Chapter 220 Hot Springs
"This is hot spring water!"

Chen Mo suddenly realized, and said as if waking up from a dream.

"Hot spring" is one of the scarce resources for this sea!

After all, the land in this world is basically distributed on the sea in the form of scattered islands...

It is simply too difficult to find an island that is connected to the earth's veins and has hot springs just below it among these star-studded islands!

If it wasn't for that bastard Long who once lured Chen Mo to teach his students with the condition of "bringing Chen Mo to the hot spring", Chen Mo really hadn't tried such a high-end enjoyment in this sea!
At this moment, Chen Mo looked at the transparent liquid gushing out of that small hole, and what he saw was not hot spring water, but lovely Baileys...

Make money, it's that simple!
As long as you have a hot spring in your backyard!

"Sure enough, it seems that people with good looks will still be favored by heaven!"

Chen Mo put his hands behind his back, as if he had expected it.

However, when happiness came too suddenly, Chen Mo became a little tangled...

After all, this place is my home, so I can't tear down my home and build a hot spring, right?
For Chen Mo who just wants to earn a little Bailey to maintain the daily expenses of the family, isn't this putting the cart before the horse?
So this thought just flashed through Chen Mo's mind and then was forgotten...

There is nothing more important than home!
Let alone a mere hot spring, even if there is a so-called "ONE PIECE" treasure hidden below, as long as Chen Mo's house is moved, whoever comes will die!

In the end, considering the importance of this matter, Chen Mo stepped on the small hot spring hole to avoid wasting hot spring water resources, and then returned to the living room to discuss with Sister Robin who was reading a book...


Listening to Chen Mo's narration, Sister Robin felt that her head was full of question marks.

My younger brother casually wandered around the backyard twice, and even dug a hot spring hole out?

Are things so nonsense?

At this moment, Robin had an inexplicable feeling that his younger brother would not be the legendary Son of Destiny, right?


If Chen Mo is the son of destiny, then what is he who picked up Chen Mo?

Destiny Mother?

Cough, sister of destiny?
Shaking his head, Robin threw out all those nonsense thoughts, and couldn't help laughing at himself.

"It seems that life is really too comfortable these days. I never thought that I would even think about such messy things!"

Of course, the comfort Robin mentioned only refers to the comfort above the mental state!
In fact, even now, Robin is still synchronously manipulating the two derived clones to exercise, strengthen his own physique, and try to get familiar with the armed color domineering!
Back to the business, facing such a hot spring that can be called a natural cornucopia, it is a pity that neither Chen Mo nor Robin are people who fancy a little money...

So in the end, they only regard the operation of this hot spring as a daily pastime, and look at it from the perspective of earning some daily expenses.

Three days later, under the command of Chen Mo, who is familiar with civil engineering knowledge, and with the assistance of two "voluntary" child laborers, Ace and Lu Fei, a tiny hot spring was successfully located in the backyard.

Because this hot spring has only one pool, and it only accepts women...

That's why Chen Mo named this hot spring "recreation hall".

With the successful opening of the hot spring, women from the surrounding villages have heard the news, even far exceeding the number that can be accommodated in a pool...

There is no way, for the common people in Goya Kingdom, "hot spring" can be regarded as a rare existence, and Chen Mo and Robin are not trying to make a lot of money from it, so the price is set quite low , basically it is half buy half free.

With so many premises superimposed, the reputation of "recreational hot springs" suddenly became popular in the surrounding villages, and women who want to come here every day to try something new can be said to be in an endless stream.

Of course, not only women, but even many men are very far away, wishing to fly to the pool of the "pastime hot springs"...

Hot springs are a key to this...

Only one pool is also a key!

It's a pity, no matter how intimidating and tempting the men are, even the village head of Fengche Village swayed with a cane and begged Chen Mo with an attitude that he was about to die and wanted to soak in hot springs before he died...

Chen Modu has always adhered to the principle of "receiving women only"!

It's not that Chen Mo is ungrateful, but that Chen Mo is very clear about the psychology of those men...

They are all scumbags!
Big pig's hoof! !
That kind of filthy mentality simply shamed Chen Mo, who is also a man!

A little bit of beauty makes it difficult for oneself. Sure enough, it is not unreasonable for those villagers to do nothing but just nest in a small village...

Even this slight temptation is hard to resist, how to achieve life?Achieving self-worth?
Apart from having a house and land in my hometown, and full of children and grandchildren, what other dreams can I have?
In contrast, Chen Mo is quite satisfied with Luffy's performance...

This goose...

cough cough...

This Luffy can be considered to have learned some of Chen Mo's advantages, and he has never been moved by the beauty. After the business hours of the "Recreational Hot Springs" every night, Luffy has taken the position of cashier very competently.

No matter how eloquently teased those women are, Luffy always adheres to the principle of "one hundred Baileys per person"...

It wasn't until one time that Robin accidentally checked the accounts and found that the turnover of that night had dropped significantly. After some cross-examination, he discovered that Luffy's principle of "one hundred Baileys per person" was easily broken by meat!

To be precise, for Luffy, his principle is: either give money or give meat!
So that night, Chen Mo corrected Luffy's principles with a little effort...

Meat is more important than money!
But you can't exchange other people's money for your own meat!

This is a fundamental question of values...

So, that night, Luffy was beaten badly...

It was so miserable that Ace couldn't sleep when he heard Luffy's screams...

Only in the dead of night, Ace dared to hide his head under the quilt secretly, and laughed sympathetically.

Smiling and laughing, Ace inexplicably felt sad again...


He really wanted to be that cashier, and he really wanted to go to the hot springs!
It's a pity, not to mention that Ace felt sad for this, even Chen Mo regretted it in private...

It doesn't matter if you are female or not, the important thing is that Chen Mo also wants to take a dip in the hot spring...

After all, Chen Mo felt that his body had deteriorated, and soaking in hot springs had the effects of prolonging life, strengthening the body, and whitening the skin!

More importantly, Chen Mo was very worried about what kind of accidents would happen to Robin, who is a devil fruit capable user, if he soaked in the hot springs alone after the "recreational hot springs" closed...

Faced with such a situation where accidents may happen at any time, Chen Mo can't wait to go in and accompany him in person!
After all, she is my beloved sister Robin...

How could Chen Mo not care?
(End of this chapter)

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