Reasoning Notes

Chapter 510 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears

Chapter 510 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears (52)
Mikaka was very surprised: "The lair? How did you find it?"

Can you find the lair of the strange thief?

Wang Zegang pushed his glasses: "This is Mr. Bai's scheme. He installed a tracker on the Mermaid Tears Necklace in advance. Therefore, once the Shadow Stranger steals it, we can track it immediately."

Unexpectedly, Bai Chun would have another move, and Mi Kaka was so impressed.

So the Shadow Man is in the house now?
Mikaka couldn't help feeling a little worried.But Chi Guohui told him that there is no one in the room now.They watched for a whole day without seeing anyone appear.

"Maybe the Shadow Stranger has already found us, so it won't come back?" Chi Guohui said, and Fan Kun also turned to look at Lin Shan, as if consulting: "Master Lin, do you think we should go in?" Check out the situation?"

Lin Shan thought for a while, and he felt that the shadow geek might have sensed that his hiding place had been leaked, so he should act immediately. "Let's go in. Maybe we can find something in there."

They ran up to the second floor and were about to break in.Qi Mu suddenly stopped: "Be careful there are traps."

So, they first observed from the outside.The windows of this house are closed, and it looks very dilapidated on the surface, but neither the windows nor the door can be opened easily.It took them a lot of effort to open the door, and as soon as they opened the door, a silver light flew out from inside.

"I'll go!" Fan Kun, who was walking in the front, reacted very quickly, and avoided it all at once, but it was hard for Mi Kaka, who was walking behind him, how could he have such agility.Seeing the silver needle flying towards him, Mi Kaka was a little frightened and stood still.

Fortunately, Qi Mu reacted very quickly, "Go away! Idiot." As he said, he kicked Mi Kaka away, avoiding the attack of the silver needle.I just feel sorry for Mi Kaka, who was almost kicked off the second floor. If it wasn't for Wang Zegang's sharp eyesight and quick hands to grab him, there would probably be another disabled person in China.

"Your sister! Brother Qi Mu! Can you be gentle when you save people!" Mi Kaka leaned on the railing, breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Don't you think you have to thank me?"

Qi Mu pointed to a potted flower placed on the balcony in the corridor.The needle was shot right in the middle of the flower, but unexpectedly, the flower was poisoned and turned black at an extremely fast speed, as if it was scorched, and the rotting poison flowed down, it was very oozing.

"Wow..." Mi Kaka was so frightened that her legs went limp.This silver needle is too poisonous.

"Damn it, is there someone in the room?" Fan Kun nervously poked inside.

Looking inside, it was calm.

Lin Shan said: "There should be no one in this room. This silver needle is probably a trap."

They entered cautiously.Turn on the light, and the scene inside the house is clear at a glance.The room is very ordinary, and the furniture is very worn out, but it can be seen that no one is there.Lin Shan walked to the wall and took down a small mechanism installed on the wall.This mechanism is connected to a fishing line on the door. As long as someone opens the door, this mechanism will be triggered.It seems that Shadow Stranger has worked hard to prevent theft.

However, in this room, it looks ordinary.However, Qi Mu soon discovered something strange.

Behind a wardrobe, there is also a back room hidden.

After pushing away the closet, you have to open the door of the back room.They entered the back room and found that there were many rare treasures in the room.Under the light, those treasures are shining brightly.

Qi Mu took a closer look, and there were calligraphy and paintings collected in the National Museum inside. The cultural relics were placed randomly, jade wares and porcelain vases were poured on the ground, and the once world-famous diamonds were even more eye-catching, filling this small room to the brim. , The resplendent and resplendent appearance makes people have an intuitive impression.

"Wow!" Seeing the gold, silver and jewelry in the room, Mi Kaka's eyes sparkled.Although he doesn't like money, any ordinary person will be amazed when he sees the mountains of gold, silver and jewels.

Lin Shan picked up a bronze ware, he recognized it, this is called the Bronze Taotie Pattern with Clan Emblem Sanyang Zun, it was a cultural relic stolen in Japan a year ago.

There is also a lotus painting by Zhang Daqian, which was also stolen in the United States a year ago.

The culprits in these two thefts were all shadow monsters, because it left a notice at that time.

In this way, this is really the lair of shadow monsters, otherwise how could there be so many stolen treasures here.

"Ah! I found it!" Chi Guohui yelled, she found Mermaid Tears from a cabinet.

Then a tiny tracker the size of rice was removed from the necklace.

Lin Shan said: "We reported to the police and let them deal with the stolen goods."

Just as he was talking, a figure suddenly flashed by the door.Qi Mu reacted very quickly, "There are people outside!"

Could it be the Shadow Stranger?There was the sound of hurried footsteps running down the stairs outside the house.

