Chapter 120

"I never thought there would be such a day." You can stand with her in the mother's former house, discuss their future, and arrange their house.Slightly calming down his agitated heart, he stretched out his arms to gently wrap her around her, and sighed comfortably.Thinking of what the imperial decree said, he couldn't help laughing, "I just don't know if the princess is satisfied with this magistrate?"

Huo Hanyan couldn't help thinking of what Eunuch Chen had conveyed at that time, she always felt that the emperor was using this matter to ridicule her, so she couldn't help raising her head arrogantly, and withdrew from his arms, looking at Xue Shaochen pretending to be critical, seeing his evil and flamboyant appearance , with a hot and strong expression, he couldn't help frowning, curling his lips, and hummed softly, "Reluctantly."

"Just reluctantly? Then I must try my best to serve the princess." Seeing him smiling very charmingly, he put his right palm on the back of Huo Hanyan's head, his left hand around his waist, and slowly pressed down.

Xue Yan looked at her still rosy cheeks and couldn't help but playfully smiled.

It's been a long time since they left the house, why her blush hasn't dissipated yet.Thinking of the beauty just now, the tip of the tongue rubbed against the upper wall unconsciously, savoring the sweetness of the mouth, the smile on the lips became stronger, and when no one on the street noticed, he bent down and whispered in his ear: " Is the princess satisfied with the service of the servant below?"

Huo Hanyan couldn't help froze, and took two steps back in an instant, thinking about the scene in the yard just now, her cheeks became even more rosy.At this moment, he wished there was a crack in the ground, and let himself get in. How could he say such shameless things.

"Son of the Prince of Yun, jump into the Liufang Pavilion drunk, everyone, go and have a look!" Someone called out on the street, and instantly attracted everyone's attention. Xue Yan's sleeve, "Let's go and have a look."

King Yun's son danced drunk to Liufang Pavilion, what is Ling Yuncong going crazy?

When they arrived at Your Excellency Liufang, there was still a sea of ​​people below, three floors inside and three floors outside. This son of King Yun has been in the limelight in Fengcheng in recent years. He is not only handsome, but also has excellent painting skills. No.1 in the painting circle after that.

Lifting his head slightly, he saw a large white robe fluttering wantonly with the wind on the top of the Liufang Pavilion. His feet were still sliding on the empty wine jar, making a sound of "tearing, tearing, tearing". He was actually holding an altar in his hand. , was drinking booze with his head raised.The wine slid down his fair neck, soaking the front of his clothes, outlining his impressive physique.When the jar was finished drinking and put down again, everyone couldn't help but secretly gasped. He was an extremely outstanding handsome man with long eyebrows like willows and a body like a jade tree, but at this moment he exuded a touch of sadness and despair from his body, which made people unconsciously startled , I was afraid that he would jump down if he couldn't think about it, and an elderly man shouted impulsive words below, and several strong and strong men walked up quietly, trying to save him.

Huo Hanyan frowned in doubt, and unconsciously raised her head to look at Xue Yan who was protecting her in the corner, only to see that his eyes were also bottomless.Before they could take any action, they saw the figure above swaying slightly, their feet on the wine jar slipped, and they fell sideways from the Liufang Pavilion.Huo Hanyan couldn't help exclaiming, this Liufang Pavilion is the highest point in Fengcheng, how can there be life in such a fall.Just about to use lightness kung fu to catch him, Xue Shaochen who was beside her was already one step ahead of her, soaring into the air, holding him firmly in his hand.Huo Hanyan saw it right, it was carrying!
Xue Yan lifted the clothes on Ling Yuncong's back with a look of disgust, and when he was about to reach the ground, he threw him violently.Ling Yuncong fell down and rolled several times on the ground, a handsome man was instantly covered in dust, his hair was messy and he looked extremely embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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