Reasoning Notes

Chapter 491 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears

Chapter 491 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears (33)
Ji Hongwei couldn't help but carefully looked at the necklace and the sapphire on it. He didn't know much about gems, but he didn't think this gem was fake.Of course, if you want to verify your authenticity, you have to go to a professional organization for appraisal.However, if you just take it for appraisal in such a grand manner, maybe you will be arrested by the police.After all, this case is such a big deal, most of the citizens probably know this Mermaid's Tears.

When Ji Hongwei was thinking about the past and the future, Tian Yena asked softly: "Mr. Ji, is this Mermaid Tears real?"

Ji Hongwei looked at her, then at Ji Xiaorou, and said, "I don't know. But, don't talk about it."

"Why? Dad." Ji Xiaorou immediately said, "Shouldn't we return this necklace to the owner?"

"Xiaorou. Listen to Dad, Dad will deal with it. But don't mention this to outsiders, okay?" Ji Hongwei touched Ji Xiaorou's head, and she nodded with a half understanding.

Naturally, what Ji Hongwei thought in his heart was not to hand over this necklace to the police, but to think: If it is genuine, then he can sell it and pay Ji Xiaorou's medical expenses.Her illness cannot be delayed any longer.

"But, Mr. Ji." Tian Yena hesitated to speak, "It says on the box that anyone who has tears of a mermaid will suffer misfortune."

Ji Hongwei turned over the box and took a look. Sure enough, he saw words about curses written inside the box.

Oh, he remembered, it was also mentioned on TV just now that the two owners who owned Mermaid Tears before, one was the Sheikh of Dubai and the other was Cai Dong, both died tragically one after another.Could it be that the curse of Mermaid Tears came true?
That night, the room was pitch black, and I couldn't see my fingers.Ji Hongwei lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.All he could think about was Mermaid Tears.Should he take this mermaid tear as his own?There was an angelic voice in his heart, admonishing him: This is wrong.To be a human being must have a minimum moral bottom line.

However, there is also a devil's voice tempting him: If you don't take the mermaid tears as your own, how can you save your daughter?

Yes.For his daughter, he can give up everything, including dignity, including the principles of life.

What's more, this piece of mermaid's tears is itself an ominous thing, so if he sells it, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.Thinking of this, Ji Hongwei felt much less guilty.

However, the question now is still, how to be sure that this mermaid tear is real?

Ji Hongwei thought about it all night, but still didn't know how to verify the authenticity of this sapphire.This question troubled him all day.In the evening of the next day, he got off work early and came to school to pick up Ji Xiaorou from school.Then, he took his daughter to the park opposite the school.

"Xiaorou. Is this where you picked up that necklace?" Ji Hongwei asked.

Ji Xiaorou nodded.Ji Hongwei lowered his head and thought for a while, then took his daughter and sat down on the bench beside him.He was thinking, if someone lost this necklace by accident, maybe that person would come back to this place to look for it.He didn't know why he was waiting here.If the owner does appear, he may not return the necklace to the original owner.However, he may just want to see what the owner looks like, maybe it will be the Phantom Thief Shadow Stranger mentioned on TV.

The setting sun set in the middle of the mountain, revealing a shy corner, casting a gorgeous light and shadow, shining on the clean clouds in the sky, causing the sky to emit a dazzling brilliance, and falling on the hearts of those who are returning home.

Among the hurried pedestrians, there are always a few who seem out of place, and among this group of people, there is a father and daughter who are extremely different, and they are Ji Hongwei and his daughter.

"Father, I'm hungry." Ji Xiaorou stretched out his hand and gently tugged at Ji Hongwei's hand, opened his big wet eyes to look at Ji Hongwei, and then glanced at the clock in the distance.

The clock has shown a straight line, and the pendulum is also striking at this time, Ji Hongwei glanced at the tower clock, it is already six o'clock.

Ji Hongwei touched the necklace in his pocket, and reached out to touch Ji Xiaorou's head. A trace of tangle appeared in his eyes. Xiaorou didn't eat much since he went out, but the owner lost something, so he might be anxious.

"Xiaorou, can we watch the sunset look good?" Ji Hongwei pointed to the gorgeous sunset in the sky, saw Ji Xiaorou nodded, and said, "Then let's watch the sunset together. When Xiaorou waits to go back, write down the sunset I saw today into a essay, okay?"

Ji Xiaorou replied crisply, "Okay, then I'll show Sister Tian a little bit more then!"

"Xiaorou was the first to think of someone else, Dad is so sad!" Ji Hongwei pretended to hold his heart sadly, and looked at Ji Xiaorou resentfully, causing Ji Xiaorou to giggle.

Time passed with laughter, at 06:30, Ji Hongwei patted Ji Xiaorou on the shoulder, glanced at the passing crowd again, and then said to Ji Xiaorou, "What would Xiaorou want to eat tonight?"

"I like to eat whatever my father makes." Ji Xiaorou raised her head and frowned.