He rushed out first, and saw a figure running to the first floor.This person was very suspicious, Qi Mu jumped directly from the balcony to the ground, and ran quickly.Although the shadow monster was very fast, he was still slightly inferior to Qi Mu. He took three steps and two steps, and after chasing about 50 meters, he caught up with the figure.As soon as he grabbed his hand, he grabbed it by the shoulder.In the end, this strange thief was not a vegetarian either, he took advantage of the opportunity to turn around, unloaded his tricks, and then turned around and kicked.At that moment, Qi Mu came face to face with it, and Qi Mu was taken aback by its face: "It turned out to be you?"

It was this stupefaction that gave the other party an opportunity.It quickly took out a anti-wolf sprayer and sprayed Qi Mu.

hell.Seeing the situation, Qi Mu dodged a few steps, and when he looked up again, he took the opportunity to get into a taxi and fled.

At this time, other people rushed over.Looking at the empty street, Mi Kaka was amazed: "I didn't expect someone to be able to escape under Qi Mu's hands."

Lin Shan was also surprised by this.

But what was even more strange was Qi Mu's performance. He was silent and silent, as if he had fallen into deep thought.

Unexpectedly, the Shadow Stranger turned out to be it!Qi Mu thought in his heart.

Later, the police arrived at the scene, sealed off the house, and loaded all the stolen treasures into the car. As for the mermaid tear, it will be returned to Bai Chun.

But the police did not get any information about the shadow monster who had fought with Qi Mu.

Because Qi Mu kept silent and refused to reveal any information.It stands to reason that he had fought that shadow monster face to face at that time, so he should have seen its true colors.

But why would he hide it.

Even Mikaka couldn't figure this out.

Almost as soon as they found the lair of the shadow monsters, the Shanghai police also quickly caught the gang of shadow monsters who attacked the disease center in one fell swoop.According to their account, they are all registered users of the Shadow Stranger Forum, and they gathered together in response to the earl's call.These few people didn't know each other at all. They were led by a leader to attack the disease center.As for the purpose and intent of this operation, they knew nothing.And that leader disappeared without a trace after the operation ended that night.

According to this group of people, they were also bewitched. Like Ding Yunkang before, they committed such stupid and blind crimes entirely out of the mentality of worshiping shadow monsters.This confirms Qi Mu's deduction that the earl is deliberately attracting some curious netizens and encouraging them to imitate the Shadow Stranger, so as to cover its real actions.

During the attack on Area F, the lost No. 3 virus bottle was in Ji Hongwei's hands.And now, where is he hiding?
It turned out that after Ji Hongwei stole the virus bottle that night, he did not take the virus bottle to the appointed place and hand it over to the person it sent as agreed with the earl, but ran to the hospital immediately, preparing to take his daughter Ji Xiaorou away .

"Mr. Ji, what are you..." Tian Yena was taking care of Ji Xiaorou in the ward, and she couldn't help asking when she saw Mr. Ji rushing over in the middle of the night.

"Xiaotian, pack up quickly and come with us."

"Ah?" Tian Yena was surprised and asked, "Mr. Ji, what happened?"

Ji Hongwei didn't have time to explain: "Don't ask so many questions." Then, he ran to the hospital bed and shook Ji Xiaorou awake vigorously.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Ji Xiaorou asked in a drowsy sleep.

"Daddy will take you out of here."

Ji Hongwei asked his daughter to get dressed, and quietly walked out of the hospital with her and Tian Yena.The reason why he broke the agreement with the earl was because he felt that if he handed over the virus bottle to the earl, this guy would definitely use it to do bad things.Therefore, Ji Hongwei wanted to take his daughter and escape far away from the earl's threat.He can't hurt anyone, and he doesn't want to hurt anyone.

"Father, where are we going?" Ji Xiaorou asked, holding his father's hand.She had just recovered from a serious illness, her face was pale and her body was weak.Three people are walking towards the door of the hospital.

"Let's go to my aunt's house." The aunt's house was just an excuse, Ji Hongwei thought about how far he could go, as long as he stayed away from this right and wrong place for a while.

Ji Hongwei took her hand, walked out of the hospital, and got into a car parked on the side of the road.

He was about to start, when Ji Xiaorou who was sitting in the back seat suddenly called out: "Dad."

"What's wrong?" Ji Hongwei looked back and was stunned.His eyes widened.It turned out that Tian Yena was pressing the knife against Xiaorou's neck.A cold smile that had never been seen before appeared on Tian Yena's lips: "You are really bad. The Earl will be angry."

Hearing this, Ji Hongwei was very astonished, and even doubted his hearing.He stammered, " are..."

The arc of Tian Yena's smirk became even more curved: "Mr. Ji, you can't think of it. You'd better be obedient, otherwise, I won't promise not to hurt Xiao Rou. Although I like this little girl very much."

As she said that, the knife in her hand moved slightly again, cutting the flesh on Ji Xiaorou's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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