Pirate's reading will become stronger

Chapter 11 Pale Face, Bad Stomach

Chapter 11 Pale Face, Bad Stomach
Little Robin pushed Chen Mo on the road, feeling a little inexplicably touched.

The last time I pushed Chen Mo through this road, one was in a coma and the other was in a panic.

But this time, it was sunny and picturesque.

"By the way, Xiaomo, your skin is really fair!"

Little Robin squinted at Chen Mo's side face, he was used to seeing it when he was indoors and didn't think much of it.

Once outside, under the bright light, I immediately felt that Chen Mo's skin was like creamy skin, white, tender, and flawless.

Look at yourself again, especially against Chen Mo's complexion, it looks dark.

Even if he wanted to say that he was bronze, he didn't have the courage, Little Robin suddenly felt quite uncomfortable, and said with a rather sour taste.

"Is there?" Chen Mo, who was looking at the flowers and grass around him curiously, asked casually after hearing the words.

Chen Mo smoothly raised his arm to rest on Little Robin's arm, and a strong sense of "black and white" contrast came out immediately.

"I..." Little Robin said with a twisted smile, hehe. "I... I'm not angry!"

"Sigh~ Sister Robin, you are not angry, but I think it is too annoying."

Chen Mo compared it carefully, and his mood seemed to be much lower. "The book says that a boy with fair skin will have a bad stomach in the future."

"My legs are no longer good. If my stomach is not good, what should I do?"

"No wonder I have been feeling hungry all the time. Could it be because there is something wrong with my stomach?"

"Sure enough, alas, my body is really weak, not to mention my disabled legs, I feel dizzy every time I move, and now I even have stomach problems."


Listening to Chen Mo's non-stop chatter, little Robin felt his anger soaring rapidly.

"I'm not angry." Little Robin read leisurely with a faint smile on his face.

"Sister Robin, would you say that my skin can be as dark as yours?" Chen Mo said to himself.

"Are you calling me black?" Little Robin narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Yes, Miss Robin's skin is so dark and shiny, and it feels very delicate when touched."

Chen Mo turned his head to look into Little Robin's eyes, touched the back of Little Robin's hand with his hand, and said enviously. "It's not like me. My skin is so white that I don't have the slightest color of blood. It makes people feel very weak at first glance. If my skin is dark, maybe people will think I am very strong."

"..." At this moment, little Robin didn't know whether to be angry or laugh. Maybe it was because he had developed some immunity to Chen Mo's unexpected words in the past half a year. After a long time, he smiled lightly and stopped thinking about it.

"After all, it's right to respect the old, love the young, and be courteous to the disabled!" Little Robin reached out and touched the top of Chen Mo's head, as if he was stroking some pet.

"Huh?" Chen Mo felt the little hand on the top of his head, and looked back again in a slightly strange way.

Seeing her sister Robin's reserved and kind smile, she stopped thinking and asked instead. "Sister Robin, can you take me out for a walk more in the future?"

"Why? Didn't Xiao Mo always like to sit in his room and read books?" Little Robin asked strangely.

"Because I want to get a little tan, it will make me look more aggressive, and others will not dare to bully me." Chen Mo clenched his fist and said.

Little Robin's face darkened, he gave Chen Mo a sideways look, and said in his heart. "I suspect that you little bastard called me fierce, but I don't seem to have any evidence, otherwise, I will kill you!"

"In this case, that villain named Xika won't dare to bully Sister Robin." Chen Mo said.

Little Robin froze and stood there in a daze.


Chen Mo felt the wheelchair stop suddenly, and looked back at little Robin strangely.

At this moment, little Robin's usual calm expression could no longer hold back, as if revealing some secret in front of some precious person, he asked in a bumpy voice. "Who told you these things?"

For more than half a year, little Robin never told Chen Mo about the bullying he had suffered on this island.

It's not only because she doesn't want to show her hurt side in front of her friends, but also because she doesn't want Chen Mo to know that her so-called Sister Robin is like garbage in front of other people, which is just annoying.

"Sister Robin!" Chen Mo pushed the hand wheel of the wheelchair with both hands, turned himself to face little Robin, and said seriously. "Then I don't know why, the voice that appeared when you were carrying me behind my back appeared in my mind, and I also knew that person named Xika!"

"I've always wanted to tell you."

"Thank you for saving me who was buried in the garbage dump full of dirt and filth, thank you for doing your best to protect me, and thank you for caring and accompanying me for more than half a year."

"I am a brain cancer patient who is despised by others. I lost my legs, my memory, and my past. It was your beautiful eyes that guided me back to the world from the stench of the garbage dump."

"Let me live in the Tree of Omniscience, know many kind doctors, and be able to read and write."

"You are my eternal angel!"

"My ability is negligible, but I will do my best to keep my angel from breaking its wings."

"As long as I study more, I will definitely become more and more powerful. Even if I lose to one percent of the sword masters of my predecessors in the end, I will try my best to protect you."

"Little Mo..." Little Robin couldn't believe it and looked at Xiao Mo in front of him.

This little Mo who has only looked at him with extremely pure eyes for more than half a year, this little Mo who has always said incoherent words for more than half a year, this little Mo who has never said a word of intimate words for more than half a year, can actually say these sincere words if.

At this moment, little Robin unexpectedly heard the sound of his heart beating rapidly "thump-thump-thump".

After a long time, the stunned little Robin smiled, curled his index finger around his hair several times, and said with a bit of playfulness. "Oh, Xiao Mo has grown up, and he even learned such provocative words..."

"Tell me, I memorized it in that book, let me read it too." Little Robin bent down and lowered his head, with his forehead pressed against Chen Mo's brow, and said softly.

"Huh? Sister Robin, how do you know?" Chen Mo covered his mouth and said in surprise. "Oh, it's written in "Intimate Paradise", you can't tell the other party that you learned these words from books."

"I think about it, the correct answer at this moment should be..." Chen Mo turned his eyes and easily found the memory in his mind, frowning slightly, his crisp voice was slightly deep, and said affectionately.

"Honey, if I didn't see you unhappy, I wouldn't want to express my heart like this, but you look at me carefully, the moon represents my heart, even if you lose everything, there is still me, and the hanging star In the night sky, the moon representing my heart is here."

"Chen! Mo! Who showed you this kind of book???" Little Robin's hysterical voice roared out.

Feeling bad, Chen Mo quickly recalled the book "Intimate Paradise", about the ending after the routine was discovered.

"If I remember correctly, there is only one large character on the last page that fills the entire page—'Pawn'."

(End of this chapter)

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