Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 113

Chapter 113
"Is there something wrong?" Ye Qingge asked.

"The wound on my body needs to be changed."

"Doesn't it matter whether a man or a woman can kiss each other, don't you have a secret guard? Let him change it for you."

Ye Qingge refused on the spot.

Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows, his deep and charming voice was tinged with sadness, "He is a man, his actions are rude, he is not as caring as you.

Could it be that you didn't agree to my small request?well……"

Rin who was in the dark, heard Yu Qianjue's words, and felt 1 dissatisfied in his heart!

Master, where is your subordinate being rude?

Every time you were injured before, I changed your dressing for you!

In order to chase after a girl, I won't take you to trick my subordinates like this!
When Ye Qingge heard Yu Qianjue's words, she also felt that she was too indifferent. After all, the other party saved her, so it's okay to change the medicine.

Anyway... She has seen everything she should see and what she shouldn't see, and even touched it...

"Okay, come in."

Ye Qingge opened the door with a look of reluctance.

Yu Qianjue looked at Ye Qingge's room, and found that the seats, benches and beds inside had all disappeared.

"What's the matter? A thief broke into your room? Or..." Yu Qianjue deliberately lowered his voice, and leaned close to Ye Qingge's ear. The hot masculine breath came, and he said ambiguously,

"Or, you want to sleep with me, so you deliberately vacated the room?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Where's the medicine? Here, I'll invite you out after changing it." Ye Qingge stretched out her hand and turned her head away.

Yu Qianjue smiled and took out the medicine and bandages, then pretended to be in pain, and said in a low voice, "I'm inconvenient, please help me undress."


For the sake of the 3000 million taels of gold and the fact that the other party had saved her once, Ye Qingge forced a smile, and reluctantly began to help Yu Qianjue undress.

At first, Yu Qianjue was quite normal, obediently letting Ye Qingge take off his clothes.

But when he took off the last one, he suddenly blushed, and said very shyly, "Take it easy, I'm afraid of pain..."

Ye Qingge only felt that this scene was so like the first time of something!

She gritted her teeth, suppressing her dissatisfaction and said, "Young Master Yu, please calm down, I am giving you medicine, not you!"

"Well, I know, I should take the initiative in that kind of thing, and you should be passive." Yu Qianjue raised a bright smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Go away~"

Ye Qingge responded unhappily, feeling more emotional in her heart, and felt that all this was unreal.

In front of outsiders, this man always has a cold attitude, as if he is the overlord who dominates the world, calm and unrestrained.

But when he got in front of her, he always looked like a wolf with a big tail, a beast, a black belly, and even a bit of a wife-slave attribute.

Which one is the real him?

Ye Qingge couldn't figure it out, but fortunately, she didn't want to think about it for the time being. She quietly undressed someone, and when only her underpants were left, she would tear off the blood-stained gauze and prepare to put on new ones.

But at this moment, a certain underpants, which were not stable, fell down as Ye Qingge pulled the gauze... It came down... It came...

Afterwards, an indescribable part was also revealed in front of Ye Qingge.


Although it was not the first time we met, Ye Qingge still felt embarrassed. Just when she was about to turn away, Yu Qianjue suddenly gave her a half-smile expression and said,

"Little Ge'er, you must have done it on purpose, right?
Don't be shy, you will watch it for the rest of your life.

Even... for a lifetime..."

(End of this chapter)

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