Chapter 193 Discount it

On the other side, the adjutant led many navies who fled the battlefield in embarrassment, and returned to the naval base on a bumpy journey.

Until this moment, these navies who usually sit on small warships and chase the little pirates running around every day, only know...

The water in this world... is too deep!

In the eyes of these navies who have never left the East China Sea, this world is about science...

Justice is within the range of the cannon!

After all, they swept across the entire East China Sea by relying on strong ships and sharp guns. Isn't it the power of technology?

And the so-called individual strength such as swordsmanship, in their view, is at best physical fitness...

When necessary, use hand-to-hand combat...

When it comes to truly maintaining the peace of the sea, we still have to rely on strong ships and sharp guns!

And lo and behold?

What did the Navy discover today?
A monster who has the strength to ensure that the ship is not damaged in the rain of shells...

A monster that can divide the world with every gesture...

God, this is not scientific at all!
Until the adjutant took all the captains back to the meeting room in a daze, everyone's minds were still filled with the disaster-like scene.

long long time...

The meeting room remained silent, and everyone was absent-mindedly thinking about the previous scene.

It wasn't until a while later that the adjutant burst into tears...



The sad performance of the listeners and the tears of the listeners made many captains stunned for a moment, and then they came back to their senses...

For a while, the voices of crying, cursing, blaming myself, etc. echoed endlessly in the conference room!

"Ahhh... the great Lieutenant General Nicholas, I didn't expect to go like this!"

"Those damned pirates, if they dare to hurt Vice Admiral Nicholas a little bit, Colonel Ben must report to the Navy Headquarters!"

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault that I didn't persuade Lieutenant General Nicholas in time, otherwise... woo woo woo..."

"Lieutenant General Nicholas, you can go with peace of mind, even if you are gone, your spirit will still remain in our hearts forever!"


It seemed to be politically correct. Anyway, everyone in the conference room seemed to be cheating on their own parents, and they were in extreme pain!

Moreover, recalling the devastating scene, they were almost certain that Lieutenant General Nicholas was doomed...

After all, even though he is usually weak and occasionally puts on a show, or when he encounters a relatively powerful pirate, he will move a little bit...

But in such a small pond in the East China Sea, there are really no big fish to speak of!

Let alone an enemy with the strength of a lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters, it is not bad to have the strength of a colonel at a normal pirate level!
Besides, Weak Zero Seven has the support of the dual intelligence systems of the navy and the Revolutionary Army. If there are really some super big fish wandering back to the East China Sea from the great route, Weak Zero Seven will choose wisely to avoid them, or hand them over to them. Other top brass of the Revolutionary Army are in charge of...

Therefore, in the minds of these many navies, Lieutenant General Nicholas is undoubtedly a strong man, a strong man who has no opponents in the East China Sea...

However, Weak Zero Seven, who has never shown too many supernormal strengths, still belongs to the category of normal human beings in their eyes...

However, those monsters that can easily withstand the rain of shells at this moment are obviously not something that normal humans can resist, and certainly not their Lieutenant General Nicholas can resist!

Get ready!
This is the collective thought of many naval officers who have regained their senses!
And Lieutenant General Nicholas, as the highest officer of the East China Sea Navy, died honorably at this moment. As their subordinates, if they want to take this opportunity to move their positions and express their sadness indifferently, it will definitely be useless!

Therefore, these naval officers can be said to be crying and howling like ghosts and wolves with great effort!
"Okay, everyone, calm down a little bit!"

The adjutant who took the lead felt that his throat was a little dry from crying, so he simply pressed his hands, sat on the usual position of lieutenant general Nicholas, and said comfortingly.

After all the naval officers reluctantly fell silent, the adjutant did not speak, and took a drink of water from a thermos soaked in goji berries to moisten his throat and replenish his body's water in a calm manner.

And Colonel Mouse, who was sitting under the adjutant's hand, rolled his eyes around and said respectfully to the adjutant.

"My lord, we managed to escape this time with great difficulty. Shall we hold a banquet tonight to congratulate us?"

Hearing this, the adjutant turned the thermos in his hand and said sadly. "Lieutenant General Nicholas suffered a tragic misfortune. I think everyone is not in the mood to eat, so don't mention this suggestion..."

After a pause, the adjutant continued to add in a dignified manner. "However, since you have the heart, I will not refuse your kindness as an officer, and the cost of the banquet will be directly discounted..."

"After everyone has come out of the sorrow of Lieutenant General Nicholas, I will make up the banquet for everyone!"

"Yes!" Lieutenant General Mouse was not annoyed, it doesn't matter who eats this banquet, the most important thing is that the adjutant, who can be regarded as the top leader, is willing to accept it!
Afterwards, the adjutant felt that his throat recovered a little, and said to the many admirals below who were silently watching him.

"Lieutenant General Nicholas' deeds of justice and sacrifice, we must report to the headquarters, so that the spirit of Lieutenant General Nicholas can be forever engraved in the history of the navy!"

"Yes! The subordinate will immediately find someone with the best writing skills to write for him, and he will definitely describe Lieutenant General Nicholas' achievements as clearly as possible!"

Not to be outdone, the other Colonel Orange Cat moved his fat body a few times and said in great grief.

"Yeah!" The adjutant nodded to Colonel Orange Cat, reminding him.

"Among the other reports, don't forget that I, as the interim officer, heroically and calmly led everyone to withdraw from the attack of the 'Red Hair Pirates' to the naval base smoothly!"

"It must be described emphatically. It's not that our army is weak, but that the enemy is too terrible..."

"As for Lieutenant General Nicholas, who made unnecessary sacrifices and faced the attack of the 'Red Hair Pirates', I overcame all my fears and commanded all the warships in a calm manner, which guaranteed everyone's safety. Evacuated smoothly, right?"

When it came to the end, the adjutant's eyes swept over all the officers below!

Naturally, many of the officers below praised the adjutant's achievements with great wit and interest, and racked their brains to discuss the modified words.

(End of this chapter)

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