Ji Hongwei pinched the tip of Ji Xiaorou's nose, and scolded with a smile, "You little glutton."

After finishing speaking, Ji Hongwei took Ji Xiaorou and walked towards home together. At this time, the sunset had faded a lot, and the street lamps lit up the whole street.

There were occasional kicks and dogs barking on the street, making it extremely quiet, but this quietness was only maintained when Ji Hongwei and Ji Xiaorou walked downstairs.

"Pa——" Under the stairs, there were a few big men standing, two of them were walking back and forth with iron rods in their hands, carrying them on their shoulders, their viciousness was particularly scary.

There was another person with his back against the wall, with one hand in his trouser pocket and a cigarette in the other. Some of his long hair blocked his appearance, but it didn't hinder his gaze.

"Ji Hongwei?" The man raised his head, glanced at Ji Hongwei, then dropped the cigarette in his hand, stepped on the cigarette butt to extinguish the fire, reached out and took the stick handed by the brother beside him, and said to Ji Hongwei, "How about you?" money."

"What?" Ji Hongwei was a little confused, his body's natural reaction was to pull Ji Xiaorou behind him, blocking Ji Xiaorou, and then asked the man, "Who are you?"

The man lifted the stick and fell it on the other hand, raised his gloomy gaze, took out a piece of paper from his body, threw it away in front of Ji Hongwei, and taunted Ji Hongwei: "Why don't you plan to pay back the money you borrowed? Do you still want to renege on the black and white?"

"I will pay it back, can you give it a few more days?" Ji Hongwei held Ji Xiaorou's hand, took a few steps back, shook Ji Xiaorou's hand, and motioned for her to leave first.

But how could Ji Xiaorou be willing, looking at Ji Hongwei with teary eyes, the money was all for her medical treatment, if it wasn't for her illness, Ji Hongwei wouldn't be reduced to this state.

"Does that mean there is no money?" The man raised his dark eyes and walked towards Ji Hongwei step by step, his face full of sarcasm, "The poor can't afford to borrow any money! Hit me!"

The brother next to the man, after hearing this, knocked Ji Hongwei's knee with the stick in his hand, knocked Ji Hongwei down to the ground, and punched Ji Hongwei.

Ji Xiaorou stepped forward and wanted to push away the group of beating men, but was grabbed by the man, Ji Xiaorou was so startled that she cried out: "Let me go!"

"Let go of you? Your father's debts are all for you, aren't they?" The man grabbed Ji Xiaorou's hair, forced her to raise her head, looked at her twice, and threw her aside.Then he walked up to Ji Hongwei, squatted down and looked at Ji Hongwei who had his brother grabbing his hair, and his expression was very bad, he clicked softly twice, "Are you going to pay back the money or not?"

"I will pay it back for sure. Give me a few more days, and I will definitely pay you back!" Ji Hongwei gritted his teeth and said, but if he really wanted to get money, he didn't know where to get it back.

But when he saw Ji Xiaorou's tear-stained face from the corner of his eye, his eyes became firmer. No matter what method he used, he must cure Ji Xiaorou.

The man stretched out his hand and patted Ji Hongwei's face, then made a show of embarrassment to the two brothers, helped Ji Hongwei up, straightened Ji Hongwei's clothes, and said with a smile: "Five days, I only give you five days After five days, if you don’t have any money, you can just figure it out.”

After talking about the man, his face turned cold instantly, bumped into Ji Hongwei, and left the apartment directly, leaving Ji Hongwei, father and daughter alone.Ji Xiaorou got up from the ground, ran to Ji Hongwei in a hurry, held Ji Hongwei's hand, looked at Ji Hongwei's bruised and swollen face from the beating, blood even oozes from the lips, and tears fell instantly.

"Xiaorou doesn't cry, Dad doesn't hurt." Ji Hongwei looked at Ji Xiaorou choked up, raised his hand to wipe Ji Xiaorou's cheek, but found that his hand was full of dirt, and the hand held in mid-air collapsed. He said bitterly, "It's useless for dad..."

Ji Xiaorou quickly shook her head, held her father's hand, put it on her cheek, looked at her father with red eyes, and said, "It's Xiaorou who is useless, it's Xiaorou who hurt Dad, it's Xiaorou's fault!"

If it wasn't for her, Ji Hongwei wouldn't have borrowed money, if it wasn't for her, Ji Hongwei wouldn't have been beaten, it was all because of her, why did she get this sick!

If she doesn't get sick, she can take good care of Dad, and Dad won't work so hard.

"How could it be Xiaorou's fault? Xiaorou didn't want to get sick. It was because Dad didn't take good care of Xiaorou..." Ji Hongwei stood up and patted Ji Xiaorou on the shoulder lightly.

The child is sensitive, he can't let...

Ji Xiaorou interrupted Ji Hongwei's train of thought, raised her eyes, and said firmly to Ji Hongwei: "Father, I'm dying, I..."

(End of this chapter)

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