Pirate's reading will become stronger

Chapter 205 It really is a family

Chapter 205 It really is a family (fourth)

For a moment, the atmosphere between Garp and Chen Mo became a little awkward.

Chen Mo is not deaf, Garp and Zhan Guo did not cover up the phone call, Chen Mo naturally understood that the old bastard in front of him was Dragon's father Monkey D. Garp...

"As expected, like a son, like a father... Cough cough... It should be said that it is passed down in the same line, both of them are such shameless bastards!"

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help sighing a little, and was deeply worried about his future son!
After all, his father was so handsome and kind, so he was mercilessly beaten by the chaotic world here. If he also inherits all the advantages of his father in the future, wouldn't it be a fate that is easy to be bullied?

After thinking up to this point, Chen Mo's desire to change the world became more and more intense...

Wrong, it is this world!

In order to enable his future son to live a happy life, from today on, Chen Mo has been working hard...

You must know that Chen Mo is not young anymore, he is almost 15 years old, and he will soon leave the category of children, start thinking about starting a family and starting a business, and make his own contribution to the reproduction of the human race!
As for the battle with Karp, Chen Mo, who had calmed down at this moment, had no such thoughts...

The reason for the fight just now was that they mistook Karp as a personal trafficker, and Chen Mo's anger was really aroused, but it was because of the shamelessness of Karp, an old bastard...

But now that he knew that Garp was the father of that bastard Long, Chen Mo naturally looked down on him a lot!

It's not because of the friendship between Chen Mo and Long, but since the old bastard in front of him is Long's father, it's only natural that he is so shameless.

However, before Chen Mo could explain, Garp, who was still grinning in pain, spoke first.

"Little brat, let's forget about fighting, otherwise that bastard in the Warring States period might really go crazy..."

"No problem, because of your age, I'm also afraid that you will fall to the ground if you get punched by me!"

I don't know why, Chen Mo, who has always been gentle and polite to others, saw Garp's old face, as if he had been ridiculed, and couldn't help but open his mouth.

Compared with hating others, Garp has never been weaker than Lieutenant General He in his life, so he opened his mouth and turned his head.

"Hehe, brat, look at your little arms and legs, old man, I also hammered you back into your mother's womb at once, I just let you go!"

"Old man, say it again if you have the ability!" Chen Mo's arms once again turned on the "full power release" state, suddenly inflated several times, and said angrily as he pressed close to Karp's face.

"You brat, who are you talking about?" The armed arrogance that has been integrated into every cell in Garp's body boiled again, and the outer layer of his arms was covered with an extra layer of armed arrogance, showing no sign of weakness retorted.

"Old stuff..."

"You brat..."


However, these two people still did not do anything after all. One was concerned about destroying the surrounding environment, fearing that it would affect his new home and harm innocent people;

And no matter what, Garp is a member of the navy, and it is indeed against justice to fight within the territory of a member country of the world government!

In the end, while cursing, the two slowly descended from mid-air to the ground...

To the surprise of the two, at this moment in the forest, Luffy was being sat on his buttocks by a black-haired boy, and the black-haired boy thoughtfully picked a piece of grass and was picking his teeth while smoking Luffy's cock. Ass, asked casually.

"Do you admit defeat?"

"Don't admit defeat! If you have the ability, let me go and fight again!"

After all, the age difference between the two is three or four years old. How could the five or six-year-old Lu Fei be Ace's opponent?

So at this moment, Luffy, let alone killing Ace, was sitting on the ground by Ace, and he didn't even have the strength to struggle.

"Old bastard, may I ask, it wouldn't be your grandson who was sitting down on the ground and couldn't move, right?" Chen Mo looked at the two children below with some curiosity, and asked.

"Haha, that's right, members of the Mengchi family will never admit defeat!" Garp thought that Chen Mo was admiring Luffy's behavior, and replied quite proudly.

"No wonder, no wonder..." Chen Mo clicked his mouth and said suddenly.

"Sure enough, it's the grandson of you, an old bastard. This kind of strong-mouthed king's style is not very strong, but he likes to talk nonsense. Your Mengqi family is quite consistent!"

"What did you say?" Garp was furious suddenly, wishing he could fight this brat in front of him again on the spot!
And Ace and Luffy below heard the voice in mid-air, and only then noticed that their grandfather had come down at some point.

Luffy, who has always been upright and honest, was still being pressed to the ground by others, but his mouth didn't have the slightest sense of humor. When he saw Karp's bruised, purple, and swollen face...

Immediately Luffy laughed happily. "Hahaha, grandpa was beaten by others too..."

"Bang Bang!!"

For a moment, a big bag visible to the naked eye appeared on the top of Luffy and Ace, and it was still steaming...

"Bastard old man, why are you beating me?"

Ace, who was inexplicably affected by the unreasonable disaster, was immediately unhappy, resisting the pain, and asked angrily.

On the other hand, Garp grabbed Luffy who was squatting on the ground and covered his head, stuffed it directly into Ace's arms, and said as a matter of course while digging his nostrils.

"This is your younger brother, Monkey D. Luffy, Ace, as an older brother, you bully your younger brother, shouldn't you be beaten?"

"elder brother?"

"younger brother?"

Ace and Luffy looked at each other in amazement, their eyes filled with disbelief.

And the reason why Ace was so surprised was that his first reaction was that he thought it was another child of his father Roger, but the next second he came to his senses...

That bastard Roger died before he was born, and his mother also died of dystocia when giving birth to him. It is impossible for him to have a brother who is three or four years younger than him.

So this kid named Lu Fei must be the old man's grandson.

Thinking of this, Ace's expression became cold again.

On the contrary, Luffy, after hearing that Ace is his brother, suddenly burst into great enthusiasm...

Especially when he was facing Ace just now, and was defeated by Ace with no strength to fight back, Luffy felt a little admiration for this brother who appeared suddenly...

So, for a while, Luffy kept asking various questions around Ace.

 Isn't the style of this book leaning towards light-hearted and funny? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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