Chapter 112

"Why don't you dare?" Xue Shaochen looked at him like a rooster with fried hair, and couldn't help laughing. "My lord might as well give it a try, is this Marquis brave or not?" After finishing the last sentence, his gaze narrowed slightly.He straightened his clothes, then stood up and patted Ling Jiangyu's shoulder, then turned and left with a laugh.

Seeing Marquis Ningyuan coming out of the hall with a smile, everyone felt relieved, thinking that at least the two of them talked harmoniously, they were all very worried just now, and they were deeply afraid that there would be sounds of disputes or fighting inside, this one is the emperor His compatriots and brothers, His Royal Highness the King, who is loved by the people.The other is Marquis Ning Yuan, who has outstanding military exploits and holds a heavy army. If there is a trouble, the sky will be turned upside down.

Just as they sent Marquis Ning Yuan out of the yard respectfully, they were going to enter the house to discuss with the prince about returning to Beijing, but they heard the sound of throwing cups from inside, making everyone stunned in place.

This... Obviously the prince is angry. What happened in the house just now?Why did Ning Yuanhou, who has always been violent, come out with a volatile expression, while His Royal Highness Xian Wang, who is always as gentle as jade, exudes such a strong anger.

The news reached Huo Hanyan's ears in an instant. When the two met to go to the purple bamboo forest, Huo Hanyan curiously asked the people beside him, "What did you say to Ling Jiangyu this afternoon?" The book returned to Beijing, and he didn't even eat dinner.

Xue Yan smiled immediately: "It's nothing, just chat casually."

"Just talking casually made him so abnormal. It seems that Master Hou is good at his mouth!" She didn't believe it, but just talking casually made Ling Jiangyu seem like a different person.After much deliberation, there is only one possibility, and that is... "Did you threaten him?"

"He threatened me first."

Seeing Xue Yan suddenly looked at her dissatisfied, with a stubborn look that he was right.Huo Hanyan couldn't help but stop, and said with a smile, "What did he threaten you with?"

"He said that after returning to Beijing, he will sue me in front of your father and let him beat me up." Xue Yan pursed his lips and frowned, his tone full of grievances.

Huo Hanyan couldn't help sneering, "Nonsense!" This is a lie. The relationship between the father and Ling Jiangyu is no longer as good as it used to be. According to the elder brother, since Ling Jiangyu lay on the bed for two months, he has never set foot in the Huo Palace. The gate, how can you threaten Xue Shaochen with such words. "Just say it if you don't want to." After all, with Xue Shaochen's lips and tongue, he can't suffer, so he doesn't worry about it?Since he didn't want to talk, he didn't ask.

Walking forward for a while, I saw many men, women and children in Xianzhou standing on the round platform outside the purple bamboo forest, lighting lamps.Some students even bent over and knelt at this moment, muttering something in their hearts.

"Do you think those two people came or not?" Huo Hanyan stared at the purple bamboo forest not far away. Speaking of which, those two people were indeed bold and reckless, and they dared to enter the forest to hunt for treasures during such a grand ceremony.

Xue Yan smiled and said: "Let's go in and have a look, we'll know." His sharp eyes glanced a little, and he led her to the other side, walked around the round platform and walked inside the Purple Bamboo Forest.

At night, the wind blows through the bamboo leaves, making a slight sound of Haloxylon, turning into the forest, and through the moonlight, you can see emerald green jade paving the path leading to the inner room. It was specially built, otherwise it would be the black soil left after the fire.He walked forward in the dark for a short distance, and just as he didn't know how to find it, he heard the slight voice of the old man not far away, which seemed to mean gnashing of teeth. "You keep digging!"

(End of this chapter)

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