Chapter 168

Huo Hanyan looked at her husband who was hugging her and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Just as he was about to ask, he noticed a strange movement outside the carriage. Just when he wanted to get up to check, he found that the arms around her were tight and he couldn't break free.The carriage had just stopped, and the sound of horseshoes hadn't completely stopped, only the sound of sharp arrows piercing through the air and swords colliding could be heard outside the carriage, and several of them were shot at the outer wall of the carriage, with enough force to shake the entire carriage.

"Husband!" With a soft call, he noticed that Xue Yan hugged her and turned sideways, and a sharp arrow passed across her position just now.Xue Yan sternly said to the outside while following her back: "Quick battle and quick decision!" The hidden guards are really getting more and more slack, and it takes so much time to deal with some killers.

After everything was over and the carriage continued to move forward, she looked at the arrow hole on the wall of the carriage in doubt. It was so overbearing that the carriage passed through horizontally?Xue Yan just caressed her back, seemingly unaffected by the incident just now, and rubbed against her comfortably, "Qiong Huoyou's battle letter." With such a strong and perfect strength, only Qiong Huoyou can do it.

"He's already here?" Huo Hanyan asked suspiciously when he heard his steady heartbeat.According to Qiong Huoyou's itinerary, they should not have arrived at the imperial capital yet, so how would they know where they were, and they made a special trip to stay here, but they didn't know whether his provocation was aimed at them or at Qianguo. "Now that he is the Regent of the Rong Kingdom, does my husband think he will start another war?" During the days when he was taken captive by him, he naturally felt Qiong Huoyou's ambition for the Qian Kingdom.

"It's inevitable to fight Rong Guo." Xue Yan closed his eyes, hiding his excited and bloodthirsty expression. For some reason, from the moment he stepped into the battlefield, he felt the blood surging, restrained I couldn't help being excited.But he knew in his heart that although Hanyan never said anything, she didn't like to see wars, and she didn't like him to go to the battlefield.He was willing to follow her wishes, and he asked himself to step down from the military power at the beginning, which also had this factor.

Huo Hanyan said in a low voice: "If such a day really comes, will you go?" God Nuwa once said that your husband is a seven-killer, born with a murderous spirit.

"Yes." Xue Yan didn't want to lie to her. If Qiong Huoyou really went to war, he would definitely invite Ying to go. Only by protecting the gate of Qian Kingdom can the woman in his arms be safe and sound. Qiong Huoyou has always been beheading him in a fight to the death, because he cannot be defeated, he can only win.

Everyone can afford to fail, only he can't.If he loses, there is no way out. How could he not find a way to save his life after he finally got his beloved woman? "But I'll be back as soon as possible, because I know you'll be waiting for me."

Huo Hanyan responded softly, listening to his heartbeat, thinking of what she wanted to ask before the incident happened, "Husband, why did you let Mrs. Su go?"

"Hanyan. Could it be that you don't believe in being a husband?" Xue Yan lowered his head, and didn't answer her question directly, but raised her cheek and stared into her eyes.

Well, my husband has his own reasons for everything he does. Since he doesn't want to say it, then he just doesn't ask. "Madame Ru Su has a wicked mind, my husband must be more careful." She can be so obsessed with a person who was a thousand years ago, and her daily behavior is also weird and unpredictable. If your husband wants to deal with her, you must be very energetic. yes.

And this time, I don't know if Yiru really doesn't know, or if it's fake.She would rather just be threatened by Mrs. Su, otherwise it will be difficult this time?Huo Hanyan just didn't understand, why did Yiru deceive her?According to Uncle Yu's statement and deliberation these days, Jingshui is not the ancestral house of the Liu family at all, but the place where the Zizhu sage lived. According to legend, the Zizhu sage never married in his life, and he has no descendants to pass it down. What kind of position is she playing, and what is the reason why Uncle Yu called Yiru to be a young lady? His mind is really in a mess, and he must investigate when she returns to the emperor.

Thinking about it, his eyes became dizzy and his brain was a little heavy. While the carriage was shaking, he leaned against his comfortable chest and slowly fell into a deep sleep. In a daze, he heard a faint voice from above his head, faintly Extremely unreal, a familiar voice echoed in his head. "I would do anything for you, you know?"

As soon as he returned to the Duke's mansion, the emperor got the news that Xue Yan would enter the palace immediately. It turned out that Qiong Huoyou led the envoys of the Rong Kingdom into the palace a quarter of an hour earlier than them. Many of them are soldiers who fought at the frontier, hehe, I'm really afraid that others will not know, are they doing something wrong this time?
And Huo Hanyan looked at the two beautiful girls who were bending over and kneeling at this time, and asked the housekeeper who brought them here to worship. "This is?" If it was maidservants, Bixia Court would have been enough, and their attire didn't look like they were serving people, but rather like official ladies from a small family.

"The princess, Youlan and Bishui are the Dukes who came here specially to take over the house for you." The housekeeper nodded and said, with a smile on his face, he didn't think there was anything wrong with this matter, "Now they have been settled. In the small courtyard on the right side of Bixia Garden."

Huo Hanyan raised the corners of her eyes slightly when she heard this, "Receive the house?"

(End of this chapter)

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