Pirate's reading will become stronger

Chapter 400 My brother is Chen Mo

Chapter 400 My brother is Chen Mo

Seeing Gion's teary eyes instantly, Chen Mo suddenly felt something bad in his heart, and asked hastily.

"What the hell...what's going on?"

"What's going on?" As if recalling some hell that he didn't want to recall, Gion's face was pale, his eyes were absent-minded, and when he was about to say something, he opened his mouth, but stopped abruptly... …

No matter what, no one else should know about that matter, otherwise Gion would have no place in the navy, and even implicate his sister-in-law, Vice Admiral Crane.

As if touching some deepest secret, after mentioning this matter, Gion's originally soft and collapsed eyes instantly regained their strength and sharpness, and asked Chen Mo back.

"Devil may cry bastard, who are you?"

"Me?" Chen Mo pondered for a moment. Although Garp is the only person in the navy who knows that O'Hara's orphan "Chen Mo" is still alive, many things are often careless in details and cause the entire line to collapse...

Therefore, Chen Mo hesitated for a while, but he still didn't say his real name, and said instead.

"I am Devil May Cry, an ordinary bounty hunter who goes to sea to earn a living!"

Regarding Chen Mo's statement, Gion didn't believe it at all at the moment, and said. "If every bounty hunter was as ordinary as you, there would be no need for a navy."

"Why should this kind of thing be serious? Ordinary is relative. Compared with some seniors, I am really an ordinary existence!" Chen Mo shook his head and said with some emotion.

"Then how did you know my father? Do you know what the fellow countryman you mean really means?" Zhiyuan asked, taking a step in front of Chen Mo faintly.

"Why do you mention the taboo word 'O'Hara'?"

As the saying goes, when a lie is born, it often takes thousands of lies to fill in the holes...

While Chen Mo didn't reveal his real name, the relationship between him and Uncle Michelson was hard to explain.


Chen Mo, who was not good at lying, had no choice but to be his own younger brother once and said.

"I have a younger brother named Chen Mo. The two of us have been dependent on each other since we were young, but we were separated in a shipwreck..."

"Wait!" Gion interrupted Chen Mo directly, and said suspiciously.

"Your name is Devil May Cry, and your brother's name is Chen Mo? Same mother and half father?"

Therefore, Chen Mo hates telling others false information the most, it is really too troublesome...

Fortunately, facing Gion's question, a noun suddenly popped up in his mind, and he said subconsciously. "Well, my full name is 'Zhonghua·D·Devil May Cry', and my younger brother is `Zhonghua·D·Chen Mo', but because the family name bears countless years of glory and burden..."

"So, ordinary people like me and my brother are not qualified to bear this surname at all, and often hide their surnames directly when calling themselves to the outside world."

"'Growing Flowers D·Devil May Cry'? 'Growing Flowers D·Chen Mo'?"

Gion repeated it subconsciously. Although he felt a little weird, he couldn't find any flaws...

After all, as the righteous sister of Admiral Tsuru, the chief of staff of the Navy, Gion still knows a lot of secret news on the sea, for example: the incognito "D" does hide some unknown secrets, and the Devil May Cry family is special, It is not surprising that all surnames are directly hidden.

But even so, Gion deliberately wrote down the surname "Zanghua", intending to find an opportunity to inquire about his righteous sister.

After perfectly explaining the loophole in the name, Chen Mo talked about the following story much more smoothly...

"And my brother wandered to O'Hara during that shipwreck, and was taken care of by many benefactors..."

"Among them, after my brother and I unexpectedly reunited somewhere in the sea, my brother mentioned to me a benefactor named 'Michelson' many times, and told about the kindness and friendship that Uncle Michelson treated him back then."

"But because my brother is just a frail scholar, even if he wanted to go out to sea to find Uncle Michelson to repay his kindness for so many years, it was still difficult for him to resist the wind and waves of the sea. Uncle prays..."

"However, as an older brother, I am good at marksmanship. Because of the lack of living expenses at home, I have to go out to earn some daily living expenses..."

Speaking of this, Chen Mo did not forget to add. "Before going out this time, my brother reminded me to take the opportunity to find the whereabouts of my benefactor, Uncle Michelson, to express our gratitude to him, and to fulfill the promise my brother made to Uncle Michelson back then!"

Gion has been listening carefully to the description of Devil May Cry, he was taken aback for a while, and frowned, recalling the past conversations between his father and himself...

However, Gion recalled that in the words of his father Michelson, he often mentioned a peer who was not much different from his own age, and praised that peer who would definitely be a big shot in the future.

In view of the fact that "other people's children" are particularly hated, after many years, Gion has forgotten the name of this "other people's children", but Gion still has some impressions of some of the characteristics of that child...

"Tell me about your brother's characteristics..." Gion had basically believed Chen Mo's statement at this time, but he was still making the final confirmation.

The most difficult thing in the world is to express one's own strengths by oneself, especially for a humble person like Chen Mo, who really feels that he is not conspicuous in every way.

"My...brother is handsome, kind, magnanimous, has a good memory, and is knowledgeable..."

"I'm not asking you to brag about yourself, it's a characteristic, do you understand?" Hearing Chen Mo's straightforward speech, Zhi Yuan did not forget to correct him even though he had more trust in this honest man.

Now, Chen Mo pondered for a while, and said with some helplessness. "Especially edible...does it count?"

"What else?" Gion nodded and asked again.

For that "child from someone else's family", Gion naturally doesn't remember the advantages that his father exaggerated. In his vague memory, Gion only remembers his differences from ordinary people.

"Two obvious features, if you are right about one, and if you are right about the other, I will believe you!"

Now Chen Mo was in a bit of trouble, and he couldn't help but frown. When he was a child, apart from being able to eat, being cute and handsome, all his advantages were!

After pondering for a while, Chen Mo suddenly realized.

"Thinking about it, it seems that I still needed to use a wheelchair at that time. For this reason, Uncle Michelson specially gave me what looks like the best wheelchair in the whole village... Brother."

(End of this chapter)

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