Chapter 287

"I'm worried about you~" Leaning in his arms, Huo Hanyan felt a feeling of grievance welling up in her heart.

In fact, she was very scared just now, and now there are sounds of killing outside the city, and all the people in the city have stood up to watch the final success or failure of this battle.And in the past two months, although she pretended to be innocent, so that others could not see the clues, she felt countless fears in her heart.Fear of being caught and become a hostage again; fear of being attacked by soldiers and horses from the Yuan Kingdom and destroying the people in the city of Yingzhou;

This feeling is like being hollowed out. Taking care of the wounded is obviously doing my best, but in fact it is also to reduce her own fear, because she knows that there is no one here to make her cry, no one to rely on .

Hearing her crying voice, Huo Haoxuan caressed her back, stroked her bun with his chin, and said with a light smile: "Silly sister, with brother here, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

With Big Brother around, no one can hurt you...

Since inheriting his own destiny, he has deliberately weakened the bond between himself and his relatives. He did not report news when he left the emperor, and he did not think about returning after traveling in China.As time goes by, it seems that there are only missions and responsibilities in his life, and that icy and biting world seems to freeze everything in human nature, and eventually destroy himself!Since you have chosen the Qian State, it is natural to seek the well-being of the overall situation of the Qian State, so that the people can live in peace and the country will return to their hearts.So much so that in order to interfere with the overall situation of the country, he can calculate everyone, including his own blood.It wasn't until the appearance of Qiluo that he stopped being lost in the past years and awakened the emotions buried in his heart that were difficult to see.As long as the mission can be fulfilled at the same time, why should he pretend to be careless?

"Okay, wipe your nose. If your eyes are swollen from crying, that person will feel distressed again."

Huo Haoxuan whispered in her ear, with a hint of teasing.

"Brother, where is that Granny Shi?" Huo Hanyan raised her head and asked curiously.

Huo Haoxuan seemed to have no intention of talking too much, but said softly: "Of course she should go the way she should go. Alright, let's not mention this, but I am interested in going to the tower with my elder brother."

"...Well." Now that there is a war outside the city, it is reasonable for the eldest brother to want to watch the battle, and I don't want to be separated from him now.

Standing on the city tower, the evening wind blows the flags and flies, and the sound of war drums is endless. Finally, there is a chance to counterattack. The morale of the Mo family army is not low, and the soldiers are all jealous.Blood all over the ground stained the driveway outside the city, and they fought amidst the roaring shouts, and the horses galloped amidst the rain of arrows.Seeing the impact of the Mo family army getting farther and farther, Huo Hanyan felt a little joy in addition to lamenting, and the emotions that had been suppressed for many days seemed to be vented.Although the battlefield is cruel, with countless casualties on both sides, on the battlefield, either you die or I die.When two armies face each other, it is human nature to rejoice when one side wins.

"The reinforcements are so powerful this time? But with the effort at this moment, there are signs of victory." I didn't know that Qianguo still had such a powerful army, could it be... Huo Hanyan looked at her elder brother next to her, "It's my brother's secret arms?"

After Huo Haoxuan was slightly stunned, the corners of his eyes slightly raised his brows with joy, he turned around and licked her cheek and said with a smile: "Hanyan is really smart, she is indeed a secret weapon."

Forehead?She was a little dumbfounded, why did she feel that the elder brother's expression was a little teasing, she didn't have time to think about it.Zhang Xiangyang saw them from the corner, and ran over happily, "Sister Huo...Sister Huo."

"Second baby, why are you here?"

Zhang Xiangyang listened to the sound of war drums and the noise of killing outside the city, his whole blood was ignited, he really wanted to go down and fight the enemy with them, but brother Qiu said he was inexperienced so he refused to let him, but he was specially allowed to stand on the tower The boss waited for the soldiers to return in triumph, and asked him to think about whether to choose to join the Mo family army.

"Brother Qiu allowed me to come." Erwazi smiled shyly while scratching his head.Then his eyes focused on Huo Haoxuan's body for a moment, "This is?"

"This is my brother." Huo Hanyan said with a smile, while introducing to Huo Haoxuan: "Brother, this is Zhang Xiangyang, he and his mother rescued me in the valley."

Huo Haoxuan rolled up his folding fan and cupped his hands in thanks: "Thank you, little hero."

"Heh...hehe..." The blush on Zhang Xiangyang's face became thicker, he is not a hero. "It's nothing, I just happened to pass by at that time."

"The love of help does not differ on purpose or unintentionally. If one day you and your mother are useful to get Huo Wangfu or Xue's house, just ask." I can still make a promise for Xue Shaochen.

Zhang Xiangyang is extremely sensitive to the surname Xue. "The Xue family..." unconsciously thought of General Xue, but there are many people with the surname Xue in the imperial capital, this Xue family may not be the same Xue family, right?

Huo Hanyan naturally knew what was going on in his mind, she never thought that he would still think about her husband after following Mo's army for so many days. "I don't know how my husband is doing at this time?"

The situation is still going well, do you already know that you are safe and sound?
"Great victory." Huo Haoxuan said with a smile as he looked at the raging battle not far away.

"Ah?" Great victory? !

Huo Haoxuan looked at his silly sister's unawareness, frowned and said with a smile: "Who does Hanyan think the reinforcements outside Yingzhou City belong to?"

(End of this chapter)

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