Chapter 110

After thinking for a while, Xue Yan looked at Huo Hanyan and said softly: "Hanyan thinks there is something in Xianzhou that everyone in the world flocks to."

"...!" Huo Hanyan understood instantly, and stared at the direction of the pilgrimage with wide eyes. "Murals in the Purple Bamboo Forest!"

What is the purpose of the pilgrimage for the students from Qianguo?It is to beg Yu Yin, the sage in the purple bamboo forest, to bestow blessings, bless the country and the people, and protect the well-being of the common people.

And where does the pilgrimage come from?At that time, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty excavated the murals in the purple bamboo forest, which opened a great event for the Jin Dynasty. "But the mural, wasn't it already dug up by Emperor Wu of Jin? What else could they find?"

"So Hanyan knows, where did the murals dug out by Emperor Wu of Jin go?" Xue Yan followed her gaze and looked in the direction of the purple bamboo forest.

Huo Hanyan looked up at him in surprise.She had never thought about this matter, and there was only one sentence left in the history books: The emperor's dynasty was in Xian, and the country's fate was established in Sheng.Afterwards, there was no record about the murals anymore, and suddenly his pupils widened, and he looked at Xue Yan in disbelief, "You mean, the murals have returned to the Purple Bamboo Forest?!" Otherwise, why did they come back to dig when they knew they were not there?
But this is impossible!No matter who has worked so hard to get something, how can there be any reason to return it?Even if it was true, wouldn't the future emperors have thought about it?If it is said that the murals saved Emperor Wu of Jin and the fortune of Jin.When the Jin Kingdom was finally overthrown by the monarch of the Qian Kingdom, where were the murals?

Xue Yan also shook his head at this, but there was some interest on his lips.Over the years, various rumors about the murals in Xianzhou have been heard endlessly.Even in the border town, there were all kinds of stories about the soldiers who joined the army in Xianzhou, who came at night and had nothing to do.But to sum up, there are nothing more than two. One is that when Emperor Wu of Jin died, he deeply felt that digging the purple bamboo forest was ashamed of the sages, so he returned the murals to the forest, but he sneered at this and refused to accept it. Adoption.The other is even more interesting, that is, Emperor Wu of Jin did not find anything at all, and the so-called digging up of murals was just a lie.

"Why don't we go and have a look tonight?" Huo Hanyan looked at Xue Shaochen and said softly. "Let's go back to the imperial capital tomorrow." Not only Xue Shaochen found it interesting, but she was also very curious.Although he despises the origin of the pilgrimage, this place is still a holy place of the Qian Kingdom and cannot be violated indiscriminately.Besides, she really wanted to know who was planning the mural painting.Who is the wife they are talking about?
Xue Yan suddenly smiled helplessly, why hadn't he discovered before that she had such curiosity.

When they wandered the street for a while and returned to the post station, they saw Su Yan standing at the door and kept looking around, while the man in Tsing Yi beside him kept persuading her, as if telling her not to worry, and Su Yan occasionally replied to him. A few words, frowning tightly, from the expression, it seems to be complaining.

Seeing this situation, Xue Yan smiled meaningfully and said, "'Jue' has always been serious with outsiders, but I didn't expect that he and Su Yan would hit it off."

"Jue?" Huo Hanyan raised her eyebrows, what a strange name.Thinking about the usual performance of the man in Tsing Yi, he couldn't help asking: "Is it the secret guard?"

Xue Yan nodded frankly, "I broke away from the secret guard organization, so I found one. Although Jue is young, he has excellent qualifications. Given time, he will surely succeed."

In fact, he has long had the intention of cultivating his own power, although the secret order of the government's secret guard is in his hands.But after all, it was not created by him. Apart from him as the master in these people's hearts, they still had to listen to his father.It's just that they don't know who they will turn to in their hearts if they turn against their father one day.

This time 'Xin' and 'Zhi' did not pass on the news of Han Yan's marriage, they must have been ordered by their father.This also aggravated his mind, he needed a stronger force to protect her.

"Then why doesn't he wear a silver mask?" Huo Hanyan frowned, staring at the very ordinary face at the gate of the station.Isn't Jue's identity exposed by following them this time, how will he perform tasks in the future?

Xue Yan, who instantly understood what she meant, raised his eyebrows, slowly lowered his body to her ear, and said with a soft smile, "How do you know he didn't wear it?"

Huo Hanyan was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but think of Nalan Guo's male and female face when she was in front of her, and smiled knowingly, it was the unique human skin mask of the Palace of Bliss!He couldn't help turning his head to stare at the person in front of him, isn't this person defending against the enemy in the border town?When did you hook up with Bliss Palace? ! "I think you have a lot to tell me."

She thought she knew him very well, but there are still so many mysterious things waiting for her to explore, which brought her previous cognition into a new realm.

"Princess!" Su Yan finally found the figure at the intersection, and came forward overjoyed. Although Ning Yuanhou's subordinates said that the princess and Lord Hou would not be in danger, she was still worried. "I'm really worried about the death of slaves and maids." If anything happened, she would hang herself to atone for her sin before the prince and concubine asked for punishment.

"It's just that there are new gadgets on the street, and my mind is distracted." Huo Hanyan started to panic, but her face was not red and her heart was not beating. "It's going to be all right with the Marquis." After speaking, he exchanged a smile with Xue Yan, seeing that he was deep in thought, arousing evil spirits, as if he was asking if he had lied to him with the same idea before?It made Huo Hanyan blush instantly, frowning mischievously and staring at him.

Serving the princess in Huo Wang's mansion since he was a child, he was used to the excuses the princess used to sneak out to play, so he couldn't help curling his lips when he saw this situation.Fortunately, she was still worried about the danger of the princess, but she didn't expect that he just sneaked away to tell Zhong Qing about her love.

Thinking of His Royal Highness the Xian Wang who is in a hurry now, and the matter of getting married, I can't help but feel a little worried. Is there any result between Lord Hou and the Princess?If it doesn't end up as expected, I don't know how big things will happen.

'Jue' stepped forward and cupped his hands blankly, "Master Hou."

"Where is King Xian?" Xue Yan asked directly.

"A quarter of an hour ago, when I returned to the station, there was nothing unusual." 'Jue' replied responsibly. "Are you...very worried about Princess Huo?" He didn't dare to say that it was His Royal Highness who was worried about what Lord Hou would do to Princess Huo. 'Jue' thought in his heart, if his master had been obsessed with this princess for many years, it would be abnormal if he didn't do something about it.

Xue Yan snorted coldly when he heard the words, before he settled the score with him, he sent it to his door.In the blink of an eye, he said to the slightly tired Huo Hanyan: "Go and rest first, I'll go there later." He still hasn't forgotten what he just promised her.

(End of this chapter)

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