Reasoning Notes

Chapter 8 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 8 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (8)
I muttered to myself, and immediately took out my notepad to record the reporter's appearance. His expressionless eyes made me feel like I was sitting on pins and needles.After finishing writing, I closed the notepad, but unexpectedly the piece of paper in the notepad slipped down and fell at Xia Zaoan's feet.

"What is this stuff? It's a mess."

She picked up the paper, looked at it, and gave it back to me.Then, she walked over and took out another manga from her backpack and read it with relish.

"You're not nervous at all." I teased.

"What are you nervous about?" She looked at me with stupid eyes.

"Have you forgotten what we are doing now?"

"Oh! I'm waiting to be tied up..." She didn't hesitate, and the volume was so loud that even the seat next door could hear it.I quickly stopped her from talking.Needless to say, the reporter looked over again at this time.

Does this crazy girl want everyone to know about the kidnapping?I secretly gritted my teeth with hatred.

Fortunately, Xia Zao'an still had a little wisdom left, so he didn't continue to say the word "kidnapper", and his voice was lowered.

"Of course I remember this incident. But it's useless to wait anyway, why not read a few comics to pass the time."

"You are so leisurely..." I said half enviously half sarcastically.

It's been more than four and ten minutes in the cafe.The clock on the wall reads eleven fifty.

Section [-] The woman sitting next to me

Across the street from the cafe, there is an S bank.It was busy time and the bank was packed with people.People in line complained about the long wait.At eleven forty, a woman hurried out of the bank.

Although the woman was wearing a headscarf and brown sunglasses, she had a secretive look, but she couldn't hide her charming temperament at all.She has an enviable oval face, with a charming dimple on each plump cheek.A head of black and smooth long hair shawls, only slightly curled at the tip of the hair.

As she walked, she watched the people passing by vigilantly, for fear of being recognized.She appeared anxious, clutching a black briefcase to her chest.If the media finds out about this matter, and if they get to the bottom of it, the secret she has kept so hard will be exposed.At that time, what will the public think of the big star Zhong Xintong?She dare not imagine.

Zhong Xintong walked down the steps quickly.According to the man's instructions, she was going to the cafe opposite.

She crossed the road and walked into the "black tea house".

The waitress showed her to the seat with the "reserved" sign.This is the seat she ordered her assistant to reserve yesterday.After sitting down, she ordered a cup of coffee, put the briefcase she had been holding tightly in her arms on the shelf, and then tightened her head scarf vigilantly.

There are more customers today than ever, and she can't make them recognize.After the waitress brought the coffee, she immediately lowered her head and took out the makeup mirror, pretending to touch up her makeup, but actually using the mirror to observe the situation behind her.

In the seat behind her were three high school students.

This is different from what that person said, there should only be one high school student...

Unable to control that much, she moved the mirror slightly, and from the reflection of the mirror, she saw a black briefcase of the same style as the one she had brought on the second layer of the shelf.

That's the one!It has what she wants in it!The question is, how to switch over?Zhong Xintong thought about this problem.She still can't understand why that person let high school students come to trade?

He should have no other accomplices and be alone.The high school kids, presumably for some pocket money or something, agreed to do it for the guy.In this way, she would not know the identity of that person.That's what the devil is worried about.

The person who asked her to trade was the strange guy who called himself a "ghost" who appeared a few days ago.

Zhong Xintong picked up the coffee and took a sip, her eyes turned away, and she suddenly froze.I saw a man on the seat by the window staring at her for some reason.There was a strange light in the man's eyes, as if he could see through the secrets in her heart.

The eyes of the two intertwined for a while, and Zhong Xintong quickly avoided it.

That man, isn't it...

Suddenly, there was an exclamation of excitement in the shop, which startled Zhong Xintong.I saw someone pointing out the window and yelling happily. It turned out that a clown juggling appeared on the street outside the store.

"Wow, clown!"

Zhong Xintong noticed that one of the three high school students stood up yelling and looked out the window excitedly.

The clown is no different from the clowns we usually see, with exaggerated makeup on his face, a big red mouth, a yellow star painted on the right eye, wearing a clown suit, and a pajamas hat .He tossed apples with both hands, from three to a dozen, with admirable juggling skill.

