Reasoning Notes

Chapter 93 Reasoning Notes 3: Death Note Reappearance

Chapter 93 Reasoning Notes 3: Death Note Reappearance (4)
The young man sat cross-legged in the iron cage of the cell, flipping through a somewhat torn newspaper in boredom.Although he is an extremely serious offender, his basic entertainment requirements can still be met, but the magazines and newspapers he reads must be strictly screened by the prison authorities, and any sensitive news reports on them will be cut out before they can be sent in.He browsed through the dull social trivia in the newspapers, some of which had been cut out, leaving only square holes.He was looking for the information he needed in such tattered newspapers.Suddenly, his gaze stayed on a news report - "Recently, a bizarre death occurred in Xiangyun High School in this city. The deceased held a mysterious piece of paper in their hands. It is rumored that they imitated the killing method of "Death Note"... ..."

Too strange!The boy said in his heart.The reason why it is strange is not the content of the report, but the fact that this report can still exist in the newspaper shown to him, which seems very strange.It is impossible for the prison authorities to let him see such sensitive news. Why wasn't it cut off?Was it the prison's negligence?If so, this would be the first mistake ever made by the prison authorities.The young man admired the management of this prison to the extreme. Several times, his escape strategy was seen through by the other party in advance, so that he no longer had the motivation to think about how to escape from prison, but chose to stay in peace. it's here.

So, how could such a pervertedly excellent prison officer make such a low-level mistake and let him see the news about the notes?This is far from normal!
The boy immediately turned over the newspaper, and as expected, a poker card fell out of it.He picked it up and watched it carefully.The playing cards are very weird. The four corners are obviously Ace of Heikui, but the character on the card is an image of death.The boy raised his eyebrows slightly, and then smiled.

"So it's you! Hei Kui A, you fake Death God!"

He whispered the name, syllable after syllable.Suddenly his blood boiled in his body and ran all over his body.Then, his eyes suddenly became sharp, revealing a cruel beast-like expression.

"Heikui A, I will definitely take back this code name!" the boy said through gritted teeth.

On the street in the dead of night, a figure walked quietly under the street lamp, wearing a black hat and a black windbreaker, and the most eye-catching thing was the black notebook in his hand. DEATH NOTE——These English words glowed chillingly in the dim light.

He is Hei Kui A, who calls himself Death Ryuk.

He just walked slowly like this, silent like a part of the night, reminiscent of the lonely vampire in the movie, with nowhere to go and no way to know where he came from.His sole purpose in this world is to create evil, and also to destroy evil, to cover old evil with new evil.He pursues the perfect crime, so he needs an opponent.

It is a very lonely thing to have no opponent!Death Ryuk thought so.When he reached the next streetlight, he slowly pulled out a round metal badge and played with it between his fingers.Tomorrow, his opponent will be able to receive this gift.

When passing Times Square, a preview of the fireworks show about the fireworks conference is being played on the half-empty LCD screen.

The TV said that tomorrow's fireworks display will be the biggest ever, and it is estimated that 20 people will watch it on both sides of Maple Leaf Harbor.Great, so 20 people will witness the show I have prepared for them.Death Ryuk smiled coldly.

The badge in his hand flashed a letter in the dim light of the street lamp - L.

Since in the comics, Death Note has a detective named L as the biggest opponent, then there must be L in his game, and this incident is considered complete.Tomorrow morning, that girl will receive this honor.

And this girl was poking something into the drain cover with a branch by the school's stinky gutter early in the morning.It was school time, and crowds of students kept pouring in at the school gate, and many of them took a curious look at this cutie lying on the side of the ditch regardless of her appearance.

Probably something important fell into it.There are quite a few people with this kind of thought, and Mikaka also thought the same way when she entered the school gate.

He pulled his schoolbag and walked up to Meimei: "Hey, good morning Xia, what are you doing?"

Xia Zao'an raised her head, seeing that it was Mi Kaka, she immediately changed into a pitiful expression: "Kaka sauce, the good guy who ranks number one in the invincible universe..."

A cold sweat slid across Mikaka's face: "What, what's wrong?"

"My stuff fell into the ditch, and I can't get it up, please help me!"

The other party was so pitiful that he was about to cry, and Mi Kaka couldn't stand the beauty making such an expression on him.He thought that the thing Xia Zaoan dropped must be very important, forget it, just help out, it's fun to help others.

