Chapter 177

The candlelight in the study room was very bright in the middle of the night. The man beside the mahogany table was writing something. The dark red brocade suit floated with his movements. His eyes are dark and deep yet full of sentimentality, such a contradictory combination seems to make people fall into it at any time.

Guifu looked at the girl wrapped in a blue cloak in embarrassment outside the door, his tone was respectful but rigorous. "Miss Bishui, you can go back, the young master will not see you."

Bi Shui bit her lips aggrievedly, her eye circles were red, and she gathered the fur on the cloak, as if anyone in front of her would shed tears if she spoke louder, "Please inform me, I really have something very important to see Young Master." Then he motioned to the servant girl to give some money, but Guifu has followed Xue Yan for so many years, and he has never seen such a rare treasure, so he still cares about the money?
"Hey, girl, you don't know the temper of the young master, so you should feel sorry for the little one, go back and rest!" When the young master came out of the princess's room today, he had a dissatisfied and solemn expression on his face. If you really go in to report, I'm afraid you will be torn apart in a while.Although the young master and the princess have not said how to deal with the two concubines, but according to the son's heart towards the princess, the princess probably has the final say on how to proceed.

Bi Shui's sobbing appearance made the maid next to her unable to bear it any longer. This maid was also a son of Prince Huo's mansion. She was supposed to serve the father-in-law's sixth aunt. She was taken care of by others, so she was assigned to Miss Bishui by the side wife. Although this girl looks like water, she treats her servants well, who can bear it when she sees her! "Guifu, you are just a slave. The girl is the son's concubine, which is equivalent to half of the master. If the master asks you to report it, you can report it once. Can you lose an arm and a leg?"

The impatience in the words made Guifu speechless, "This..."

"Who is making noise outside?" A serious voice came from the study, causing the three people outside the door to tremble.There was only a little joy hidden in Bi Shui's eyes.

Xue Yan knew from outside the door that he thought that the wealthy would send people away very quickly, but he didn't expect to be able to stay outside for so long.When Guifu heard the voice, he immediately bowed and stood outside the door, "My lord, Miss Bishui from the side garden asks to see you."

"...Let her in." Xue Yan frowned and put down his pen, closed the writing on the table, sat on the stool and watched Guifu lift the heavy curtain, with a beautiful demeanor, a woman like a blue wave came in, walked to the door of the study In the middle, the eyebrows are downcast, delicate and weak, and the small cherry mouth is a little white from the night wind, "Bi Shui has seen the young master."

Xue Yan's deep eyes couldn't help raising slightly, and he said lazily: "Get up." When she got up weakly, she stared into her eyes and asked with a little doubt: "What do you want me to do?"


The nobles and rich outside the door looked anxious, but nothing should happen to them. They looked at the maid who was guarding the side, "Jin Yu, are you really trying to kill me?" If it wasn't for the sake of this maid, , he had asked the guards to take them back a long time ago, and only hoped that the young master would not be too angry for a while.

The maid named Jin Yu rolled her eyes, took two steps forward, flicked her wrist, and said with a deep smile, "Why are you in a hurry? Maybe the young master will reward you later?"

"..." reward?Looking at her smile, why do I feel that I am about to face disaster!In the winter, Guifu felt that his sweat was about to condense into beads.

Before she knew that she would be sent to the Duke's Mansion, she had already inquired about the preferences of her future husband. Although it was rumored that he was infatuated with Princess Huo, she also heard that he was not as good as the weak crown and would hang around in brothels, and had spent a lot of money for fireworks girls several times.Princess Huo is an aristocrat of the royal family. He once promised others that he would whip a whip at every turn.It is inevitable that there is not enough tenderness in the words. Who in this world does not like soft and obedient men, and which man can do it without stealing.

She has a certain degree of confidence in her body, besides, she is a rightful person for him.Sure enough, seeing Xue Yan glance around appreciatively for a while, there was a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.The slightly magnetic voice raised slightly, "That's right... come here."

I saw her blushing and walking slowly.

After Young Master Xue left the princess's room last night, he pampered the Bishui girl in the side garden. The servants all said that the backyard was about to change. Princess Huo used to occupy the pepper room exclusively, and now it's time to make room for others.That is to say~ that Bishui girl's skin that can be broken by blowing and blowing, and her waist like a snake, must be charming on the bed.

In the early morning of the next day, Huo Hanyan who was in the main room naturally also heard about this incident from the rumors, and couldn't help but sat on the soft couch in a daze, her expression still indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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