Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 101 Fancy Molesting

Chapter 101 Fancy Molesting
As soon as Bai Xian'er spoke, it immediately attracted all kinds of anger and complaints, and the scene became more and more chaotic!

People kept spitting on her, throwing rotten eggs and rotten vegetables, and the guards of the Bai family were not much better.

This kind of abuse continued for half an hour, until the Bai family led people to arrive, and Bai Xian'er was barely rescued.

But since then, Bai Xian'er's reputation has been completely stink.

Even the reputation of the Bai family has been lost a lot.

As for the Ye family, it is natural to take advantage of this shareholder style to slowly recover their reputation in the imperial city and return to their peak state, just around the corner!

"Ah! Damn Ye Family! Damn Ye Qingge!
I, Bai Xian'er, will never forgive you lightly!Wait! "

These were the last words Bai Xian'er said before leaving the downtown area.


Ye Han returned to Ye's house and told Ye Qingge everything that happened in the downtown just now.

From Bai Xian'er's arrogance and scolding, to being ridiculed, beaten by groups, and losing face.

After Ye Qingge listened, she nodded and praised Ye Han, "Not bad, you did a great job this time!"

"Miss Six is ​​a good guide." Ye Han lowered his head with a humble expression.

Ye Qingge smiled and stopped talking.

At this time, Yu Qianjue came back from the outside.

In just one hour, he helped Ye Qingge get through the back door of the "talent test".

"follow me."

"Is it all right so soon?"

"Your 'future husband' is naturally efficient when you do things." Yu Qianjue deliberately bit the words "future husband".

When Ye Han heard this, he was almost dumbfounded, "Miss Six, who are you?"

"It's nothing! Don't listen to his nonsense, let alone tell grandpa casually, understand?"

Ye Qingge doesn't want to have an affair with Yu Qianjue.

Now she just wants to practice, become stronger, and then bring down the Bai family, retire the marriage and become a son, and find her parents.

As for other things, she has no time to think about it.

"Let's go!"

Ye Qingge took Yu Qianjue's hand and quickly left the room.

Yu Qianjue was pulled away by Ye Qingge in this way, feeling the warmth and softness of the palm of his hand, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a slight smile.

Ye Han looked at the backs of the two holding hands, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was tricky!

Ye Qingge, who was eager to leave, didn't even realize that she took Yu Qianjue's hand in a panic.

After leaving Ye's house and coming to the street, many people cast their eyes on the two of them——

Only then did she notice that she and Yu Qianjue looked very ambiguous!

With these tightly clenched hands, consistent steps, and Yu Qianjue's doting eyes, no matter how you look at them, they look like a couple!

Ye Qingge blushed immediately, she wanted to let go, but Yu Qianjue held her tightly and wouldn't let go!

"Don't be like this, there are many people watching us."

"It's nothing to take a look at. We are aboveboard. Besides, you took the initiative just now."

Yu Qianjue made a smirk, and moved closer.

Ye Qingge rolled her eyes, did she take the initiative?She was clearly trying to avoid Ye Han!

"I don't care, let go quickly."

"It's okay to let go, but after letting go, what I will do is not necessarily the case.

The test tower is so far away, I might as well carry you there. "

Yu Qianjue smiled faintly, his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat ambiguous.

Ye Qingge was helpless, she had never seen such a "black-bellied" guy, where did he learn these fancy flirting skills?

(End of this chapter)

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