Chapter 230

"...With Shaochen's heart, it won't be like this. He has always been arrogant and disrespectful of etiquette." Although Concubine Xue said this, she was secretly touched by her words, but on the surface she pretended to be dissatisfied with a smile, "This It's Ben Gong who is in a bad mood, why is Ben Gong comforting you at this moment?"

Knowing that the elder sister had listened to it, Huo Hanyan didn't say any more, just bowed her head and smiled. "Han Yan has such a heart, so don't make fun of me, Eldest Sister."

Chatting with Concubine Xue Gui in the Chonghua Palace for a while, until the time was getting late, Jue did not come back, thinking in his heart that something must have happened, if he was not careful, there might be trouble, but just after leaving the hospital, a familiar figure appeared Appearing in front of her eyes, she froze in place.

"Husband..." She opened her mouth but couldn't call out. Who can tell her why Husband is outside the palace gate? !At first, I thought that Jue had been guarding in secret all the time, so that no one else would peep and eavesdrop, so he dared to act unscrupulously.But relying on my husband's martial arts, I am afraid that what I said to Concubine Xue Gui just now has already caught his ears... I smiled awkwardly, "When did your husband come?"

"Neither sooner nor later, it's time for you to complain to elder sister." Xue Shaochen looked at her without any concealment, his eyes were as deep as thick ink, with an inexplicable smile, his tone rose slightly, and he couldn't help his heart fluttering at the end. "Han Yan blames me for being busy with court affairs and neglecting you?"

How to say this sentence made people's scalp tingle, Huo Hanyan hiccupped in her heart, opened her eyelashes slightly, and immediately said: "No! Husband must have heard it wrong."

Xue Shaochen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a playful smile: "Hmm! Did you hear me wrong?"

"Well, I was obviously comforting my elder sister just now, how can I blame my husband?" Huo Hanyan shook her head firmly, but her expression was serious, and she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the shamelessness at this time.But a person with a guilty conscience is most afraid of staring at people. After a long time, she couldn't bear to look away, twisted his arm with a coquettish attitude, and shouted flatteringly: "Husband——"

"Heh." Seeing her appearance, Xue Shaochen laughed out loud, and stopped teasing her. He led her to the Chaoyang Gate, and asked as he walked, "You told Eldest Sister like this, because you intend to make someone break the door." This layer of window paper."

Although Hanyan used herself as an example in every sentence, the mystery in the words was alluding to the eldest sister and the emperor. Obviously she couldn't bear the elder sister's worries day and night, so she opened her mouth to wake up.

"Well, Eldest Sister is pregnant with a child, and she was just sitting in the yard lost in thought. I heard from Ziying that sometimes she just sits for a whole day, and the emperor does this because he is afraid that the Queen Mother and those two will put all their eggs in one basket." Huo Hanyan thought Looking at the situation just now, I couldn't help sighing, "But if the eldest sister is in a bad mood and thinks so wildly, it would be too painful. If it were me, I don't know how painful it is. If I don't know the truth of the matter, I can stay out of it. How can you bear it if you know?"

Speaking of this, my husband must have already known it, and it is thanks to him that he endured it. "Husband, is it really impossible to keep the emperor's country?" Is it really going to change the dynasty or perish?There is no way to have the best of both worlds?

Xue Shaochen did not answer her question directly, but instead asked: "Hanyan wants to keep the royal family?"

He asked extremely seriously, causing Huo Hanyan to look squarely at her and said: "Now the child in the elder sister's womb is slowly growing up, if it really is the prince. The fate of the future will be like this, the country will change hands, and the new king will be able to tolerate the previous crown prince." How can the emperor's bed allow others to sleep soundly, but no matter if it is King Yun's achievements, even Wei Guogong will not let his grandson go easily?

"..." Undoubtedly, of course it is to cut the weeds and root them out.Xue Shaochen frowned slightly, even he would not let go of this potential threat.But now he just wants to ask, "What does Hanyan want me to do?"

"Me?" Huo Hanyan looked at him blankly.

"As the saying goes: A wife's life cannot be violated, and I listen to Hanyan in everything." Xue Shaochen brushed her hair, and looked at her with burning eyes. "Does Han Yan want me to protect the Ling family's country? As long as you ask, I will agree to you."

He had made many plans a while ago, and even thought of taking the Ling family to replace him more than once. Although King Yun is now competing against his father, it is not impossible if he plans carefully.The old department of Situ's family, the eyeliner arranged over the years, and the generals who fought against the enemy in the border towns in the past three years will respond accordingly.

But he knew in his heart that Hanyan didn't like the inner garden of the palace, not to mention that Huo Haoxuan and even Huo Wangfu had already stood aside, if he went against him, Hanyan would be in a dilemma in the future.He would never protect her by hurting her, as long as she wanted, he would do everything for her.

"I..." In fact, she was also vacillating in her heart. On the one hand, she really wanted to speak, but on the other hand, she didn't want to be the one who obstructed her husband.Dissatisfied, he slapped his chest, and said angrily: "My husband is so bad, you left such a difficult question to me." It made me say that everything I said was wrong, but it would be hypocritical not to say it.

Xue Shaochen stroked her cheek lightly, and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't make things difficult for you." From her look, I already knew what kind of situation she wanted to see most in her heart, and it was no different whether she asked or not. "Don't worry about Eldest Sister, since she is aware of it, she will be able to break through this predicament."

Huo Hanyan couldn't help but rushed forward and put her arms around his waist, and responded muffledly, even with a choked-up sob.

"I promise my husband that everything will be fine. Huh?" Xue Shaochen coaxed softly, kissing the hair on the top of her head, his eyes full of deep affection.

(End of this chapter)

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