Chapter 208

Huo Hanyan thought for a moment, now her identity is Xue Shaochen's wife first, and then the princess of Huo Wangfu.She naturally wanted to go back to King Huo's Mansion, but this was their first New Year's Eve together.She knew in her heart that her husband just cared about her.I remember that when the soul was by my side in the previous life, I heard him muttering to himself that every New Year's Eve he just wanted to stay quietly with her and watch the dawn. "The affairs of the palace are quite complicated, and it will be very tiring after a few days. Why don't we stay in Xue's mansion this year, and it will be very comfortable just for you and me to watch the new year?"

"Okay." Xue Yan's eyes were gentle, she could do whatever she wanted, as long as she was happy. "Listen to you."

In Yongning Palace, the Empress Dowager solemnly stared at the emperor sitting next to her, "King Yun passed away, why didn't the emperor send someone to inform Aijia about such a big event?!" She didn't get the news from the palace population until King Yun was buried. .

"The son just doesn't want to disturb the queen mother." The emperor nodded slightly.

The queen mother was angry at this time, and said in a slightly sharp voice: "Excuse me? What's more important than this great country?!" As soon as the words came out, the queen mother also realized that her words were too strong, "The Ai family knows, you I have my own plans, but the power of the court is changing rapidly, and Ai's family is so anxious that they can't sleep or eat."

The Yuan Kingdom looked around in the dark, the Rong Kingdom stared at it covetously, and the power of the Qian Kingdom was divided by the forces of powerful ministers. If it was not taken back into the hands of the royal family, if the emperor did not give birth to an heir, not only would there be no hope of leveling China, but even keeping the Ling family's foundation would be a problem.Although Ling Jiangyu was also born of her, since childhood, this child has been soft-hearted and indecisive, and he is by no means the talent of an emperor.Although the emperor also ruled the country benevolently, he could occasionally be seen to be courageous and ruthless. Moreover, the royal family was orthodox, and no precedent should be set for brothers to succeed to the throne.Sons and brothers are all heirs, isn't the world in chaos?

"The son is not filial and makes the empress worry." Emperor Yongtai nodded slightly, his tone full of apology, looking at the frown in the corners of the empress dowager's eyes and the weather of the years, "now everything is under control, there will be no loss."

"Half of the soldiers and horses in your hands, who did you give them to?" The Queen Mother stared at him with burning eyes. When she left the palace, she had discussed with him to release half of the soldiers and horses in her hands and hand them over to someone she could trust.At the beginning, my intention was to transfer Mo Jiu back to protect him, to restrain King Yun and Duke Wei.But now that Mo Jiu is still guarding the border town, the soldiers and horses will naturally not be handed over to him, they must be given to someone else.There is an Imperial City Imperial Forest Army there, which is of great significance. A little carelessness may reveal the incident of the Rong Kingdom's invasion of Fengcheng back then.

Emperor Yongtai did not hide anything, and said frankly: "Xue Shaochen."

"..." The empress dowager's lips trembled, her whole body froze, and the waves in her eyes seemed to be a precursor to a storm.But in the end she said seriously, "Do you really trust him? You are not afraid that he will replace him." Now, if Xue Shaochen joins forces with one of them, it will be a breeze to replace him.

"It's not trust, but the son has to rely on him. Apart from him, no one can check and balance King Yun and Duke Wei." This is his only way now, and he has to.Even if he doesn't use Xue Shaochen, King Yun and Wei Guogong will find him, if he is used by one of them, there is no possibility of turning things around.

Everyone knows Xue Shaochen's talent and strength on the battlefield.I believe that above all in China, apart from Qiong Huoyou, the regent of the Rong Kingdom, who wants to fight him, probably no one wants to face him head-on.If he was protecting the gate of Fengcheng, no one would dare to act rashly.

Who the queen mother is, naturally knows the key.When I was relieved, I was a little annoyed.Unexpectedly, Xue Shaochen, who was a dandy since he was a child, would one day become the decisive chess piece. Remembering that his only role at the beginning was just to contain Wei Guogong, he did not expect that it is still the same today.But this joint is quite different.Xue Shaochen... Wei Guogong is quite good at giving birth to sons, such a talent is almost buried, in the end it is all thanks to Yan Ran, a trace of deep meaning slipped in his eyes. "Pass down the decree of mourning the family, and announce the entry of Princess Huo into the palace."

After hearing the decree, the palace people outside the door left to deliver the decree to Xue's mansion.

"Yan Ran sees the Empress Dowager, may the Empress Dowager be blessed and safe." Although the sky was already sinking when the decree was delivered.But Huo Hanyan didn't delay, she immediately came out of the mansion and entered the palace with the people in the palace. I don't know that the queen mother just returned to the palace today, why did she announce her?

The queen mother looked at her lovingly, beckoning her to come forward, with a bit of reproach in her tone. "What is Wanfu Jinan? Aijia is just an old widow, living every day counts~"

Huo Hanyan once again blessed her body, "The queen mother's grace is mighty, so the blessings will last forever."

"It's false, it's all false!" After the queen mother motioned her to sit down, she said with emotion: "Since Yanran got married, she doesn't like to come to the palace to accompany Ai's family. Only Ai's family is thinking of you. Only by proclaiming you can we meet again."

"Yan Ran knows she was wrong." In front of the royal family, you are always the one who is wrong.At the beginning, in order not to marry Ling Jiangyu, she would rather become a nun, but she was disliked by the Queen Mother.Later, she married Xue Shaochen desperately, and almost broke her connection with the royal family. She never thought that the Queen Mother would want to see her. "If the Empress Dowager doesn't dislike it, Yan Ran will enter the palace more often in the future."

Everyone can say what is said on the scene, although the queen mother is her biological aunt, but she does not believe that the queen mother announced her into the palace today, just to chat about family affairs.

"That's what you said, don't lie to me, old woman~" After finishing speaking, the queen mother laughed, her eyes were full of love.It feels like going back to three years ago, when there was no conflict of interest between each other.

(End of this chapter)

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