Chapter 530 The old cow eats the tender grass

Song Anhao automatically ignored his discomfort, put on a headlamp, and walked towards the beach with the uncle tour guide.

The uncle tour guide explained to them while walking: "If you want to catch the sea, you must master the law of the ebb and flow of the tide, and catch the sea when the tide ebbs.

The time to catch the sea is generally best during the high tide, because the sea recedes far and fast during the high tide, and the seafood has no time to return to the sea.

Especially shellfish, the movement is relatively slow. When the sea recedes, all these shellfish are left on the beach or mudflat.

You came at the wrong time. Generally, the peak season is in summer, and the best time to catch the sea is at six o'clock in the morning.

Now it's autumn, the weather is cold, and the time to catch the sea is two hours earlier than in summer.During this period of time, everyone is still sleeping in the warm blanket! "

Song Anhao was chatting with the uncle tour guide.

"Usually, I don't get up at eight o'clock in the morning, but today, I got up at three o'clock! Haha... I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep when I met something I was interested in."

Shen Xiuran looked at Song Anhao: "...??"

Can't sleep?

Didn't you sleep soundly last night?

"Haha..." The uncle tour guide laughed twice: "You young people, you have a good spirit! We are getting older, and our bodies are getting useless!"

"Not big, just ten years older than my husband!"

Shen Xiuran: "...??"

The uncle of the tour guide didn't believe it, and took a look at Shen Xiuran: "It's more than that! Your husband is only in his twenties, so young!"

Song Anhao glanced at Shen Xiuran, and deliberately said: "Uncle, your eyesight is not good, my husband is 30 years old, and has entered middle age!"

The uncle of the tour guide said in disbelief: "Is he already thirty? The people in the city are nice, and the maintenance is really good! Look at me, I'm only 11 years older than him, and I look like his father."

For no reason, Shen Xiuran was taken advantage of.


Song Anhao couldn't hold back and smiled.

The uncle, the tour guide, didn't notice anything was wrong, so he continued, "What about you? Are you also thirty?"

Song Anhao pretended to be mysterious and said, "How old do you think I am?"

The uncle tour guide glanced at her and guessed: "You look like eighteen!"

Song Anhao was overwhelmed by his words.

With joy in his heart, he even cast a triumphant look at Shen Xiuran.

As if to say.


I just looked at it.

younger than you.

Shen Xiuran: "...??"

Song Anhao said with crooked eyebrows: "Uncle, your guess is really accurate, I just passed 21, I'm going to be [-] soon!"

The uncle of the tour guide was surprised: "You are ten years apart! People say that there is a generation gap of three years old, but you have three and a half generations! Do you have any common topics?"

Shen Xiuran: "...??"

This time, Song Anhao laughed out loud.

"Haha... yes, three and a half generation gaps, my husband, Laoniu, eats my tender grass! After a long time, he knows how to coax an ignorant little girl like me."

Shen Xiuran: "...??"

There was the sound of grinding teeth.

Song Anhao quietly glanced at Shen Xiuran.

He found that Shen Xiuran was narrowing his eyes dangerously, staring at her without blinking, his thin lips were tightly pressed into a straight line, as if he was trying to suppress something.

Song Anhao's whole body trembled.

Afraid that he would do something outrageous in front of the uncle tour guide, he hurriedly shut his mouth, not daring to tease him.

It happened that at this time also arrived at the destination.

The water just receded.

Before Song Anhao had time to see the surrounding situation clearly, a big crab fell into his eyes.

She pointed at the big crab excitedly: "Uncle, look quickly, it's a crab, it's such a big big crab..."

As he said that, he was about to run over, but was stopped by the tour guide: "Girl, be careful where you step..."

Song Anhao looked down.

Only to find that there are a lot of big snails at the feet.

If the uncle hadn't stopped her in time, she would have stepped on a conch.

(End of this chapter)

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