Chapter 142

Mrs. Ru Su took the wooden box and did not open it in a hurry. Instead, she placed it on the wooden table, tapped it with her slender fingers, and made a "gloglo" sound.

She flicked the silver trim hanging from the bun, and her gaze was full of charm.Beautiful women in the world are not scary. The most terrifying thing is that this woman is not only beautiful but also intelligent, and even possesses peerless martial arts.I saw her moving charmingly, leaning forward and smiling slightly: "My sister will rest in peace at Prince Huo's mansion, and wait for the good news from the prince, haha..."

After she left, Liu Yiru sat on the wooden bench with her whole body stiff, and wanted to raise her hands to refill a cup of tea for herself, but found that her hands were shaking and it was difficult to stop.There was a little fear and a little pain in the eyes, and many past events unconsciously appeared in his mind, and then he closed his eyes suddenly, covering up all his emotions, as if he wanted to stop these fantasies.

Now that she has taken this step, she can no longer turn back, and she has no choice but to give it a go.

The bride Gui Ning can only stay at her mother's house for one night before returning. Even if Huo Hanyan is reluctant to give up, she has to leave after lunch.

"If you think about it, you can come back at any time." Xue Yan sat on the carriage, looked at her slightly red eyes, and tightened his arms around her, feeling a little pain in his heart. Huo Wang's Mansion is indeed more capable of letting her wanton than the Duke's Mansion. And happy.

Before Huo Hanyan could speak, she felt the carriage stop.Xue Yan raised the curtain, saw 'Jue' waiting beside the carriage, and immediately asked: "What's the matter?"

"Master, there's news from the palace that the empress died an hour ago." 'Jue' has been focusing on collecting all kinds of information on the imperial capital, and it is very important to get rid of the strangeness of the Yun Palace these days. "The emperor issued an order to suspend the court for three days, and the whole city will be silent for one month. All royal family members, civil and military officials from the imperial capital will immediately enter the palace to guard the spirit of the late queen." Can't wait for them to return home, hurried to report.

"...Empress Empress?" Huo Hanyan couldn't help murmuring, she had forgotten about this because she had a lot of things going on recently.

The empress of the previous life went there before the first heavy snowfall in the ninth year of Yongtai, ending her more than ten years of glory and misery.

Although the current empress has long been useless in the palace, the emperor still gave her enough dignity, and arranged with the Ministry of Rites, decreed that she should be posthumously named Empress Dunsuren, and she would be buried on the west side of the imperial mausoleum fifteen days later.At the same time, the folks stopped all ceremonial ceremonies, weddings and funerals.Courtiers and officials took off their crowns and knelt down to worship, and noble ladies took off their hairpins and wept.

As soon as he entered the palace, there was a heavy snowfall in the sky, as if the heavens were also mourning.As the princess, Huo Hanyan was supposed to be among the imperial relatives. Looking at the coffin directly above, Huo Hanyan was slightly moved. It was said that Minister Wei fainted immediately after hearing the bad news.

Listening to the crying sounds around, some of them seemed to be singing a ditty with tune in their mouths; Being an outlier in the crowd, he also pretended to whimper a few times.

"Your Majesty, why did you go—" Suddenly, a figure jumped up from the concubines and fell to the underside of the queen's coffin, crying endlessly. "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The slightly hoarse mourning voice made the whole atmosphere darken.

Then, affected by the concubine's sad atmosphere, several people couldn't help feeling sad, unable to restrain their crying on the ground.Even Huo Hanyan couldn't help feeling sour, her eyes rolled slightly, she saw Concubine Xue Gui who was kneeling in the first place staring coldly at the concubine lying on the coffin, she suddenly came to her senses, how could she be affected?

"The Emperor is here!"

Huo Hanyan sighed helplessly, just now she thought that the concubine was really overly sad, who knew it was just a means to grab the emperor's attention.

When Emperor Yongtai entered the palace, he saw the concubine who was almost crying and fainted in front of the coffin, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her up. His tone was filled with grief for the queen and mixed with distress for the woman, "Concubine Qiong, don't do this, the queen is waiting for you!" You have always been kind to you, and I will definitely not bear you to be so sad."

"Your Majesty! Although the concubine has only been in the palace for a short time, the empress treats her like a sister. Huh..." She cried without restraint, as if she was sincere, "Your majesty is still so young, how can she go...just leave..." ..." Sudden gasping, he fainted in Emperor Yongtai's arms, his face pale.

Emperor Yongtai immediately picked her up, ignored anyone, and hurriedly called for the imperial doctor.Concubine Xue Gui's face turned cold, she slumped to her side, and was supported by the concubines beside her in time.

Everyone saw the emperor's actions just now, some were gloating, and some were not making any waves. Some eyes were dark, as if they were planning for their own future. In the harem, stand right for yourself Also very important.Although after Concubine Qiong entered the palace, the honor and favor of the imperial concubine and empress would not diminish, but with today's situation, it is hard to say what will happen in the future.

In the middle of the night, Huo Hanyan got up from Xue Yan's arms, listening to the creaking sound of burning charcoal in the room, it was difficult to fall asleep again.He was very tired during the day, so he rested when he returned to the mansion, probably because he went to bed too early, and woke up before the fourth watch.Going outside to light the candles in the lantern, Guifu outside the door immediately asked softly: "What is the master's order?"

"It's okay." Huo Hanyan looked inside, fearing that she would wake up her sleeping husband, she whispered back.I walked to the window and pushed open a small crack. The heavy snow had fallen all night, and now it had spread a thick layer on the ground, making the courtyard a little white.

In a blink of an eye, he saw the small iron stove on the steps that had been extinguished for a long time. Guifu, who was sitting on the steps, was blown by the cold wind and curled up into a ball. Rest."

Guifu listened to the princess's caring tone, and a warm current seemed to flash in his heart.Those of them who are slaves have already given their lives to their masters. If they meet a good master, they will suffer less crimes and enjoy some blessings. If they meet vicious ones, it is common for their lives to be tossed away.I have been with the young master since I was a child. Although the young master has been messing around a bit, his opponents are still good. The current princess is also a good person, so he must serve him more attentively.

"It's not cold, the Princess don't have to worry."

Hearing his resolute tone, Huo Hanyan couldn't help it, "Then you burn the stove, I don't know how long the snow will fall."

Amidst the trembling response from outside, Huo Hanyan felt a cloak covering her back, her waist tightened even more, and the warm breath behind her clung to her.Let her put down her hands immediately, and let the room warm up.Turning around to look at him, he smiled softly; "Woke you up?"

(End of this chapter)

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