Chapter 217


Huo Hanyan was slightly taken aback, what the elder brother said meant that the emperor had a different attitude towards Concubine Xue Gui in his heart?But what happened to Concubine Qiong.Balance court?Even to appease Yuanguo, this is really a common trick of the royal family.

All kinds of traces from the past life and present life, it is not impossible to say that this is the case. Didn't the emperor only have one prince in the past life?

"So what?" Xue Yan's attitude was indifferent, and he didn't accept this at all.Let's not mention that the Ling family is in danger, and it is powerless to restore it.Let the elder sister be wronged so much, and now I live in fear.The royal family tried to use a mere sentence to make everything a matter of course for the sake of long-term plans in the future? "King Yun is in power, King Xian is lurking, Rongyuan and Rongyuan have hoarded heavy troops all year round and occupied the border city. The war is about to break out, and the old troubles of Mocheng are close at hand."

This dry country is already riddled with holes, internal and external troubles.Although Emperor Yongtai was considered a virtuous lord, he still couldn't change the situation where the warlords were at odds and secretly ruled the country.Almost all military power is in the hands of those who are full of ambition and intend to rebel.Even if he handed over the soldiers and horses in his hands at the beginning, until the old King Yun was assassinated and died recently, the royal family did not see any action.The subjugation of the country or the change of the dynasty can be seen up close.

"Isn't there still you?" Huo Haoxuan looked calm, and there was no wave in his eyes, as if he was just saying a fact. "How can there be any eggs under the nest, as long as you, Xue Shaochen, are still standing in the territory of the Qian Kingdom, the Rongyuan and Yuan Kingdoms will have nothing to fear."

"Brother thinks so highly of Shaochen, which makes Shaochen extremely ashamed." An imperceptible trace of sarcasm escaped from Xue Yan's lips, "If Qianguo had your all-out plan, it would be no problem to overthrow Shenzhou."

"It's so easy to overthrow China. But the fact that it's too easy is boring, and the current situation is interesting." Huo Haoxuan has always liked to face difficulties, and survival on the cliff is his ability.Several countries are not what they are today, and he will not return after listening to the imperial edict.

Xue Yan pursed his lips, looked at the other party with his eyes shifting, and gradually revealed deep meaning. "I'm looking forward to it, in the confrontation with the king, who will be the last one to control the ups and downs of this river and mountain?"

All of a sudden, the breaths of the two became opposite, which made Ruan Qiluo and Huo Hanyan frown unavoidably.The dialogue between the two became more and more wanton and arrogant, and they actually created a sense of incompatibility.

However, this atmosphere only lasted for less than half a cup of tea, and was shattered by Huo Haoxuan's next words, "There will never be such a day, unless you, Xue Shaochen, have nothing to do with Huo Wangfu."

Xue Yan was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help saying that this threat really hit his nails.It is impossible and he will not allow it in his life, and he has nothing to do with Huo Wangfu.

Huo Hanyan frowned, and took two steps to walk between the two of them. She felt that if she kept silent, the two of them would not know what to say. "Brother, did you drink too much? Why did you get drunk and talk nonsense. Go back and ask sister Qiluo to bring you a bowl of hangover soup to help you untangle yourself. Also, tonight is the New Year, so curse me if you have nothing to do what?"

"...Brother, why did you ever curse you?" Huo Haoxuan didn't seem to understand her thoughts, he just used these words to run on Xue Shaochen, and of course it was a threat along the way, where did the word curse come from.

Huo Hanyan snorted softly, "I am the princess of King Huo's mansion, and my husband is the son-in-law of King Huo's mansion. If you say that unless your husband has nothing to do with King Huo's mansion, doesn't that mean that I—"

"Hanyan!" Xue Yan's face turned blue immediately, and he spoke in a stiff and angry voice, not allowing her to continue, no matter what possibility she was about to say, it was something he could not accept.

Huo Hanyan originally wanted to break up the secret struggle between the two of them by making jokes, but who knew that her husband would have such a big reaction before she finished speaking.Looking at the imperceptible fear in the eyes of her husband looking at her.My heart couldn't help tightening, I shouldn't be joking about it, I hurried forward to hold his palm, caressing the lines on the back of his hand, turned around and left my elder brother, making a grimace, if he didn't say that , How can I be afraid that things will be difficult to clean up and pick up, the result seems to be more serious.

Until she got on the carriage back to Xue's residence, Huo Hanyan didn't let go of his hand, even though she was already aching from the backhand grip.Looking at the solemn husband sitting on the side, he said softly: "Husband, I was just joking with my elder brother, there is no other meaning."

The carriage was walking, and there was no sound except the sound of horseshoes under the silent night sky. Xue Shaochen clenched his hands tightly and said nothing.

After a while, when Huo Hanyan felt that her finger joints were numb, she couldn't help but continue talking, with a flattering tone in her tone. "Don't be angry, okay?"

She didn't dare to pull her hand now, worried that the situation would get worse.Finally Xue Shaochen moved a bit, fixed his eyes on her, and murmured: "Hanyan, will you leave me?"

A few days ago when she dreamed back at midnight, the words she cried out made him not want to ask or dare to ask, but it pierced his heart like a sharp knife.At the dinner tonight, the look in King Yun's eyes made him almost unable to bear it, and he was about to strike on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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