Chapter 138

Pushing her against the white jade stone wall of the bath, the skirt of the clothes was soaked in the water and floating in the water, the rest of her body was tightly attached to her slender body, and she didn't take her slapstick-like refusal to heart, just stared at him to get down At the destination of her mouth, she leaned over and grabbed her lips with hot lips, and deftly unbuttoned her clothes, and she made a whining sound, as if she was about to be out of breath, Xue Yan followed suit The lips slide to the earlobe and neck.When he realized that she had moved, he pulled her legs away.A slight pain struck again, and Huo Hanyan finally came to his senses, and beat his back vigorously, "Can you... can you stop being like this?"

"If you don't want me to be like this! Well——don't tempt me like this." Xue Yan said, it seems that this is not his fault, but Huo Hanyan's fault.

"How can I?" I have been talking to him in a serious manner just now, how can I seduce him? !
Xue Yan hugged her, smiling foolishly, and now his tone is full of satisfaction: "Hanyan, just standing here without moving is enough to make me lose control, not to mention this appearance." You also I will never know how much I love you, including your every frown and smile, every gesture of your hand is imprinted on my heart.

"Husband... um~" He couldn't help but whispered softly, and there was no other words in his mouth.

On the third day of the wedding, it was the time for the bride to return to Ning. Several carts of gift boxes outside the gate of King Huo's mansion once again attracted the attention of the people. Now Huo Han is in a beautiful bun, the five phoenixes are hanging in the sun, and two fan hairbands are hanging behind. A white cloak is placed on the skirt with the ancient patterns of auspicious clouds and flowing moon, which looks dignified and noble.And Xue Yan was dressed in purple, and the deep red glowed in the dark blue robe, which was extraordinarily dazzling.

Huo Hanyan's smiling and happy appearance made King Huo and Princess Huo quite gratified.King Huo disapproved of this marriage at the beginning, firstly because of Wei Guogong, and secondly because his wife and children were hiding from him alone, and he felt unhappy.But just looking at Xue Yan, although he was quite frivolous when he was young, he has been very good in recent years, even willing to do that for his own daughter, he is worthy of Han Yan.As for Concubine Huo, she already knew the relationship between the two of them, so she was naturally even more gratified.

After getting started, I formally knelt down and worshiped tea in the hall, which went very smoothly.Huo Hanyan smiled silly while holding the red envelope in her hand, regardless of how many things were inside.For her, the best blessing for herself is the affirmation of her family.

Huo Haoxuan looked at his sister's embarrassing appearance, touched his nose, and said with a smile: "My mouth is watering when I laugh again."

"..." Huo Hanyan was instantly annoyed, and stomped her feet coquettishly to blame, "Brother~" I was obviously thinking about other things, why is my mouth drooling?

"I made a special trip to stay in the mansion, waiting for you to return to Ning to serve tea." Huo Haoxuan sat down leisurely without changing his expression. His green clothes were clean, his eyes were clear, and his demeanor was outstanding. He looked at Xue Shaochen with deep meaning in his eyes and said: "But you The Duke's Mansion treated Han Yan badly? Why did she look like a little money fan when she came back?"

Xue Shaochen smiled awkwardly, raising his eyebrows slightly. "Brother is joking, even if Shaochen treats himself badly, he will definitely not wrong her."

At this time, Ruan Qiluo came out of the backyard belatedly, probably because she was pregnant and often lethargic recently.Originally, she was also very angry today, and ordered the people in the mansion to take care of the matters after Han Yan returned home, but she fell asleep while sitting.In the end, she didn't know how she was carried back to the house by her husband. After Han Yan entered the house, the servant girl in the mansion rushed over to call her.

"Hanyan." As soon as she came out, she stepped forward and held Huo Hanyan's wrist tightly. Although bags under the eyes were hidden in the corners of her eyes, she was full of gentle smiles. "I'm late."

Huo Hanyan quickly shook her head, seeing her sister-in-law's increasingly calm appearance, she smiled sweetly. "Sister-in-law is precious now, these customary etiquettes are the same anytime." After speaking, he called the servant girl to bring tea, Fushen said: "Sister-in-law, please drink tea."

"Your sister-in-law can't drink tea now." Ruan Qiluo just took it, Huo Wangfei hurried forward and asked someone to bring a cup of white water to replace the tea. "Let's replace tea with water."

Ruan Qiluo raised the corner of her lips, pecked lightly, then put it down, and handed out the red envelope from her bosom.Huo Hanyan seemed to be influenced by her elder brother, her eyes really lit up when she saw the red envelope, Huo Haoxuan beside her smiled helplessly, as if she hadn't seen anything.

When Xue Shaochen saw this situation, he shook his head secretly, Hanyan was really affected by the sublimation, could it be because of returning to Huo Wang's mansion and relaxing her mind.He stretched out his right hand to pick up the clear water on the maid's tray, moved his hands horizontally, and called out without any expression: "Sister-in-law, please drink tea."

Ruan Qiluo was holding a teacup with a smile, and was about to say some auspicious words about the love between husband and wife, but the moment she saw Xue Yan's eyes, some broken images suddenly appeared in her mind. Broken Porcelain, what happened to me today?Huo Haoxuan got up immediately, took her pale face into his arms, took a few steps back and sat down, and asked worriedly: "Qi Luo, are you alright?"

"It's okay..." He quickly shook his head, and the picture in his mind disappeared instantly.

And everyone else in the room looked at her suspiciously, wondering if they were frightened, or they slipped their hands and missed it?This broken tea cup is very unlucky in folk customs.Huo Hanyan was slightly stunned, looking at Xue Shaochen's deep eyes now, she quietly leaned against him, trying her best to comfort him.But he was secretly surprised in his heart, it's not that the sister-in-law hasn't seen Xue Shaochen these days, why did she lose her composure today?Could it be... what did the sister-in-law remember? !

"Sui Sui is safe, Sui Sui is safe." Although Princess Huo didn't know why this happened, she hurried over to smooth things over and ordered another cup to be served. "Qi Luo has been sleeping restlessly lately, probably because she was in a daze."

Folk customs and so on are just for auspiciousness, so there are so many taboos.

Xue Yan raised his glass again pretending nothing happened, nodded towards Ruan Qiluo, who was now nervous, and called out respectfully: "Sister-in-law, please drink tea."

After serving the tea smoothly this time, Huo Haoxuan helped Yi Qiluo back to rest because she felt unwell.Huo Hanyan took Xue Yan to Tingyu Pavilion, the newlyweds were not allowed to live in the same room when they returned home, and only Tingyu Pavilion was vacant in Huo Wangfu.

"Husband, do you think sister-in-law remembered something?" Originally, when I returned home today, I was most worried about Xue Shaochen.Qi Luo used to be his secret guard, but now he has become his sister-in-law. He was worried that he would not be able to get over a hurdle in his heart. He never thought that he behaved nothing unusual this time, but his sister-in-law was a little strange.

(End of this chapter)

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