Chapter 251

The original supporting sky cliff is not the way up the mountain.But there are always a few days in spring every year, a rope will drop from the top of the mountain for people in the county to go up the mountain to pick tea and herbs.Once time passes the rope will disappear without a trace.The products produced on Wangjun Mountain are all precious treasures, which are enough for the tea farmers and medicine farmers in Xuanlin County to eat for almost a year. At other times, they rely on farming to support their livelihoods, and their lives are stable and worry-free.

Except for these few days, it is impossible to go up the mountain from Supporting Sky Cliff at other times.

After dawn, they also went to the bottom of the cliff to see that there was no supporting object on the cliff to climb up.Therefore, there is only one road now, which is the so-called enchanted forest.

The Enchanted Soul Forest is composed of trees that are more than a hundred years old. It looks like a random planted tree with nothing special about it, but even the locals dare not go in, let alone have any experience.

The old people in the county all said: there are immortals in Wangjun Mountain, and if you anger the immortals, you will get lost in Wangjun Mountain and never get out.

Huo Hanyan stood outside the enchanted forest, looking at the combined notebook in her hand. Her brother clearly marked it, passing through the enchanted forest and Taohua Pass is the Millennium Ice Lake, and the location of the things is near the ice lake.

And that Peach Blossom Col, if she expected it right, it should be the place full of peach blossoms that she saw in her dream.She saw Lou Suyu and the others going down the mountain from the side at that time, and she remembered the route they took at that time, so it shouldn't be difficult to go up, but she didn't know if Madam Ru Su had already gone up, and if so, how did she know the route up the mountain.

Although Huo Hanyan knew the way to get in, she and Xue Shaochen walked cautiously in the enchanted forest. The place that no one has walked for thousands of years is almost like a barren mountain.The wild beast had no idea how long it had settled here, let alone how many generations it had reproduced.

Not long after walking, Huo Hanyan and Xue Shaochen suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood. They turned around a tree that blocked their view, and a big cat with mottled patterns was lying on the ground. Its body was scratched by various weapons. His fur has become tattered as a result.

Not far away were several people whose throats were pierced by the big cat's sharp claws, and one whose throat was broken by the big cat.The blood had solidified into black and red.

Huo Hanyan and Xue Shaochen looked at each other, Madam Ru Su might have been in for a long time,

A few figures stood on the top of the holy mountain not far away.On the top of the snow-covered mountain, the person standing at the highest point is dressed in white clothes that are more than snow, with fluttering robes, like a fairy.At this moment, he watched with a frosty face as groups of people poured into the forest. Very few of them were trapped by the natural formation of the enchanted forest, and some even entered Taohua Col. Obviously, they came prepared .

"My lord." The masked man in white stood behind him respectfully, listening to the order quietly.For thousands of years, there have been countless people who tried to enter the holy mountain, and most of them had ulterior motives. "How to deal with it?"

The man rolled his eyes slightly, looked at the first few waves of people, and sneered. "Since you dare to come, there is no gift that the Holy Mountain will not accept. Release Mengyan in the Peach Blossom Collapse."

"Yes." The masked man in white responded with no waves in his tone, turned around and walked away as if he was just a moving puppet with no thought or warmth.

"My lord." An elderly man cupped his hands, the others were still wearing thin shirts in the snowy area, only he was wrapped in a fur. "Not all of them..."

"Uncle Yu has pity in his heart?" The man looked indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything outside.

Mrs. Ru Su and the others only heard that Uncle Yu passed away, but they didn't bother to find the body. Who would have known that he had already been taken up to the mountain to recuperate. "The subordinates dare not."

When Xue Shaochen and Huo Hanyan arrived at Taohuaao, two hours had passed, the two of them were extremely fortunate that any dangerous and weird places had been filled in by the vegetarian lady in front with her life.Although I saw many dead beasts and human bones along the way, I walked out of the enchanted forest after only a few circles.

Huo Hanyan stroked the beads on her wrist. Although she didn't know why in the dream, she could clearly feel Lou Suyu's state of mind, but as the former lord of the holy mountain, entering the holy mountain was a breeze.

The endless pink peach blossom forest is as beautiful and beautiful as Lou Suyu remembered.The withered petals fell to the ground, extending one by one, like a falling powder snow.

Thick white smoke filled from nowhere, even worse than the one in the enchanted forest just now.Xue Shaochen took a step forward with a smile, tightened Huo Hanyan's wrist and said softly, "Here we come."

coming? !What's coming!
The smoke invaded, passed in front of them and disappeared without a trace.Huo Hanyan shouted in surprise. "Husband?"

Xue Shaochen shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's nothing, you see."

Huo Hanyan followed his gaze, and at this moment, it was no longer Wanli Peach Blossom in front of them, but a study.In the study room, a slender figure with white clothes and silver hair stands in the room, with a handsome face staring at a woman with obsession, it is him - Lou Suyu.

Huo Hanyan took a closer look, and was surprised to find that this lively and pretty woman who could feel happiness just by looking at her was Ye Jingxuan.

Isn't she dead?On that thunderstorm night, the woman who lost her husband, lost her child, and lost everything was already like a demon.Where is such a peaceful, happy and contented appearance.Her appearance was more like when Huo Hanyan met the two of them for the first time.

But I am not dreaming now, so how could I see him, and I am still with my husband.Wait, the person in front of him is Ye Jingxuan? !Could it be that Ye Jingxuan is not dead? !Huo Hanyan ran over in surprise and observed carefully.

wrong!This is not a real person, but a wood carving.Just like a real person.Huo Hanyan, who knew their ins and outs, felt a little tight in her heart. "My life is a regret, so that I can't stand the waterfall with white hair..."

"Yan'er." Xue Shaochen stepped forward to comfort her.He didn't see the scene in her dream with his own eyes, but he can understand the current situation.Although Lou Suyu is alive, he has no popularity. The wood carving in front of him is known even to a complete layman. If he wants to look like a real person, with the texture and appearance of a real person, it is definitely not something that can be achieved overnight.

How much time did he spend to make such Ye Jingxuan, and how much love he poured into Ye Jingxuan.Only in this way can I remember, so that the voice and smile of this woman are no different from those in life.

Huo Hanyan held him tightly, her brows slightly frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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