This got the attention of everyone in the store, now is the chance!
No one in the store paid attention to her, and everyone's eyes fell on the clown in the street.His antics made the customers in the shop burst into laughter. Many people stood up to watch, and even the manager and the male waiter ran outside the door to admire.

Zhong Xintong deliberately pretended to be picking things up and bent down.

More and more passers-by gathered around the clown, and the hard-working performance of the clown won rounds of applause from the onlookers from time to time.However, out of nowhere, a scream suddenly sounded: "Fire! There is fire in the café!"

The clown stopped performing dumbfounded, and people turned their gazes back immediately.There was a strange fire shining at the back door of the cafe, and in just a few seconds, the smelly smoke filled the entire cafe.

"Fire! Fire!"

After discovering this situation, there was an uproar in the cafe.The panicked people pushed each other and fled desperately towards the door.Screams and smoky coughs filled the scene one after another.

A woman wearing a headscarf, who was caught in the crowd, ran to the side of the road and got into a car that came to meet her.The car then drove away from the scene.

Cafe managers and waiters waited in the street in shock.Far away from them, three middle school students were walking briskly down the street holding a black briefcase.

We didn't notice that the man sitting by the window kept following us.

After about 200 meters, we turned into a dead end street.

Before the cafe fire, we got another call from the kidnappers.He told us to come here and said that someone would come to meet us naturally.However, there is no one here, except for some sundries, there is nothing special.The three of us stood there, staring wide-eyed, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in the kidnapper's gourd.

After a while, a tall figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley.

Taking a closer look, it was the strange man we met in the cafe.

"Kids, are you waiting for someone?" There was a cold smile on the corner of the man's mouth, and his thin face was quite uncomfortable to look at.

He was smoking a cigarette, puffing, and carrying a satchel by his side, in which probably all the documents and tape recorders used for writing in the cafe just now were put in it.At this time, I saw the words of a certain magazine printed on the satchel.I know that magazine. It is a gossip magazine that specializes in digging celebrities' privacy and scandals to earn sales.

"what are you talking about?"

"Give me the briefcase." The man looked at me sharply and stretched out his hand.

"Why should I leave it to you?" I hugged the briefcase tightly, stepped back together with Qiao Qi and Xia Zaoan, and retreated to the wall.

"Because I'm the one you're waiting for." The gloomy-faced man continued to press forward with aggressive eyes.

"Why should we trust you?"

"Then the person you were waiting for appeared?"

He was right, he was the only one present.Is he really a connector?However, it was too rampant for him to appear in his true colors.

I didn't know what to do, so I had to wait for the time to pass.If the connector is a counterfeit, then the real connector will show up and expose him.The man seemed to guess what I was thinking. He put on a new cigarette without haste, leaned against the wall and smoked it leisurely, looking over with complacent eyes from time to time, as if to say, no matter how long you wait, you won’t There will be others.

I was surprised by how calm he was.

About 10 minutes passed.The three of us couldn't hold back anymore, Xia Zaoan impatiently poked my arm, and whispered: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and give it to him!"

The man also spoke again, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone softened: "Give me the briefcase, I won't make things difficult for you."

"Then, after I give you the briefcase, you won't mess around?"

Will he let Qiu Ziming go?
The man was slightly surprised by my words, but quickly said: "Of course, I can guarantee this."

"You must not mess around! Otherwise, we will call the police!"

"Got it." The man replied impatiently.

As soon as I handed over the briefcase, he couldn't wait to unzip the briefcase.

"Huh?" He made a soft surprised sound, and then his eyes widened with an unusual brilliance.I clearly heard him swallow a mouthful of saliva in his throat.

Isn't it just some files?What is there to be so surprised about?
The man also realized his gaffe, and his expression recovered immediately.But his lips still trembled a little, the excitement in his heart was hard to be completely suppressed in an instant.He closed the briefcase so the three of us couldn't see what was inside.

"That's it, I'll go first." He turned around and left.The three of us left looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do.What can we do but wait?
Take a taxi back to the downstairs where I live.The man hurried into the building's elevator and pressed the button for the eighth floor, only then did he realize that his feet were shaking uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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