Pirate's reading will become stronger

Chapter 3 Sick!Brain cancer!

Chapter 3 Sick!Brain cancer!
If someone could see the inside of the human body intuitively at this moment, they would find that except for the brain, Chen Mo's whole body was already in a state of extreme deficit.

Apart from the necessary physiological functions, the whole body is so precise that there is no trace of excess energy remaining.

And Chen Mo's brain is like a black hole, absorbing all the energy that can be squeezed out from the whole body.

Even the unnecessary tissues and structures on Chen Mo's body were decomposed to a certain extent, and converted into energy to supply to the brain.

From the appearance, it seems that Chen Mo's body is growing backwards, from the biological age of seven or eight years old to the range of six or seven years old.

This level of decomposition is almost unfathomable!
Or from a biological point of view, the brain can control human growth to a certain extent through hormones, pheromones, etc., but it has never been possible to directly control other tissues in the body to decompose and turn them into energy, or even allow the body to Reverse growth squeezes out energy supply to the brain.

It's like someone telling you: The immortality that many humans dream of can actually be realized through brain control!
As long as you think about being immortal, your body will naturally be immortal. As long as you feel that your hair is too long, a part of your hair will automatically decompose and transform into energy and take it back into the body.

If the data inside Chen Mo's body at this moment were described as a paper and made public, it is estimated that all the experts in the medical and biological fields would explode on the spot.

In comparison, the degree of collapse of these experts in the medical and biological fields is estimated to be comparable to that of Newton, the patriarch of modern physics, one day he jumped out of his grave, dancing the old disco while publicly declaring that "Newton's three laws" It's my own nonsense.

Even in the unscientific world of "One Piece", Chen Mo's situation is unbelievable.

Of course, the little Robin at this moment didn't know that such shocking changes had taken place in the body of the little boy in front of him.

She gritted her teeth and pushed the cart towards the Tree of Omniscience, and sent the boy in front of her, whose face was getting paler and paler, to the Tree of Omniscience for treatment as soon as possible.

Little Robin has walked this road to the tree of omniscience countless times since he was three years old.

Because there is no partner, no toys, and no childhood Robin, only the scholars of the Tree of Omniscience will not look at her strangely, and only the rich collection of books in the Tree of Omniscience brings fun to Little Robin.

Compared with the aunt's house full of strange eyes and insults, the tree of omniscience is the real home of little Robin.

However, little Robin has never found it so difficult to walk on this road that has been traveled thousands of times.

Grit your teeth, hold on, move your feet...

Grit your teeth, hold on, move your feet...

Grit your teeth, hold on, move your feet...

Little Robin seemed to have passed for a long time, until the trolley hit the stone monument standing on the ground with the words "Tree of Omniscience".

The pale little Robin raised his head, only to realize that he had finally reached the Tree of Omniscience.

Little Robin noticed her strangeness from a distance, and showed a relieved and joyful smile to the many scholars who ran towards her.

The next moment, the relaxed little Robin was completely overwhelmed by fatigue, and lay softly on the small cart and fell into a deep sleep.

"You can rest assured, this is the tree of omniscience..." At the last moment of losing consciousness, little Robin thought of this, and felt a sense of peace deep in his heart.


"Ah! Someone stabbed me with a sharp object!" Chen Mo woke up with a sharp pain, and opened his eyes in a panic.

What came into view was a pair of azure and emerald green eyes, as beautiful as the sea. The long eyelashes seemed to be frightened by Chen Mo's waking up, and they blinked several times in a row.

Chen Mo's blank brain doesn't quite understand what beauty is, but those eyes subconsciously make Chen Mo feel very charming.

Little Robin was suddenly stunned after seeing Chen Mo open his eyes, and hurriedly stepped aside, saying, "Dr. Keluoba, he can't move anymore, you have to take a look."

"Ahem!" Dr. Keluoba, who had light green hair tied in the shape of a bow, cleared his throat, took two steps forward, looked at Chen Mo, and said. "It doesn't make sense. Didn't you say that he was just in a coma caused by severe malnutrition? Dr. Osger, your nutrient solution is not expired, is it?"

"Your nutrient solution has just expired!" Dr. Osger said angrily as he touched his beard that was forked into a "eight" shape.

"I personally extracted this nutrient solution from the deep-sea giant Neptune that I bought at a huge price. I gave this guy a whole bucket. It makes sense that even a salted fish should be squirming after injecting so much nutrient solution." Turned over twice."

Dr. Osger pondered for a moment, gestured with his fingers a few times, and described: "Those ignorant people in the town say that cute little Robin is a monster."

"But if you really want to compare, this little guy's body is a monster, right? After injecting so much nutrient solution, even the giants should be overwhelmed. In the end, he looked like a normal person, and he didn't know that so much nutrient solution was taken by him. Absorbed there!"

After all, Dr. Osger added: "This little guy is very valuable for research! Very valuable and worth studying! Maybe we can find something new from him."

When Dr. Keluoba heard this, his old and slender fingers waved in front of Chen Mo's eyes, and asked, "Little guy? Little guy?"

Chen Mo's sluggish and sluggish brain came back to his senses. He blinked his eyes slightly, turned to look at Dr. Keluoba and said, "Those eyes were so beautiful just now!"

When the little Robin standing by the bed heard this, a layer of pink luster appeared on his slightly dark complexion, and he said with a little shame, "What... what..."

"Hehe!" Dr. Keluoba and Dr. Osger looked at each other and smiled, with a feeling of nostalgia for the lost youth.

"Little guy, what's your name?" Dr. Keluoba didn't tease little Robin too much, and asked gently while sitting on the bed.

Chen Mo thought for a while, then said hesitantly, "I seem to be called Chen Mo."

"Chen Mo?" Dr. Keluoba chewed on this strange name, and asked after making sure that he had never heard of a similar name on O'Hara Island.

"Where is Xiao Mo from? Why was he buried in the garbage dump? If little Robin hadn't found you by chance, maybe your little life would have died."

Chen Mo frowned tightly, his pure eyes suddenly lost focus, and he said after a long time: "I don't really remember the past, it's scattered, I can't remember, it just seems that I came from a place called the global village. place."

"Global village?" Dr. Kloba turned to look at Dr. Osger and asked. "The old man has never heard of this place, Dr. Osger, do you have any impression?"

Dr. Osger thought for a moment and said, "I haven't heard of it either. Maybe it's a village on a remote island with few people. I'll ask those geographers when I have time. They might know."

"Then besides this, can you think of anything else?" Dr. Keluoba guided patiently. "For example, parents and the like, or the island where the home is, or the sea area."

After Chen Mo bowed his head and remained silent for a moment, he looked at Dr. Keluoba with round and dark eyes and said with some hesitation: "I really can't remember it for a while, or I will think about it later?"

"Forget it, forget it, don't force it, little guy, you are still a patient, rest more, you can stay here for the time being."

Dr. Keluoba waved his hand at Chen Mo, greeted Dr. Osger and Little Robin to leave the room, and said to Chen Mo. "Little guy, rest first, we won't bother you."

When Dr. Keluoba and others walked to the door, Chen Mo, who was in deep thought, exclaimed in surprise: "I remembered, I used to be sick, I have brain cancer!"

(End of this chapter)

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