before and felt very strange.However, my father said that this is the home of relatives, and they will stay here for a few days.Then, my father slammed on the iron gate of the yard.As the iron door slammed several times, a middle-aged woman who looked very simple came over.

"You guys, what are you going to do?" the middle-aged woman asked, with the corners of her eyes raised, with deep vigilance.

"This aunt..." The father looked at the little boy, then at the middle-aged woman, and then leaned closer to her ear as if talking about a little secret.Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged woman suddenly showed displeasure on her face: "My place is not a charity," she said.

My father immediately said: "I won't live in vain." Then, he turned around and took out all the money from his body.Seeing his father stuffing those crumpled banknotes into the hands of the middle-aged woman, the little boy was very puzzled.

Isn't this a relative's house?Why still charge money?

Only when the middle-aged woman took the money did the disgust on her face ease.She thought for a while, and then said: "All right. Let's stay here for a few days. However, you must remember to come back and pick up the child when the time comes."

"It will." Father promised.Then, he knelt down and patted the little boy's head. "Xiao Po, you have to stay here obediently. Dad has something to do and will come back to pick you up in a few days. Okay?"

The little boy tugged at the corner of his father's clothes reluctantly: "Dad, can't we go together?"

My father smiled wryly. His chin was full of beard scum and his hair was messed up. His father said, "No way. Dad is going to a far away place. It's inconvenient to take you with him."

The little boy felt like crying, but in front of his father, he tried not to cry out.

He just stood at the door like that, quietly watching his father's back gradually recede until it disappeared into the gloomy sky.Until then, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

Then, he heard the middle-aged woman scolding in his ear: "Get out of here, little bastard!"

This is Qi Mu's earliest memory of the orphanage, and in the days since then, he has lived in anticipation every day.He ran to the door every day, looking forward to the appearance of his father.However, a few days passed, the father broke his promise and he did not come back.A month passed and my father still didn't show up, and then a year...

Qi Mu still remembers that the director of the orphanage often yelled in his ear: "You brat, I was cheated by your father. You are all liars, a big liar, a little liar!"

No, his dad wouldn't lie.Dad said that he will definitely come back to pick me up.Xiao Po wanted to refute the dean countless times, but he didn't say it out.Why doesn't dad come back.why?Does he not want me?
One day, Xiao Po was drawing pictures on the ground with a small stick in the yard.A little girl came over.

"What did you draw?" the little girl asked him.

Xiao Po ignored her.

The little girl said again: "You are drawing your father and you."

Yes.In the painting on the ground, the figures of father and Xiao Po appeared.It's just that he doesn't draw well.

The little girl asked again: "Where's your mother?"

Xiao Po raised his head, looked at the little girl, then lowered his head again.

yes.Where's mom?Xiao Po's mother's face appeared in his mind.It was a face shrouded in despair and fear, and together with it, there was a bloody knife in his father's hand.What about mother... Xiao Po asked himself this question in his heart. In fact, he had asked this question when his father carried him away from home.But the father said, "Your mother is asleep."

Will never wake up again.

"Yes. My mother is asleep." Xiao Po answered the little girl like this.

Little girl is confused.This answer is indeed a bit strange.

At this moment, they heard the dean chatting with the neighbors at the door. They talked about a murder case that happened not long ago in a neighboring city.

"I heard that the wife cheated on her and was killed by her husband."

"The husband ran away with his son. He has not been found yet."

"How old is his son?"

"About six or seven years old."

While talking about this, the dean suddenly turned around and glanced at Xiao Po over here.As for Xiao Po, he just continued to paint his paintings silently.He was still asking in his heart: Dad, why didn't you come back to pick me up?

"Your father will not come back. He is a murderer! You are the son of a murderer!" Later, the dean began to curse all kinds of ugly words in his ear.Whenever this happened, the little girl would come to his side and hold his hand tightly.Feeling her warmth, Xiao Po couldn't help raising his head and looking at her.She smiled and was as beautiful as a flower.

After spending one year and five months in the orphanage, Xiao Po completely lost expectations of his father.

He didn't want to stay in this hellish orphanage any longer, waiting for hope that was as fragile as a bubble.He wants to escape from this place.And there are not a few children who have the same idea as him, but because the dean is too scary, not many people dare to put it into action.

"Xiao Fan, let's run away together." That day, Xiao Po encouraged the little girl to say.This is one of his few friends in the orphanage.In the days of the orphanage, they forged a deep friendship.Her name is Lin Weifan, and she came to the orphanage only a few months before Xiaopo.In the orphanage, she also has a good friend named Tian Yena.

Xiao Po, Xiao Wen, and Xiao Na are inseparable good friends in the orphanage.They began to plan how to escape the orphanage.And this orphanage is surrounded by iron bars and high walls. For children, this is no different from a prison.To leave here, the only way is to steal the key from the dean, and the dean puts that key in his trouser pocket.After Xiao Po figured out the situation, he decided on the time to act: the dean has the habit of taking a nap.While she is asleep, steal the key and everyone can escape.

"But, I'm a little scared." Xiao Wen said.When she thought of the dean's ferocious face, her body couldn't help shivering.Once the principal becomes violent, he will definitely be a psychological shadow for all the children.

"Don't be afraid! I'm by your side." Xiao Po hugged Xiao Wen's shoulders tightly.This gave her courage and strength.

So, at noon that day, when the dean returned to the house to take a nap as usual, Xiao Po, Xiao Wen, and Xiao Na crept into the dean's bedroom.They didn't dare to make a sound, Xiao Po held his breath, and quietly put his hand into the dean's trouser pocket.All of this went very smoothly, Xiao Po took out the principal's key.

However, when leaving the room, Xiao Fan accidentally knocked the washbasin in the room to the ground.

"Who?!" The dean was startled awake and jumped up from the bed.She saw three small figures running out of the house.

"Don't try to escape!" The dean became furious, and chased outside while wearing slippers.

At this time, Xiao Po just opened the iron gate of the orphanage.As soon as the three of them ran out, the dean chased after them.After all, he is only a child, no matter how he escapes, he cannot escape the footsteps of adults.Thus, Xiaowen and Xiaona, who were at the back, were caught.Only Xiao Po, who ran at the front, escaped the dean's clutches.

"Xiao Po, help me!"

Caught by the dean like an eagle catching a chick, Xiao Wen and Xiao Na desperately called for help to Xiao Po, but Xiao Po just stood there and looked, then ran away without looking back.

He kept running, running, and never looked back.

His tears were wet, but not a single tear fell down.

"At that time, you were really ruthless." Tian Yena's words brought Qi Mu back from memory to reality.

He looked at her, thinking about what she had just said.

(End of this chapter)

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