Chapter 144

The emperor has not used secret orders for a long time, could something serious happen?Huo Haoxuan didn't delay, let Qiluo sleep first, and said that he didn't have to wait for him.Then at the foot of the imperial city, with a peerless lightness skill, he stepped into the Chengqian Palace without a trace.

In Chengqian Palace, Emperor Yongtai sat on the dragon chair, holding the armrest of the dragon head next to him with both hands, his eyes were a little dull.Even Huo Haoxuan walked in, but didn't notice.

"Could it be that King Yun made a move earlier?" Impossible?If King Yun made a move, he would definitely get the news.Besides, this time is not the best time to rebel, and Huo Haoxuan doesn't know what happened to make the always calm emperor lose his composure.

Emperor Yongtai regained his senses and raised his head, the corners of his lips raised, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Haoxuan, I have a child... I am going to be the father!"

He really didn't know who to share this matter with, this was great news for him, so he had no choice but to announce Huo Haoxuan into the palace in the middle of the night.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." Huo Haoxuan cupped his hands and said sincerely. "The long-cherished wish has finally been fulfilled."

There is no need to ask too much, Concubine Xue Gui is definitely pregnant.Everyone knows that there are many beauties in the emperor's harem, but he has no heirs.All kinds of speculations emerged one after another, and it was said that the emperor had a problem with his ability.who would have thought...

The emperor has no heirs, but because Concubine Xue Gui has never been pregnant.

Huo Haoxuan touched the bridge of his nose unconsciously, and secretly shook his head helplessly, he did not expect that the royal family would show some kind of infatuation, the previous emperor was like this, but now the emperor...

"You said, would Cheng Bi be willing to give birth to a child?" Emperor Yongtai's usually wise eyes were full of worry, a little worried about gains and losses.

Huo Haoxuan had a vague smile on his lips, "Is the imperial concubine not intending to tell the emperor?" Having been with the emperor for many years, he naturally knows that the emperor has eyeliner around the imperial concubine, and he is in control of every move.

Seeing that Emperor Yongtai frowned slightly, and did not deny it, Huo Haoxuan immediately smiled and said: "Since this is the case, the empress must want to hide her strength and bide her time to keep the dragon descendant. This is no different from the emperor's doting on Concubine Qiong."

The affairs of the royal family are so intertwined and extremely helpless.Even if he wants to keep the woman he loves, he has to beat around the bush and make such a big detour.

Emperor Yongtai smiled helplessly, this is self-inflicted.

Laughing at himself, the letter on the table jumped in front of his eyes, raised his eyes slightly, and said with deep meaning: "It is said that King Yun has obtained a world-wide treasure, and he claims to be able to defy fate and human relations."

As an emperor, for the stability of the country, he must always pay attention to the movements of the kings, except for Huo Wang's mansion and the Duke's mansion, he has nothing to do.For the rest of the courtiers, if there is a slight fluctuation, there will be letterheads on the table.

"Hehe..." Huo Haoxuan suddenly smiled when he heard the words, "The emperor has praised you."

It was strange to say this, but both of them knew it in their hearts and tacitly understood it.Although Emperor Yongtai didn't take this matter to heart, he still couldn't help asking: "Aren't you worried?" If they can really find that thing, it will be a big shock to the entire Shenzhou.

You can set the country when you enter, and you can live in safety when you are outside.These twelve words are not lip service, it's as simple as that!

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this is a matter of Haoxuan's responsibility, and he will handle it properly." Huo Haoxuan said confidently.Even if they were destined to find it, they must be destined to possess it.Besides, such steps are fun, otherwise King Yun's 'troubleshooting' this time would be too boring.

No matter how complicated the queen's funeral was, she was finally buried after the fifteenth day.

After resting for two days, Huo Hanyan finally had time to meet her father-in-law's concubine and concubine.Although Concubine Xue Gui is pregnant, she still has to do what she should do.

"Slaves see the princess." Although Chang Yingju's maid was puzzled as to why Princess Huo came here, she was still courteous.

Supported by Su Yanxu, Huo Hanyan raised her wrist slightly. "Excuse me, I don't know if my wife is in the yard."

"Wait for the servant to report." The maid bent her knees, planning to go inside.Unexpectedly, Huo Hanyan smiled, "How can I bother Mrs. Fang to come out to greet her in person, I just go in by myself."

General report?Could it be that the lady on this side really thinks that she is the mistress of the Duke's Mansion?Mrs. Side's yelling was just nice on the surface, and ugly when she said it. It was just a concubine with a little more status. She was the honor of the princess. Could it be that she was still allowed to visit her.

When Shang Yunyan heard the voice, she knew that she could no longer put on airs, so she walked out of the room, with a weak smile, and was about to speak. "Princess——" I wanted to say that the princess is here, so I quickly went into the room and sat down to ease this slightly embarrassing scene.Unexpectedly, Huo Hanyan stood in the yard and interrupted her with a gentle tone. "Since you are pregnant, you don't need to kneel and bow, Fufushen is."

Su Yan pursed her lips and suppressed a smile.The princess of her own family put on airs, just to clean up people.

Shang Yunyan's face suddenly turned pale, and he leaned against the door, bending his knees with a slight humiliation in his eyes, "Wanfu, princess."

(End of this chapter)

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