Chapter 160

Not to mention how shameless it is for a group of people to bully an old man, and even in front of them, they don't pay attention to them at all. As long as they kill the old man and take things away, they will attack them in the next step. It can be avoided, it is better to take the initiative.

The guards got the order, quickly drew their weapons and stepped forward, fighting fiercely with the man in black.This time Princess Huo assigned them all the first-class guards in the palace, and it was difficult to distinguish between them for a while, but Mrs. Ru Su is a top expert in the martial arts, and the guards can do nothing to her, anyway, the loss is in her hands.

"Jue, stop Madame Rusu." At this time, only Jue can compete with Madam Rusu among them.

Although Jue was worried about the princess, he still nodded respectfully and immediately joined the battle.

And Liu Yiru ran to the old man, and asked worriedly: "Uncle Yu, are you alright?"

The old man waved his hand lightly, "It's all right."

Mrs. Ru Su, who was entangled by Jue, suddenly took out a bone flute and played a strange but rhythmic tone. After a while, she heard rustling sounds, approaching from all directions.

"No, that woman used the flute to attract poison." The old man frowned, ran to the chessboard, poured all the lamp oil in the courtyard, and lit a fire, and the fire spread into the trench, and he shouted loudly: "Come quickly to the middle of the fire."

Huo Hanyan led Liu Yiru and Su Yan to use lightness kung fu and jumped inside.After a while, a dark creature appeared around the flames, Liu Yiru approached Huo Hanyan in fear and whispered, "What... what?!"

"Scorpions." Through the firelight, they could see clearly, but what was so strange about the flute sound of Mrs. Su Su, that she could gather so many poisonous scorpions in such a short time. "Guard!" With just one word, all the guards and Jue fell beside them.

The old man glanced at the calm Huo Hanyan, and something flashed in his eyes, showing a trace of determination.I saw his eyes were slightly cold, staring at Madam Ru Su closely, "The Southern Border Sacred Religion has one sage, four envoys and six sects. I don't know which one Madam belongs to?" Apart from these few people, no one in this world should be capable, but No matter Jingshui or...they are not in conflict with the well water in Southern Xinjiang.

"The sacred religion in southern Xinjiang? It has long existed in name only, hehe, the woman has not seen it in her eyes yet." Mrs. Ru Su is not in a hurry when she looks at the figures in the firelight. escape. "This Holy Cult, except for the figure of Ling Jiaozhu who was a thousand years ago, the rest is just a bunch of wine bags and rice bags, discrediting the name of the Holy Cult."

"Ma'am, what a big tone." Huo Hanyan said coldly. The Southern Xinjiang Holy Religion has been entrenched in Southern Xinjiang for thousands of years. prestige.

Mrs. Ru Su shook her head and smiled at Huo Hanyan, and looked at the old man, "It's not that I speak loudly, but it's true. The old man knows this better than me." After finishing speaking, she looked at the sky and sneered, "The holy religion is the most famous It is the twin wonders, the world's most strange poisonous wisteria sara and the world's most strange medicine holy pond golden lotus, unfortunately both of these things originated from..."

Before she could finish speaking, the old man frowned, "How can you know so clearly? Who are you?" These are all long-ago things, which have long been blurred, but this woman can tell them eloquently. "What else do you know?"

"I also know who built this Mirror Water." Mrs. Ru Su looked around the house, with frenzied joy in her eyes, as the fire in the ditch was getting smaller and smaller, she said softly in a threatening tone, "Old man, it's time to rest after so many years of guarding. The lady advises you to be wise and give your things to me. I can promise to let you live, otherwise this time will be your own death. You don't want these two A girl as beautiful as a flower and jade will be buried with you?"

"Promise?" Xie Mei's voice came from outside the door, looking very lazy.A few men in black with silver masks on their faces entered with torches in hand, and drove all the poisonous scorpions on the ground away. The scorching squeaks of scorpions could be heard in the ears, and the rest fled in all directions.I saw a man in a black ink fox coat and a jade crown walking in slowly with a look of contempt in his eyes.

Huo Hanyan murmured: "Husband."

At this time, Su Yan's eyes were filled with tears almost instantly, the county horse master came, he really came, that's great!Liu Yiru's face was filled with joy, but her eyes were focused on Su Yan's expression, unexpectedly...

The many emotions here don't seem to have any influence on Xue Yan, "I don't know the price of the side concubine's promise?"

Mrs. Ru Su covered her lips, let out a silver bell-like laugh, took two steps forward and lifted the tassels on her ears, and said ambiguously: "You enemy, how can you be so sarcastic to me? It may not be worth a half to others, but it is to you." Priceless—"

"Oh? I'm really flattered." Xue Yan's eyes were slightly cold, showing hostility. "I don't know where my wife offended the side concubine, and let the side concubine make such a killer?"

"Yo - are you still angry?" Mrs. Ru Su smiled, but her eyes were guarded.

Xue Yan moved the jade finger on his thumb, and his tone was full of danger. "The side concubine should know that I have a personality of vengeance, so why ask such childish questions."

(End of this chapter)

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