Chapter 165

Although Xue Yan was burning with anxiety, he didn't answer the conversation, just quietly waiting for Mo Lao to continue talking.

Sure enough, Mo Lao saw that he hadn't spoken for a long time, and his mood of teasing him also stopped. This Xue Yan really became more and more uninteresting.He clasped his shoulders and patted, and said in a nonchalant gesture with his green eyebrows dancing, "Unless...someone transfers his heart to himself, the poison on the original owner will disappear naturally." With the method of barter, the poisoning of the transferred person will only deepen, and it will never be solved.

"How to transfer?" As long as there is a way to solve it, it must be at all costs.

Mo Lao replied with a smirk: "Yin and Yang intersect."

Yin-yang intercourse can transfer Gu poison, why he didn't, Xue Yan's eyes were full of doubts. "But I have nothing unusual."

"Do you think losing your heart is a vulgar love potion for your country? Naturally, I have to use my method in southern Xinjiang." Mo Lao looked at him with a little contempt, then frowned slightly, and after a moment of hesitation, he still spoke. "I would suggest that you might as well find an innocent man to take over your disappointment."

Xue Yan was slightly stunned and then understood what Mo Lao meant. In an instant, his whole body exuded a strong murderous aura, and his eyes staring at Mo Lao were full of haze. "Old Mo, say it again!"

Seeing that the surrounding atmosphere was gradually suppressed, it was the first time that Mo Lao felt his heart tightened. Every hair on his body was telling him that if he continued to speak, his fate would be explained here.Tsk tsk—but what I said is indeed the best way. "Frustration is made by Ling Ji, the seventh generation leader of the Holy Cult. The original intention of refining is to allow the leader to practice the upper-level cheats in the Holy Cult without distraction. This medicine does not harm the human body, so no one studies it. Bring out the antidote." It's not that I don't know that finding other men to have sex with Xue Yan's wife is the best strategy, but it's best to have rights and interests.

"That's enough, tell me the method of transfer!" Xue Yan had no interest in knowing how this damn heartbreak was refined.

The corners of Mo Lao's lips curled into a smile, and his eyes narrowed triumphantly. "Have you figured it out? My way is better." Said that Xue Yan is a smart person, if he can't bear it at that time, he will kill the man who transfers the poison.

Unexpectedly, Xue Yan's brows turned sharp, and he threw up his sleeves in anger, and Mo Lao rushed out of the door, "Looking for death!" Who gave him the courage to come up with such an idea!Looking for a man to have sex with Hanyan?Damn it!
Old General Mo vomited all the blood on his chest. Seeing that he was already in a state of madness, he hurriedly said, "No one will be able to save your wife if you do it." In one sentence, Xue Yan stopped the offensive. It seems that Mrs. Xue It is his weakness that no one can touch.Then he asked what the transfer method was for, and suddenly Mo stood up in surprise, and said, "You want to transfer her poison to you?"

"What's the matter?" Mo Lao couldn't kill because of Hanyan.But let him have a good face, but it is impossible.

"Confused! Even my Nanjiang Holy Hierarch can't handle this Gu poison." Not to mention someone who has never practiced poison, how outstanding Ling Sheng Hierarch was back then, even he couldn't handle it, let alone others.Mo Lao frowned and said: "She is poisoned, the one who suffers is you and not her. If you are poisoned, the one who suffers is she and not you."

Now that madam doesn't feel it herself, even if she feels it, she doesn't have lustful thoughts, so how can she feel the slightest pain.If the heartbreak is transferred to Xue Yan, Xue Yan will become a heartbreaker, and the one who suffers will be that delicate little lady. Now it depends on Xue Yan's choice.

"There is no other way?" Xue Yan's throat tightened.Although he is confident, he will not lose his heart to Han Yan even if he gets hurt, but he is not afraid of anything, just in case, how can he bear to let Han Yan suffer from him at this time, so heartbroken like a knife? suffering. "This poison can make people lose the desire for lust, and then there is no harm."

"That's right." Mo Lao coughed twice, and coughed up blood again. Damn, this Xue Yan's attack was too severe!His heart was almost shattered, how could he be worthy of his blood if he didn't take revenge. "As long as sexual intercourse is banned, I guarantee that she will not be harmed in the slightest except for her ruthless thoughts."

Forbidden intercourse!Hehe, I told you not to eat it even if you could see it, it will suffocate you to death!
No, who is this Xue Yan?It's impossible to lose a woman by his side, even if his wife can't, it's just to have two gentle concubines to enjoy, what a mistake!This time he couldn't fix him, but tormented Mrs. Xue instead.But it's not good to go back on what you said, otherwise Xue Yan knows that he has played tricks on him, and he will attack him even more.

Mrs. Xue, if your husband really can't help but find a concubine, don't blame me, everything is caused by your husband himself, and has nothing to do with me!
Huo Hanyan didn't hear his shameless begging, but sat in the room looking at the things that Uncle Yu gave her yesterday, she didn't notice anything unusual when she saw it for the first time, but now she felt something that she couldn't describe.Especially for this silk scroll, the person in the painting is handsome, but the purple jade flute in his hand is pointing to the lower right, and the lower right is the huge chessboard of Jingshui, which seems to be pointed.

From the appearance and temperament of the person in the painting, it is not difficult to judge that this person should be the saint who has been rumored for thousands of years in the Purple Bamboo Forest.

(End of this chapter)

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