Chapter 116

Huo Hanyan felt her head 'booming' and stared at Eunuch Chen in front of her with a dazed expression, without responding for a long time.It wasn't until Ruan Qiluo stepped forward without a trace and supported her that she came back to her senses. She glanced slightly, looked at the slightly thoughtful Eunuch Chen in front of her, nodded politely, and the corners of her lips curled slightly.

"Elder-in-law enters the mansion and sits." Lord Huo's expression at this time could not be seen to be happy or angry, but he still raised his hand to greet him.

Eunuch Chen bent down and smiled and said, "My lord, you are welcome. The miscellaneous family has to go back to the palace to hand over the order, so I won't stay." After speaking, he raised his whisk and walked back to the soft sedan chair beside the stairs of the palace.

It wasn't until the sedan chair left everyone's sight that Huo Wang's face suddenly turned livid.

"Hanyan, are you okay?" Ruan Qiluo looked at Huo Hanyan's pale face and asked anxiously.

Huo Hanyan shook her head in a daze, how could it be like this?At first, she just thought that the emperor would pay the price with military exploits, but she never thought that what the emperor wanted was the Xue family's military power.Wei Guogong's son... This means that Xue Shaochen's Marquis will also be erased.

"Let's go in first." Huo Haoxuan frowned slightly as he listened to the whispers of the people outside the palace.

Ruan Qiluo nodded quickly and helped Huo Hanyan in, and sat on the mahogany chair in the hall. Huo Hanyan handed over the imperial decree to Huo Wang, put it on the desk to confess, and then turned to look at her brother.

"Brother, why did this happen? Did you... Did you know that you would become like this?!" While asking, the circles of his eyes gradually turned red. This plan was made by his elder brother, so he should have known the result as soon as possible. Just expected.

"Yes." Huo Haoxuan was calm and did not make any excuses.

"What are you brothers and sisters talking about? Tell me clearly!" King Huo slapped the table hard, and the teacup on the table was shaken.What is going on with this decree?How could Han Yan betrothed to Xue Shaochen!And from the tone of their brothers and sisters, it seems that they have known about this for a long time, and they have kept it so tight!
When I heard the imperial decree, I was really furious, I didn't expect that one day I would become in-laws with that old man Wei Guogong.

Seeing that he was so angry, Princess Huo quickly stepped forward and stood by his side, caressing his chest as if flattering him, and smiled gracefully, "Don't be impatient, my lord, please speak carefully if you have something to say. I haven't been feeling well lately, so I'm angry. You are angry, but you have to take care of yourself."

"Did you already know that too?!" Seeing his wife's behavior like this, King Huo instantly understood, with serious eyes.

Concubine Huo raised her eyebrows lightly, and nodded under Huo Wang's burning gaze.

"You—!" When King Huo was about to lose his temper, Princess Huo looked at the juniors in embarrassment, and saw that everyone was arrogant and did not dare to say anything, knowing that Hanyan must be feeling very uncomfortable at this moment.Besides, it was not the time to get angry at this time, so he pulled him up from the chair, "Let's go back to the yard, and I will explain to you slowly." After speaking, he pushed and dragged King Huo to the backyard. After making a comforting gesture to Huo Haoxuan, she disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Hanyan." Seeing this situation, Huo Haoxuan walked towards his little sister, and heaved a long sigh. "Brother did know that this would happen."

Huo Hanyan sat quietly on the chair and went through the matter from beginning to end.The elder brother returned to the imperial capital, broke off the engagement, struck Zhaoming by lightning, became a monk by himself, got married... everything, raised his head unconsciously, and asked in a slightly hoarse voice: "Brother, why are you doing this?"

"Because my brother promised you to be with Xue Shaochen." Huo Haoxuan frowned slightly, he understood what Huo Hanyan was thinking at this time. "This is the only way the emperor promises you to marry him."

Huo Hanyan lowered her head when she heard the words, covered her mouth and let the tears flow out, choking uncontrollably.This is how the emperor promised them to be together?Let yourself become the kinsman daughter of the Qianyuan Kingdom; let the emperor suppress Xue Shaochen with reason; let Xue Shaochen exchange her military achievements and titles.They could be together now, but he caused him to lose almost everything.

Seeing her crying so sadly, he knew that she had piled all the reasons on herself, Huo Haoxuan's eyes flashed with distress, he stepped forward and gently embraced her in his arms, and comforted her like a child: "Han Yan , things must always be on the bright side, and now you can finally stay together without any restraints, that's the best." Besides, Xue Shaochen himself doesn't care about these things, otherwise how could he be willing to do so.To be honest, he was inexplicably relieved to have his younger sister in the hands of such a man.

Xue Family Ancestral Hall
Xue Yan is now kneeling upright in front of the ancestral hall, gazing peacefully at the many ancestral tablets above.

"Niezi! Do you know how stupid things you have done today! You actually exchanged a military title for a woman, ruining the Xue family's painstaking management, and the situation in the court was turned away in an instant!" Wei Guogong held the cane in his hand and was so angry He slapped Xue Yan hard on the back. There were barbs on the cane, and when it was pulled off, his skin was torn apart instantly. The surrounding attendants could not bear to turn around.Xue Yan's face was pale, and with a muffled snort, beads of sweat dripped from his forehead. "On weekdays, the old man pampers you everywhere. I never thought that I would become an infatuated person who loves beauty and doesn't love fame! If I knew this, I shouldn't have let you seize any city back then, let alone grant you military power. You acted so recklessly today. I have a rebellious son like you, how can I face the aristocrats who depend on the Xue family for survival! How can I face the millions of soldiers guarding the border city!"

What made him most angry was not that Xue Shaochen refuted the marriage he had arranged and exchanged military merit for the Princess Huo's mansion, but that he actually returned the military power in his hands to the royal family!Now, [-]% of the [-]% of the troops that the Duke's Mansion should have had returned to the royal family. Since then, the Duke's Mansion has no advantage in military power, and the situation that was supposed to be one-sided in the court has been reversed in an instant.

Thinking of this, Xue Shaochen's back was already bloody, and even the rattan was covered with blood.

The people around wanted to persuade him, but when they saw the Duke was so angry, they didn't dare to vent their anger.Beads of sweat rolled to the ground, soaking the front of his clothes for a moment, and the eyes of the kneeling man were calm but persistent, "My own choice, how I will bear in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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