Reasoning Notes

Chapter 75 Reasoning Notes 2: The Murder of the Fox Demon

Chapter 75 Reasoning Notes 2: The Murder of the Fox Demon (34)
She pointed her finger at a certain point in the crowd: "The murderer is that girl—Good morning Xia!"

Not Cheng Meini!
It's Good Morning Summer!
The person who was more surprised than the stunned high school girl was Lao Zhang.

Obviously the set lines are not like this.Damn, this girl dared to lie to me!Old Zhang clenched his fists.He would never be willing to be used in vain like this.Just show up and expose the tricks of the fox demon to everyone!With the thought of dying together, he was about to move when he heard a rustling sound from behind, and another person also got under the house.

"Who is it?" Lao Zhang asked warily.The man came quickly, and the faint light vaguely illuminated the familiar face.

Lao Zhang relaxed his tense nerves, it was his accomplice who came.

"How do you know I'm here?" he asked.

The accomplice replied: "I guess. Seeing you disappear under the black cloth, I thought you were hiding under the floor."

"You guessed it right." Old Zhang said, "This time I conspired with the fox demon to get rid of Cheng Meini. However, the fox demon lied to me. Bastard, she is not a fox demon at all, but a mortal."

"I know this!"

"You know?" Lao Zhang was a little surprised, "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

" can I say that?" The accomplice sighed and secretly put his hand into his bosom, and his fingers quickly touched a piece of cold and sharp metal.A crooked smile has been faintly activated at the corner of his mouth.He said slowly, "Because... I am the murderer!"


The questioning tone instantly turned into a dull scream.The accomplice tightly covered Lao Zhang's mouth, and stabbed him into his body one after another.His eyes were wide open, his body convulsed violently because of the great pain of dying, the gurgling blood took away his fresh life, his pupils gradually dilated, and his eyes opened wide.

He didn't want to die in peace, he just wanted to know why his accomplice did this.The accomplice seemed to see through his mind, lowered his head and whispered something in his ear, and then cut off his ear neatly.

It turned out to be so!
Lao Zhang opened his eyes wide with the last bit of strength, then tilted his head and died.

It's not over yet.

The accomplices quickly pulled Lao Zhang's body out from under the house.He heard that the wronged high school girl in the mansion ran all over the house in fright, avoiding the pursuit of the villagers.The accomplice looked back at the chaotic mansion, carried Lao Zhang's body on his back, and quickly got into the dark night.

On the other hand, the villagers carried Xia Zaoan, who was tied up with five flowers, and marched towards the mountains in a mighty way.

"Hey! You will have serious consequences for doing this!" Uncle Meng Jin and Doctor Ma ran to the front of the team trying to persuade the crazy villagers.

But that didn't work at all, and they were rudely pushed away by the villagers.Knowing that by doing so, many people will be imprisoned, but the villagers seem to have lost their minds and walked towards the mountains recklessly.According to the instructions of the fox demon, they were going to throw Xia Zao'an into an abandoned house in the mountains and burn her to death.

In the night, a fire dragon was slowly crawling towards the place of death.Suddenly, a loud noise shook the whole field, and the fire dragon stopped.People's eyes focused on the same point, only to see Uncle Meng Jin holding a police gun and pointing at the night sky.

"Release them quickly, or I will arrest you!" His voice was stern and majestic.

People stared at the smoking police gun in his hand, still in the shock of the gunshot just now.Everyone looked at each other and exchanged opinions. Some people seemed to give up their original ideas.At this time, the voice of the fox demon came from behind the team like a cold wind.

"If you dare to disobey my will, I will no longer bless this village." The high school girl in white robe stared at the team coldly.

The fear factor in their hearts revived again, and the villagers gasped.Compared with Uncle Meng Jin's police gun, Lord Fox Demon's mana is obviously more terrifying.So the team continued on its way.This time, it really couldn't be stopped.

Xia Zaoan will be burned to death!

One dead, two dead, even Edison will die!
When the time comes, who will unravel this series of murders?

"Doctor Ma! Uncle Meng Jin! Please save Xia Zaoan!" I was so anxious that I was about to cry.

But Doctor Ma and Uncle Meng Jin shook their heads in great pain.

"No, we can't do anything, these villagers are crazy, crazy!"

"No, no, there must be other ways!"

I racked my brains, thinking hard about countermeasures.In vain I was called a genius in school, but now I can't think of a solution.

God, what am I supposed to do?

God's response to me was a quick sizzle.People threw torches into the abandoned house one after another, and the flames spread rapidly, and the abandoned house soon caught fire. The horrific high temperature and heat wave hit their faces, and the skin was a little bit painful.

