Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 105 7 Series Genius!

Chapter 105 Seven Element Geniuses!


The fifth element, the earth element is also lit up!

"Five Elements! It's actually Five Elements!!!"

This time, even the well-informed Yu Qianjue was completely shocked,
He never expected that during this trip to Qingyun Country, he not only found his destined person, but also discovered an incredible genius!
This kind of talent, even in the Dragon Empire, is one of the most sought-after treasures!
Countless big families and powerful forces will do whatever it takes to win over this genius.


Really great!

However, before Yu Qianjue finished sighing in his heart, suddenly, the sixth beam of light also began to waver.

"Light element! There is still a light element?!"

Elder Kun in the Qiankun bracelet, seeing this light system, directly laughed and said,
"Girl! You are really lucky!

The light element is the most perfect healing element, its effect is comparable to that of a high-grade elixir, and after cultivation to the extreme, it even has the effect of bringing the dead back to life! "

"Back to life? Is it really that powerful?"

"Of course! But that will have to wait a long time later."


Ye Qingge nodded. From the test to the present, she has gradually changed from initial excitement to calmness.

Although talent is very important, what is more important is diligence. If you don't work hard, even the best talent is useless.

However, just when she thought that the six series were enough——


The last element, the dark element, also began to grow.

Seven series!

A genius of the seven lines who only emerges once every ten thousand years! ! !

Ye Qingge never imagined that he was actually a member of the whole department. Isn't this too unreal?
However, different from the excitement just now, this time, whether it was Elder Kun or Yu Qianjue, their faces were a little dignified.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem with the dark system?"

Ye Qingge asked in a low voice.

Yu Qianjue frowned, and after thinking for a while, he still responded truthfully,

"The dark element is known as the death element, and it is the most dangerous of all elements, it can devour everything and destroy everything.

From ancient times to the present, every dark elementalist has been a murderer. They have perverted personalities and are the most wanted objects of all countries.

Over time, there are very few traces of dark elementalists in the entire Hongmeng Continent..."

Yu Qianjue couldn't believe that Ye Qingge actually had the talent of dark elements. Does this mean that there is darkness deep in Ye Qingge's heart?
But she also has the light element, and only a very small number of kind-hearted people can integrate the light element.

Light and darkness, good and evil, are fused in one person at the same time, what is going on?

Just as Yu Qianjue was thinking, those test beams of light became brighter and more dazzling.

The intensity of the light indicates the perfect degree of element fusion, the brighter the better!

And when the light reaches a certain level, it will——


Such a huge explosion resounded through the entire test tower!

Fragments of the beam of light burst out, flying in all directions, like sharp daggers!

Yu Qianjue immediately protected Ye Qingge and created a barrier for her, but he forgot to defend himself.

"Bang bang bang-"


After a moment of confusion, all the beams of light collapsed, leaving the scene in complete chaos.

Ye Qingge stood there unscathed.

Compared with her, Yu Qianjue was incomparably miserable, his whole body was covered in bloodstains from fragments, almost none of them were good.

He even stood a little unsteadily, as if he would die at any moment.

Is such Yu Qianjue still the handsome, black-bellied and domineering man?
(End of this chapter)

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