Chapter 207 Recluse?

But it was about his own sister Robin's safety, so Chen Mo couldn't help being extremely cautious about it.

"Old bastard, why do you know about my relationship with O'Hara?"

Kap paused, dragged a grandson who was squatting on the ground and covering his head with one hand, and dragged the two of them down the hill, saying at the same time.

"Do you remember 'Aokiji' Kuzan?"

Suddenly, the memory buried deep in Chen Mo's mind was revealed again...

The burning tree of omniscience...

The island of O'Hara turned into magma and ice...

Sister Robin was crying heartbreakingly...

After being absent-minded for a moment, a few traces of haze appeared in Chen Mo's eyes, and he nodded directly without speaking.

"That kid Kuzan told me a lot about that kid named 'Chen Mo' afterwards..."

"Even not long ago, the old man still saw the half of the frozen wooden knife in his room!"

Although Garp used interrogative sentences, his expression was extremely determined. "So you are the child who survived that O'Hara island back then? The genius who touched the realm of the great swordsman at the age of eight?"

"What genius?"

Chen Mo smiled rather bitterly, even thinking about it now, he still felt an incomparably stinging pain in his heart.

"I'm just a weak person who can't even protect my own home. Even my own sister has caused her to suffer too much!"

Or those hot-blooded young marines, facing the potential enemy of the world government, Chen Mozhi, can't help but get bloody and plan to arrest him...

But for Garp, it's still the same sentence, the world government's business is none of the old man's business?

If Garp really wanted to be loyal to the World Government, Garp, who had noticed the change in his son Monkey D. Long's mind many years ago, would have beaten his son to death long ago!
For Garp now, he is just a navy veteran who wants to retire but is not approved...

Since Chen Mo is not a pirate born to oppose the navy, and they don't have any differences in their positions, why should they fight?
No... This bastard kid, Garp will definitely beat him until he calls his father and mother if he has a chance!
However, recalling Aokiji's description about Chen Mo in the past, Garp found something wrong and asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you say that your legs were congenitally disabled? Even that guy Aokiji pushed you over the wheelchair..."

"Don't listen to those rumors..." Chen Mo waved his hand and explained. "That's the day after tomorrow!"

"Oh..." Karp froze for a moment, and subconsciously responded before turning the corner.

Immediately after reacting, Karp felt that he had been fooled, and asked angrily. "Is there any difference between nature and acquired? You little devil is very bad. Didn't you deliberately pretend to be disabled to deceive Aokiji's sympathy?"

Chen Mo glanced at Garp with the eyes of a mentally retarded person, and said. "Who would have the time to cheat a middle-aged uncle's sympathy?"

"Tsk... Who knows what you, a black-hearted brat, are thinking?"

"The old bastard should lie back in the coffin and wait to die. Don't worry so much..."

"A suckling idiot..."

"Smelly shameless old bastard..."

In the end, the two of them hadn't had a good chat for three sentences, and they fought each other again, and directly sparred all the way...

Poor Ace and Luffy were so magnificently forgotten by their grandfather, they were dragged on the ground forcibly, bumped and bumped along the way, and were bruised all over by the kiss of the earth.

After a few hours...

As a tradition of big stomach kings, Chen Mo and Garp had a temporary dinner together on the coast...

Naturally, the two undignified Neptunes contributed their precious lives for the brief harmony between Garp and Chen Mo!

And Chen Mo and Karp each sat down to a sea king that was roasted and sprinkled with cumin and salt and pepper.

Don't ask why there are such things as cumin and salt, Chen Mo doesn't know, because Karp took them out of that corner.

Of course, Chen Mo, who is always thinking of his sister Robin, specially left a piece of meat with a good flavor and color for Robin before feasting on it.

A sea king is not long or not long. After all, this place in the East China Sea is not suitable for the survival of too large sea kings, so it is only a dozen or 20 meters...

In just half an hour, these two sea kings entered the stomachs of Karp and Chen Mo, making unique contributions to human physiological needs.

Karp broke a bone and picked his teeth, and asked Chen Mo, who was also a little unsure.

"By the way, why did you kid come to the Kingdom of Goya?"

Not to mention, for two men, eating together is indeed an important way to enhance their friendship, and the atmosphere between them obviously eased up a lot for a while.

"Sigh... as a scholar, I'm already tired of fighting and killing, so I plan to live peacefully in the Windmill Village for a while!"

Chen Mo didn't hide it at all. After all, whether it was Long or Garp, Fengche Village was their hometown, and meeting each other would naturally be inevitable in the future. There was no point in hiding this kind of thing.

"Tired of... beating and killing?" Hearing this sentence, Karp only felt that the corners of his eyes were still suffering from the beating...

Why didn't you say these words when you and yourself were shaking each other just now?
Now that you are full, tell the old man that you are tired of fighting?
Today's teenagers... Heh!

He really has the demeanor of the old man back then!
However, what surprised Karp the most was that he didn't feel any resentment or hatred from Chen Mo...

No matter how you say it back then, it was the navy that became an accomplice of the world government and carried out a genocide cleansing of O'Hara...

If some weak people can only tremble under the Demon Slaughter Order, even the shadow of fear has not been erased, and it is natural that no hatred has arisen!
But the young man in front of him has the power above the lowest level of a general, and he dared to be angry and resisted when he faced the Demon Slaughter Order. No matter how he thinks about it, he is not the kind of guy who would be timid about the world government or the navy.

From the standpoint of the navy, Garp felt that it was necessary for him to figure out the attitude of this strong man towards the navy.

"Little devil, you didn't want to take revenge for the O'Hara incident back then? Did you live in seclusion at a young age?"


Chen Mo was a little confused by Karp's word?

Can you count yourself as a hermit like this?
It's just that I chose a place with an elegant environment to live a happy life with Sister Robin, while studying nuclear weapons and looking for opportunities to train your grandson...

(End of this chapter)

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