There were no screams, Xia Zao'an, who was tied up by five flowers, might not be able to scream even if she was burned to ashes.

Everyone in the villagers standing around the fire scene looked serious.Treating a girl so cruelly, they are not suffering from the torment of conscience!

The fire was like a monster gradually stretching its body, half of the sky was illuminated.The clouds below the moon are like burning pages.The sleeping birds were frightened and fled to the sky above the mountains and forests.

"My God!" I couldn't believe this fact, and fell to my knees.

Xia Zaoan was burned to death, how could this happen?

My heart was suddenly torn apart by severe pain, and I saw that this late summer night had been broken in the firelight, and streaks bloomed one by one.The surroundings were suddenly terribly silent, only the sound of the burning fire, like the syllables of countless eulogies, whirled in the air.

The fire burned all night.

When it was slightly bright the next day, people found a scorched corpse with its ears cut off from the ashes, and the remnants of a burnt paper on the corpse—probably a black invitation letter.

Xia Zaoan died.This cruel fact defeated us.

When I watched my friends around me die in such a tragic way, my mood fell to the bottom.I couldn't eat for a whole day.Uncle Meng Jin came to comfort me, but he was obviously not much better, the beard on his chin was a little white.He sat on my bedside and sighed, and we both hung our heads like this until the evening. Uncle Meng Jin suggested that it is better to pay homage to Xia Zao'an, and burn some ingots and incense candles to comfort the dead.

So we came to the entrance of the village.

At night, the surroundings are quiet.We lit a pot of fire, and while chanting "Good morning Xia, rest in peace" and "I burned a lot of Ming coins for you, by then you will be rich if you are down here", while throwing a fire into the brazier. Stacks of ghost coins.A gust of wind blows occasionally, rolling up a small group of faint flames, floating into the night sky, as beautiful as fireflies flying in summer.

I was very sad, and the long string of tears quickly cooled in the wind: "Good morning Xia... If you can live, I am willing to do everything. Really..."

But that's impossible, isn't it?

Uncle Meng Jin sadly put a hand on my shoulder.His throat was dry, and the crying came out hoarsely.

At this moment, a voice suddenly responded to what I just said: "Really? If I were still alive, would you do everything?"

"Yeah." I nodded reflexively, but my neck stiffened immediately, and my rapid heartbeat was as loud as a drum.

If I'm not mistaken, this voice is Xia Zaoan's...

I glanced at Uncle Meng Jin out of the corner of my eye.He was as frozen in place as I was.We two men squatted on the ground, looking funny and ridiculous.

That voice crawled up our backs with a faint resentment: "Woooo...I died so badly...Mikaka, Uncle Meng Jin, I have no money, and the ghosts will not let me cross the Naihe Bridge..."

That's right, this is Xia Zao's voice!
"Ghost...Ghost!" The saliva gurgled down his throat, perhaps with a bit of snot in his nose.My legs were so frightened that I almost knelt on the ground, "Good morning't I burn money for you?"

"That won't work... It turns out that the bottom is also using real money... Take out all the money you have..."


Does the underworld also use RMB?However, this trivial doubt can't stop the surging fear at all.

We didn't dare to disobey, and obediently took out all the money we had.I only have 100 yuan in my wallet, and Uncle Meng Jin has three or four hundred more than me.We put our wallets on the ground, only to see a hand slowly stretched out from behind us.The hand was not in a hurry to take away the wallet on the ground, but was swimming around my cheek mischievously, just playing with me.

Huh... Hurry up and take the money and leave!
Finally, that hand picked up the wallet on the ground.I breathed a sigh of relief, and the other half was broken in my throat, because the voice suddenly approached my ear, and said eeriely: "Mikaka... you are so kind... I will come back to see you often ..."

Don't!I'm going to faint.

Unexpectedly, someone came over from a distance and shouted: "Hey! Good morning Xia, what are you doing? Didn't you tell you to hide, it would be a disaster if the villagers found you."

What followed was Xia Zao'an's mischievous answer: "Oh! Brother Mu Xiao, don't spoil the fun! You are having a good time!"

Uncle Meng Jin and I immediately looked at each other and jumped up.

"Good morning Xia, are you alive?"

what happened?

If not dead, whose body was on the scene of the fire?
Let time go back to last night.

There was fire everywhere, and the temperature in the air soared crazily, as if the body was in the lava of a volcano, gradually melting.Xia Zaoan was terrified.She opened her eyes wide and terrified, watching the coming of death.The black wings of the god of death seemed to cover her, and she closed her eyes in despair.

Suddenly, someone patted her.

Is it hallucination?How could anyone else be in this burning room?

(End of this chapter)

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