Chapter 203

After a moment of silence, Huo Haoxuan walked directly to the desk, took out a blank silk scroll from a hidden drawer, splashed ink on it, and within the time it took for a cup of tea, the figure on the silk scroll appeared in it, and the silk scroll in Huo Hanyan's hand It was the same, and then soaked the silk roll in the liquid that had been prepared aside, and when it was taken out again, the silk roll had turned yellow.

Huo Hanyan's eyes suddenly lit up with such ingenious workmanship, "Brother, what is this thing? It has such a magical effect."

"When I traveled to the west of Yuanguo, in a place called Zhaotu, I happened to see an old man who bought books soak the newly bound manuscripts in this place. The manuscripts looked old, and sold them as ancient books, which made a lot of money. I saw it was interesting, so I asked him for some, and it came in handy today." Huo Haoxuan said softly, lit the candle beside the desk, rolled up the silk scroll and put it on the candle to ignite it, then quickly extinguished it.

The secret to succeeding more easily than others requires patience, care and curiosity about anything, as well as some luck, all of which are indispensable.

The original silk scroll is an ancient relic, and it is absolutely impossible for it to leak into Mrs. Ru Su's hands, but if you want to make the next move, this painting is an excellent bait.

"Brother, do you think Mrs. Su will obediently take the bait?" If this plan fails, it will be difficult to continue with the subsequent plans.

Huo Haoxuan was not worried at all, and there was a hint of interest on his lips, "I know what Mrs. Rusu is thinking. I have arranged everything. If you give her the things, she will definitely take action within five days. "

Huo Hanyan was holding two identical silk scrolls, and there were almost no flaws in the scorched marks. If it weren't for the peculiar totem on the lower right of the original picture, even Huo Hanyan would have admitted her mistake.

Sure enough, when Huo Hanyan handed the things to Mrs. Ru Su the next day, Mrs. Ru Su's greedy and excited eyes were fixed on the figure in the painting, her lips were trembling with excitement, and her whole body seemed to be in a state of madness. From the hair of the person in the painting to the hem of the clothes, it seems that it is not an illusion of touching nothingness, but that the person is standing in front of him alive.

Peerless in style and outstanding in fairy appearance, this is the person who has dreamed of dreaming so many times.

Madam Ru Su was satisfied, and he also gave her the antidote to frustration, "My sister never broke her promise, there is only one antidote in the world, so don't lose it."

"My own poison, I will be cautious." Huo Hanyan lowered her brows, staring at the pill in her hand.It seemed to be saying that he didn't trust her, so what if the medicine was poison, naturally he had to take it back and research it before making a decision.

Mrs. Ru Su smiled lightly, twirled her hair hanging on her chest, and said quietly: "In a few days, Miss Liu's family will enter the Palace of Prince Yun, and we will be related. At that time, the woman As the elder of the princess, how could he lie to you?"

"Elder?" Huo Hanyan frowned slightly, and said indifferently: "There are many elders who are old and disrespectful in this world, and they are very thoughtful when they are old."

old? !A lot of age? !This kind of speech is the most terrible thing for an elderly woman.Even Madam Ru Su is no exception, especially Liu Yiru is also known as a peerless beauty, not only her behavior is generous and decent, her martial arts attainments are not shallow, and the most important thing is her youth.The most unreliable thing in this world is a man's rhetoric, even if he can use tricks to make Ling Yuncong bow his head and listen, there are still hidden dangers in the end.

What Ling Yuncong was thinking about was Mrs. Ru Su, who gave him "Swallows Returning to the Nest" when she danced all over the city in Liufang Pavilion, not her.She has always understood this matter, so she looked at Huo Hanyan with more deep meaning in her eyes. Many things must not be put at one basket, and multiple preparations must be made.

At this time in the palace, Ling Jiangyu stood under the dragon chair, silent.An hour ago, the emperor called him into the palace, but after he came in, the emperor never said a word to him, he just looked at something on the table, cautiously and hesitantly.He was inconvenient to disturb, so he could only wait quietly.Time seemed to have passed for a long time, until Ling Jiangyu wondered if the emperor had forgotten about him before he heard the emperor speak. "Emperor brother, what do you think is the biggest hidden danger in Qianguo today?"

Ling Jiangyu raised his head in a daze, looked at the emperor's earnest and burning gaze, and after careful consideration in his heart, he said frankly: "King Yun and Duke Wei."

King Yun and Wei Guogong's threat to Qian State is not a secret at all in the eyes of the superiors.Not only do they hold heavy troops, but they are also ambitious and difficult to shake.

Who knew that Emperor Yongtai smiled wryly and shook his head, vetoing Ling Jiangyu's words, "It's the emperor's heir." Then, under Ling Jiangyu's surprised eyes, he leaned on the dragon chair, mocking himself, "Probably the emperor's brother is not good enough. , I am ashamed of the common people, and there has never been a successor to the throne."

"Brother Huang has worked hard for governance for several years, and he can be called an emperor through the ages." Ling Jiangyu immediately bowed and said.In fact, what he said is really not flattery. After Gan Guo experienced the humiliation in Mocheng, it took only two generations to bring Qian Guo out of the haze. Hard work is inseparable.

(End of this chapter)

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