Chapter 393 White Suit
On Chen Mo's side, after the fierce battle with Gion, Aokiji directly brought him back to the courtyard where he lived...

Afterwards, Chen Mo simply cleaned up his personal hygiene. After all, Chen Mo was just an ordinary person, and he wasn't some immaculate fairy. After a big battle, his body was somewhat stained with dirty things.

And according to Aokiji's suggestion, Chen Mo planned to visit Gion in person at Lieutenant General He's home tonight, hoping to get some time for the two of them to have a good chat...

Then it is natural not to be rude when visiting others, so in order to leave a good impression on the other party, Chen Mo still has to tidy up his appearance.

"Hiss... I always feel that something is not right!"

Standing in the bathroom, Chen Mo looked at the perfect man in the mirror, always feeling like he was about to make some common sense mistake again...

"But even if I easily confuse common sense for no reason, Aokiji is still in his 30s. Even he supports me in doing this. There should be nothing wrong, right?"

Chen Mo groped his chin, thought for a while, and finally gave up on such meaningless questions. As long as the ultimate goal is not confused, it is not a big deal.

Afterwards, Chen Mo turned off the bathing switch, every muscle trembled as if it had life, and all the remaining water marks on his body were shaken away, and Chen Mo's figure loomed under the cover of the faint water vapor for a moment...

"This suit..."

Chen Mo picked up the green pheasant and tossed him a suit of clothes. After shaking it off, he realized that it was a suit of an admiral, and it happened to be a white suit.

"It's really troublesome to wear a suit, and it's inconvenient to move around!"

Recalling the only time he wore a suit in the past, Chen Mo muttered with a headache.

However, if it is to visit others, it is reasonable to be a little more formal, so Chen Mo just muttered a few words and changed into this white suit.

If he was wearing a red cloak before, combined with Chen Mo's iceberg-like expression on purpose, he would give people the feeling of a handsome man who does not enter strangers and acts coldly and sternly...

Then after changing into a white suit at this time, an extraordinary demeanor suddenly appeared, just like a white knight, calm, chic, and domineering, that occasionally revealed under the long silver-white hair The sharp eyes are able to directly hit other people's minds.

For the first time, Chen Mo had the feeling that his temperament covered up his appearance...

In the past, Chen Mo's temperament was often overlooked by others because of his high appearance, but now after wearing a white suit, Chen Mo looked at himself in the mirror, and immediately paid attention to Arrived temperament.

"Sure enough, a suit is an excellent type of clothing to set off a masculine temperament. No wonder that guy Huang Yuan is obviously very wretched, and sometimes he can give people an awe-inspiring feeling."

Chen Mo, who adjusted his tie slightly, spoke with some satisfaction at the moment.

No matter how you say it, a low-key person like Chen Mo doesn't want others to only pay attention to his unparalleled appearance, but ignore his knowledge, temperament and other indicators.

Suddenly, Chen Mo glanced at the corner of his eyes, and found a black inexplicable familiarity...

After hesitating for a while, Chen Mo walked to this place that was deliberately cleaned and neatly arranged.

On a small red short table, there is a knife holder that seems to be made by a private hand...

And on the knife holder that was so solemn, it wasn't any famous knife, but a piece of black wood that Chen Mo looked familiar to.

Chen Mo just stared at the piece of wood, and the words "Little Scholar Chen Mo" that were already blurred on the wood...

After a long time, Chen Mo smiled bitterly and nostalgicly, but said nothing, let alone picked up the half of the wooden knife without authorization.

"Let's store this half of the wooden knife with you for now, Aokiji..."

Chen Mo, who knew that he was not capable enough now, said secretly from the bottom of his heart. "I hope that in the 'New Era', I will be able to get this half of the wooden knife back from your hands openly."

This half of the wooden knife is not only a symbol of Chen Mo's defeat in the past, but also represents the intersection of Chen Mo and Qingzhi, but no matter what, Chen Mo, who has not yet succeeded in his career, still has no reason to take him away now.

Slightly laughed at Chen Mo, who was not capable enough, but after a while he returned to normal, casually took the cloak that Aokiji had thrown to him along with his white suit, put it on, and walked out of the courtyard... …

On Chen Mo's back, the word "justice" fluttered against the sunset, which made people feel awed!
But as soon as Chen Mo walked out of the gate, he saw a short and fat man with a stooped figure and a wretched temperament, rubbing his hands beside him, while looking at him excitedly...

"Brother! You are finally out!"

"Tea dolphin?!"

Looking at this man who was superior in temperament compared to Huang Yuan again, Chen Mo's tone couldn't help but make strangers feel a little bit better.

"Yeah, big brother, you still remember my name, I'm so touched!"

While watching the tea dolphin talking, I was moved to tears for no reason...

In broad daylight, a wretched man was moved to tears by a handsome young man, it is really easy to cause some misunderstandings.

Furthermore, this is the residence area for naval officers, and there is a special battle field where fighting is allowed. It is not convenient for Chen Mo to blow the tea dolphin away again, so he can only say in a tone that strangers should not enter.

"Stop, what's the matter with you?"

"Brother, I heard that you are going to see Lieutenant General He?"

Even so, there was still uncontrollable excitement in the tea dolphin's tone, staring at the tall and straight Chen Mo with admiration, and asked respectfully.

Chen Mo nodded slightly, and then asked something not quite right.

"How did you know?"

Chen Mo just asked Qingzhi about this matter, and the tea dolphins present at the time had already been beaten away by him, so he knew for no reason.

"Of course I'm always paying attention to the big brother's affairs!"

The tea dolphin was rather proud, and took out a lot of things from a bag in the corner, and said.

"Brother, I know that you are not familiar with the environment here when you first arrived in Marlin Vanduo, and it is relatively troublesome to buy the door-to-door gifts you need, so I have already prepared them for you!"

Chen Mo's eyes swept away, and he saw that the big bag contained all kinds of messy things, including dried fruits, tea leaves, tea sets, seafood products, famous wines, etc...

Originally, Chen Mo wanted to refuse, but he was just visiting to make friends, it was just an ordinary visit, so why was there such an exaggeration?
(End of this chapter)

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