Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 110 A slap in the face!

Chapter 110 A slap in the face!
Ye Qingge just felt disgusted, she didn't want to provoke this kind of guy, so she responded coldly, "I'm already married, and my husband is nearby!"

"Really? Then where is he? Come out and let Master Ben have a look?"

As the man in the green hat talked, he was about to make a move on Ye Qingge.

The steward couldn't stand it any longer, and hurriedly came out to stop him, "Master Bai, this is a guest of our Spirit Artifact Pavilion, please don't do this."

"Get lost! What are you! My young master came to your Lu family to buy things, because I think highly of your Lu family!"

The man in the green hat pushed the steward away.

His strength was great, and he used his spiritual power, so the steward was caught off guard and broke a rib on the spot!
After beating the manager, the man in the green hat continued to look lewdly at Ye Qingge, and asked lewdly,

"Little beauty, how old are you this year? Why did you marry so early?
Come, let this young master touch your chest and see how it feels—"


Ye Qingge couldn't bear it anymore, so he slapped him hard!

The head of the man in the green hat was hit on the ground on the spot, and his head was broken!
This time, Ye Qingge used the thunderbolt palm he learned from Mr. Kun, which was strong enough to smash an iron gate.

The man in the green hat didn't die on the spot, he was lucky!
"Ah-ah-my head!!!

Smelly girl, you dare to hit Master Ben, do you know who I am? "

The man in the green hat covered his head and roared loudly.

Soon, the guards of the Bai family not far away from him rushed to the scene.

When they saw the man in the green hat was injured, they quickly asked, "Master, are you alright?"

Seeing that the matter was getting serious, the steward quickly grabbed Ye Qingge and persuaded him in a low voice, "Girl, run quickly, this man is the young master of the Bai family, you can't beat him."

"The Bai family? I'm hitting the Bai family!"

Ye Qingge didn't expect that there was a Bai Xian'er in front, and a young master Bai in the back. The brothers and sisters of the Bai family really deserve to be beaten more than the other!
"Kill her for me!"

Young Master Bai covered his head and ordered angrily.

When the guards of the Bai family heard the words, they all drew their swords and rushed towards Ye Qingge.

In the middle of the rush, Bai Yi changed his words again,
"Leave her alive, this young master will kill her himself!"


Seeing the group of guards rushing over, Ye Qingge still had a calm expression on his face, and said slowly,

"It seems that the recently configured poison has a new use."

"Swipe brush-"

Ye Qingge made a sudden move and directly sprinkled piles of poisonous powder on the group of guards.




The guards fell one by one, completely vulnerable!
Young Master Bai never expected that the people he brought would be useless at all, so he couldn't help cursing angrily,
"Trash! It's all trash!!!"

"Young Master Bai, instead of worrying about others, you should worry about yourself!"

Ye Qingge raised her foot and directly stepped on Bai Yi's face!

Young Master Bai screamed loudly, his fleshy face suddenly tended to turn into meatloaf.

The steward was a little worried. Although he hated Young Master Bai, if something happened to him in the Lingqi Pavilion, it would definitely bring trouble to the Lu family.

"Girl, please be merciful, this is the Spirit Artifact Pavilion after all."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to trample him to death."

Ye Qingge responded lightly, and then stomped with a "bang"!

This time, Young Master Bai fainted completely.

After Ye Qingge finished all this, a smile curled up on the corner of her lips, and then she began to shave the opponent!

Soon, she found a large stack of gold tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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