He took the branch in Xia Zao'an's hand, and put his face close to the foul-smelling ditch.Looking in through the ditch cover, there is a lot of garbage in the ditch, leaves, garbage bags, waste paper...

"What fell in?" Mikaka asked while covering her nose, and poked it with a branch.It must be something important, he thought again.Otherwise, how could Xia Zaoan endure the stench?
Xia Zao'an said quietly behind her: "It's a one-dollar coin left over from my breakfast! It just fell into it, my one-dollar coin!"

"Go to hell! It's only a dollar!"

How could he have forgotten the money worshiping nature of this guy!

Mikaka stood up, thrust the branch back into Xia Zaoan's hand, and then walked away without looking back.Unsurprisingly, Xia Zao'an's heartbroken voice of accusation came from behind: "Kaka, you ruthless guy! You are despicable and shameless! Peeping at women taking a bath! Snatching candy from children! You will be punished by God if you despise a dollar!"

After hearing this, others would mistake him for such a "heinous" villain, so Mi Kaka walked even faster.Halfway through, he suddenly stopped and looked to both sides.Strange, as if being watched by someone.This feeling of uneasiness has existed since the past few days. Whether it is going to school or returning home, Mi Kaka can feel a malicious gaze projected from nowhere.Who on earth is it?Am I being targeted by someone?
Thinking about it carefully, I didn't have any grudges with others, and my popularity on campus is surprisingly good.Mikaka felt that he was suspicious, so he continued to walk towards the teaching building.

The recent death incident in the school has almost become the topic of all the students' recess topics.After class, as soon as the teacher walked out of the classroom, the girls in the front row immediately started talking about this topic.

"Do you know? The group of people at the head of Sister An in the next class said that the paper they were holding in their hands when they died was torn from the Death Note."

"Who would believe it, do you think we live in comics?"

"Why did you lie to you! My sister knows the reporter of the newspaper and got a lot of inside information. It must have been done by the Death Note. Think about it, isn't the name of the deceased written on those papers?"

Mi Kaka, who was buried in copying the class notes, looked up at them, and twitched the corners of her mouth in amusing, how could there really be a Death Note in the world!

However, the deaths of the three girls were indeed very strange. There was no trace of murder at the scene, so it could only be considered suicide or accident.But why is everyone clutching the same paper?Is there any meaning in it?

Mi Kaka stopped writing and bit the tip of the pen, her thoughts stuck in this series of weird cases.

"Student Mikaka..." A soft voice floated over his head.

When Mi Kaka came back to her senses, she found a beautiful girl standing beside her, hesitating to speak, and picking at the corner of her clothes with her fingers uneasily.

"It's classmate Tang Xuejiao. Is there any question I don't understand today?" Mi Kaka was ready to solve the problem for others.In the past few days, Tang Xuejiao suddenly asked him to answer questions frequently, but this time he saw that Tang Xuejiao was empty-handed, and it seemed that she was not stumped by some question, "Is there anything else?"

"This..." Tang Xuejiao opened her mouth slightly, but swallowed back what she wanted to say.She drooped her long eyelashes, and a look of uneasiness flashed across her fair cheeks.

"Let's go out and talk." Mikaka said wittily, and got up immediately.

Tang Xuejiao obviously breathed a sigh of relief, and followed Mi Kaka out of the door.At that moment, some nerve in Mikaka's body suddenly received a malicious signal, and he felt a slight chill down his back.

From a hidden direction, a pair of eyes stared at them coldly, and a figure quietly followed them.

Mi Kaka turned around and asked, "Tang Xuejiao, what's the matter?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Tang Xuejiao was relieved, the defense line on her face seemed to have collapsed, nervousness and fear of the tide covered her somewhat pale face. "Mikaka, I...I..." Her voice was crying, and her eyes showed uncontrollable terror.

Seeing this situation, Mi Kaka was also terrified: "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Tang Xuejiao covered her face with her hands, sobbing in a low voice, the cry of despair escaped from between her fingers: "I will die... I will be the next one to die..."

The classroom between classes was extremely noisy, Xia Zaoan lay down on the table dejectedly, staring out the window in a daze.The one dollar she lost this morning could not be retrieved no matter what, which made her still depressed until now.

Money, money, money, this is always the first in her life.

Xia Zao straightened up abruptly, stood at the window and looked down.Under a tree not far from the gymnasium, Mikaka was actually hugging a girl's shoulders!

How bold!Xia Zao'an shouted in her heart, unexpectedly, Mi Kaka, who is normally pious, can also pick up girls!

(End of this chapter)

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