Chapter 245

Seeing her worried expression, Huo Haoxuan shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't worry, I have used my internal energy to relieve Qi Luo just now, and she is fine now."

Huo Hanyan, who had been tense all this time, finally let go of the big stone on her chest, just thinking about Qingluan's appearance made her tremble all over, she just wanted her family to be well.

"The mother and concubine have been talking about you, if you have time to go back to the palace today." Huo Haoxuan smiled unabated, and got into the carriage without waiting for their answer, as if he knew they would definitely follow.

Back at the palace, Princess Huo was terrified when she heard what happened today, and even lost her temper with Huo Haoxuan.

"Mother and concubine, it was Qi Luo who insisted on going with her husband." Ruan Qiluo leaned on the bed, and said to Princess Huo with a little embarrassment.

I have been staying in the mansion for a long time these days, and happened to meet the birthday invitation card of the virtuous king, knowing that Han Yan would also go there to avoid causing trouble, so I planned to go with Huo Haoxuan to relieve my fatigue.Who knew that he would encounter an assassination, but in the end it was all his fault, and he should have been extra cautious when going out while pregnant.This scapegoat cannot be left to Haoxuan alone.

When she said this, Huo Haoxuan lowered his head and spoke. "It's my son who didn't take good care of Qiluo."

The two of them took all the responsibility on themselves. Seeing that Concubine Huo's anger had not subsided, Huo Hanyan immediately took the opportunity to act coquettishly, with her shoulders crossed from left to right, "Concubine Mother, sister-in-law is fine, so don't scold elder brother. Calm down. No one thought that the guards of the palace would be so bold, besides, they are here for Xue Shaochen, if the mother concubine wants to scold, let us scold us too."

"You think I'm reluctant to scold you, don't you?" Concubine Huo was furious, but she didn't like this.Turning around to face Huo Hanyan and Xue Shaochen, he sternly said: "You guys are going to leave a post at the Xianwang's mansion. It's not messy enough. Fortunately, Shaochen has already prepared this time, otherwise your little lives will be accounted for there today!"

Can you not be angry?The son, daughter-in-law, daughter, and son-in-law were all involved in this assassination. If something really happened, how could the old couple bear it.

"Mother and concubine, Shaochen made a bad arrangement this time, causing elder brother and sister-in-law to suffer." Xue Shaochen put on an unusually low posture in front of Princess Huo.This time Tang Qi's target was him and King Yun, and the others were indeed innocently implicated.

What else can she say as a mother to such children?Everyone takes the responsibility on themselves.Besides, to be honest, although she can be harsh to her son and daughter, she can't be fierce to her daughter-in-law and son-in-law. It's not that it doesn't hurt, but there is always a layer between them.Although the incident this time was aimed at Xue Shaochen, with Haoxuan's methods, even Qiluo was almost unable to protect him, really...

Forget it, even if you talk about it, it won't have much effect. After all, they all returned safely. I hope they will be more careful in the future. If you underestimate your opponent, you will suffer a loss one day.

"No one is worry-free! Well, looking at you, it seems that I, the concubine, are the most sinful people." Princess Huo said angrily, then turned to Huo Hanyan and said, "Hanyan is here to accompany Qiluo, tonight Some came to Minghui Hall. Concubine Ta Xuexuan has ordered someone to take care of it, so there is no need to go back today."

After the four of them clasped their hands and bowed respectfully to send Princess Huo out, Huo Hanyan shrugged and stuck out her tongue at them, "We still have to pass the test safely, the concubine mother is quite scary when she is fierce."

Xue Shaochen lowered his brows and smiled lightly. In fact, he really enjoyed the scolding in the care of his elders.Huo Haoxuan sat by the bed, stroking the ends of her hair, saying that what happened today must never happen again, his eyes darkened.

Ruan Qiluo held his palm instead, and said softly: "If you have something to do, go and do it first, and let Han Yan accompany me."

Today's matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and I don't have any serious health problems, so I don't need to guard her all the time.Husband brought Han Yan and the others back, not only to look at the mother and concubine, there must be more important things.

Huo Haoxuan rubbed the back of her hand, and pulled the quilt up with the other hand. "Okay, Shaochen and I will go out first, you have a good rest."

After they all went out, Huo Hanyan sat over and apologized, "Sister-in-law, what happened today..."

"I didn't pay attention to myself. If you continue to talk, I will feel ashamed." Ruan Qiluo smiled, and pulled her hand to stick to Yuanyuan's belly, "The child is safe now, nothing happened. You can wait for it with peace of mind." Be an aunt for two months."

"En." Huo Hanyan nodded in response.

Pregnant people get tired easily, not to mention too many things that happened today, Ruan Qiluo fell asleep on the bed while chatting, Huo Hanyan helped her to lie down, and cushioned her with pillows to make her sleep comfortably.

As soon as he walked out the door, he saw two people playing chess with each other in the yard, and he couldn't help but stepped forward in surprise.Didn't they go out and talk about business?Why is it playing chess, and it looks like it shouldn't be the first game.I always felt that when she was not around, the two of them revealed something to each other. Their atmosphere had never been so harmonious, as if they had been friends for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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