Chapter 240

Husband, can't you let me go at the right time?Do you have to say to yourself that in the night dreaming that Lou Suyu and his sweetheart are not in love with each other?I have to say that this dream is a bit too weird, places I have never been to, people I have never met, and there is no trace even in the handbook.In the legend... Wait, the legend says that the Zizhu sage never married and had no heirs.Think carefully about all the records in the handbook. 'However, it is a regret in my life, so that before the year of standing, the silver waterfall hangs. '

Regret?Does it mean...

"What's the matter?" Seeing her suddenly gloomy expression, Xue Shaochen was no longer obsessed with her absence.

Huo Hanyan raised her hand and shook him, "It's nothing, just thinking that a good start doesn't mean that there will be a good result."

"Who is Yan'er referring to?" Rubbing her fingers lightly on the back of her hand,

"There are many, such as Princess Dehui and the previous Patriarch Mo, as well as King Yun and the old concubine." Patriarch Mo passed away early, and Princess Dehui was humiliated and committed suicide; Mrs. Su caused 'unsafety at the end of the festival'. "The virtuous king has taken in two concubines in the past year. I don't know if Lin Shu will regret it."

She is obviously the princess of Yuan country, but Yuan country is monogamous, no matter what kind of famous family she marries, she can always keep herself.But she followed Ling Jiangyu to Qianguo. Although she sat on the position of Princess Xian, can she really be willing?
"Yan'er wronged for her?"

"No, I'm just a little emotional, and I feel very lucky." Huo Hanyan leaned against him, with a smile on her lips. "It's nice to be with my husband."

She knew that she would never be like Lin Shu in her life, trapped in the struggle in the deep house. "Now the four letters, except for the one in the hands of the virtuous king, the rest are in the hands of Qiong Huoyou. If there is no accident, there will be no peace tonight. If Rong Guo raises troops at the right time, who do you think the emperor will send to fight?"

It seems that no matter which side is sent, the royal family will be desperate.Neither King Yun nor Duke Wei would let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to leave Fengcheng and return to the military camp.As for the Mo family, they must stick to Luoyingjian and dare not move without authorization, so as to prevent Yuan Guo from taking the opportunity to press them up.

"King Yun and father will both ask for a fight. If I were the emperor, I would definitely send father." Xue Shaochen stroked her back and said softly.

"Why?" It's the same result no matter who you send out, isn't it?

"King Yun can't hold the army of the Rong Kingdom at all. As long as Qiong Huoyou passes Mocheng, the Yuan Kingdom will send troops to attack Licheng. The Qian Kingdom will inevitably be attacked by the enemy. At that time, it will not only be internal worries, but the world will be in chaos." Comparing the two evils Whichever is less, although both sides are not fuel-efficient lamps, but the first thing to do is to resist foreign enemies. The country of Rong will not be kind to the people, and massacring cities and sweeping cities is commonplace.

Huo Hanyan nodded secretly, but she always felt that it was more than that simple. Just as she was about to ask again, the carriage stopped.Jue said outside: "My lord, madam. The Prince Xian's mansion is here."

arrive?Why is it so quiet, she thought that on King Xian's birthday, court officials would come to give presents, it was very lively.

After getting out of the carriage and looking at the open door of the mansion, except for a housekeeper and servant in dark red brocade clothes outside the door, there are almost no other people in sight.Seeing them, the housekeeper quickly ran down the steps and respected Fushen. "The servant has met Princess Chunjia, and Lord Majun. The prince and concubine have been waiting for a long time."

"Excuse me." Huo Hanyan looked like a royal at this time, and gently raised her hand to make him stand up. "How can it be so quiet?"

"The lord has already ordered that today is not a big birthday, so there is no need to be extravagant, so I only posted posts for my close friends and relatives, and the rest of the adults were persuaded to go back." The butler's smiling face made Huo Hanyan and Xue Shaochen look helpless when they looked at each other. When did I and my husband become close friends of King Xian?I even made a special trip to post them. Isn't this a joke?
Xue Shaochen seemed to have known this a long time ago, so he took her into his arms and walked towards the mansion without saying a word.He said in a soft voice: "Now that everyone in the court is staring at him, he naturally wants to act like a diligent and thrifty virtuous king."

Since you are thrifty, don't do it!Who are you going to show these moths to?

Entering the hall, although there are not many people, there are quite a few—there are Yun Wang Ling Yuncong, side concubine Liu Yiru; Fu Wang and... I don’t know which concubine’s room it is, because this Fu Wang’s wife and concubine will never survive. Half a month; the elder brother is also there, as well as the sister-in-law, Ma Yunlong, the son of the Minister of War, and his wife...

"Yo, I came just as I was talking." King Fu smiled happily when he saw Xue Shaochen, as if he looked very familiar. "But you are late, you have to punish yourself with three cups."

"Yeah, self-punishment and self-punishment." There were also people who deliberately made a noise, and the noise was so lively.

"Naturally." Xue Shaochen repeatedly cupped his hands and replied, with a romantic look between his eyebrows and eyes. "I'm not good at anything else, but drinking can risk my life to accompany you."

"Humility, modesty." Fu Wang was not only fond of beauty, but also the thing in this cup. In just two sentences, he poured himself several cups, as if he was the one who punished himself.

Xue Shaochen bowed his hands to the superior, "Congratulations on the birthday of the virtuous king, my husband and I have prepared a little gift, please don't make fun of me, my lord."

"Where, you and Han Yan have given me a great deal of face by coming here." The Xian Wang wore a perfect smile and spoke in an official tone.Over the years, he has been able to do this with ease, let alone prepared for it.

(End of this chapter)

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