Chapter 130

Huo Haoxuan nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately amidst the voices of congratulations from everyone, Xue Shaochen stared at the sedan chair in a daze, turned over and sat on a saddle and bridle horse covered with gold-painted lychee flower patterns, raised a smile and thanked all the guests present, that kind of evil The evil spirit made the surrounding people take a deep breath, the groom is really handsome.

The figure of Yimen in the dark also stared at this scene foolishly, biting his lower lip, with unwilling pain in his eyes.Another beautiful woman stood beside her, and said with a charming smile, "This groom has such a good birth, even the little lady can't help but move my heart."

"You...why do you always pester me..." The voice was a little cowardly and unwilling.

"My sister just looks at her like this and feels distressed. This woman~ if she doesn't know how to use her means to fight, she will never have a bright future." When he penetrated into the girl's body, his brows brightened instantly, a clear expression appeared on his face, and the corners of his eyes slightly hooked. "My sister is secretly sad here, who can know, and who can sue?"


"My sister still thinks carefully about what my sister said last time. It's better to make decisions by yourself than to depend on others."

The two people in the corner were talking in a low voice, while the bridesmaid on the other side shouted loudly:

"Get up!"

The gongs and drums cleared the way, and the sedan chair slowly rose, and a red fan was thrown out of the sedan chair, which means "rest assured fan", to reassure the mother's family. Go forward.The dowry that followed was sent out from the palace like flowing water, until the sedan chair was gone, it was really red makeup.

The sedan chair walked around the imperial capital before landing at the gate of Duke Wei's mansion.

With loud drums and music, firecrackers blared, and the bridesmaids stood on the steps, shouting: "One auspicious cloud rises from the east, two purple clouds come from the west, two colorful clouds come to meet, and a newcomer appears in the clouds!"

At this time, there was a pot of charcoal fire and a few tiles in front of the sedan chair, and the bride was standing beside the sedan chair, wanting to help the bride off the sedan chair, but Xue Yan took the first step and hugged the occupants out of the sedan chair.

"Ah——" Huo Hanyan couldn't see the people and things around her clearly now, she was suddenly hugged by the waist, and she unconsciously exclaimed.

The wedding dresses were layered on top of each other, Xue Yan tightened his hands and held her firmly, then bent down and hooked his lips, and said softly: "It's me."

"En." Huo Hanyan under the hijab responded sweetly, she naturally knew it was him.

The sound of firecrackers continued, but the bridesmaid beside him didn't know how to continue shouting.Seeing Xue Yan's eyes sweeping away, the bridesmaid felt cold all over, and suddenly smiled brightly, like an autumn chrysanthemum, and shouted: "The new couple has gone too far and broken tiles, stepping past the past to create a good relationship."

Xue Yan's footsteps were very steady, and he gently put the person in his arms down.Only then did the best man let out a sigh of relief. It turned out that the groom's official felt sorry for the bride and was afraid that the brazier would burn.It really scared him, if Mr. Xue just carried the bride in like this, it would be a joke if the name was not right.Didn't King Yun just want to take advantage of the moment, and has been laughed at until now...

Xi Niang immediately stepped forward and placed the red ribbons tied with big red flowers in the hands of the newlyweds respectively. Su Yan put Yu Ruyi on the tray of the good wife of the Duke's mansion and brought it in, and then helped her own princess across the threshold.

Now sitting in the hall are Wei Guogong and Xue Guifei, which is one of the reasons why Wei Guogong's mansion is so lively.The imperial concubine came to the Duke's mansion from the imperial city at noon, the purpose was for this marriage, compared with Duke Wei who looked slightly ugly, she was full of relief and joy, the younger brother finally waited until this moment.

"Newcomers, please take your place, and worship the heaven and the earth, and be harmonious."

The hem of the red dress is floating, as if dancing all the good things.

"Second obeisance to the high hall, the hall is full of children and grandchildren."

The red candles were burning brightly, and the gold-painted double happiness characters floated in the candlelight, illuminating people's hearts brightly, and almost everyone present would smile heartily.

"Husband and wife worship each other, love each other."

Xue Yan looked at the figure opposite, raised his eyebrows, and bowed down with an intoxicating smile on his lips.

This is husband and wife... After Huo Hanyan bowed, she slowly got up, and finally married her husband again in this life. After three years of misses in the previous life, and the companionship of the soul for more than ten years, seeing him in pain and despair.This life will definitely not be like this again, they will definitely love each other for a lifetime and grow old together.

"Send to the bridal chamber."

After the worship, Xi Niang helped Huo Hanyan to step on the sack, and when she saw that she was shaking a little, Xue Yan wanted to walk over, but was stopped by Concubine Xue as soon as she took the step, and said with a smile: "Don't be too nervous, to pass on the family, you have to ask for a favor." auspicious."

When Huo Hanyan heard this, her face under the red hijab blushed a little, becoming more and more beautiful.

The etiquette of this marriage is extremely complicated, but after listening to the bride's reminder step by step, he arrived at the bridal chamber after a while.The two good-witted women were waiting outside the bridal chamber early, took the bride from the bride's hand, led her in, and sat on the edge of the bed.One of the women held a wish stick and brought it to the groom, signaling him to lift the bride's hijab.

Xue Yan pinched the scale beam, trembling slightly, his heart was beating very hard.Looking at the woman on the edge of the bed, his eyes gradually blurred, and he seemed a little worried, so he called out: "...Hanyan?"

Huo Hanyan waited for a while, but she didn't see him coming forward, and she was a little puzzled when she heard his calling.He wanted to speak, but he kept Xi Niang's instructions in mind, so he had to answer gently.Feeling him approaching slowly, sitting beside her.The hands on the waist were clasped nervously, until the eyes lit up, and the red hijab was lifted.

(End of this chapter)

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