Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 116 Alchemy Divine Cauldron

Chapter 116 Alchemy Divine Cauldron
Ye Qingge didn't expect that she was so lucky that she could buy an ancient artifact with just any chamber pot.

If Bai Xian'er and those who often bully her knew, wouldn't they be so jealous that they vomited blood?


As Ye Qingge thought about it, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

She looked at Yu Qianjue, thanked him sincerely: "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I might not be able to handle it tonight."

"If you really want to thank me, just give me a kiss." Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows and said with a faint smile.

"Okay." Ye Qingge nodded.

This time, for the first time, she did not refuse, but slowly moved forward, stood on tiptoe, and quickly kissed Yu Qianjue's cheek like a dragonfly.

If it wasn't for the soft touch, Yu Qianjue couldn't believe that all this is real.

Xiao Ge'er actually kissed him?

Xiao Ge'er actually kissed him? !
Yu Qianjue burst into laughter from the bottom of his heart~\(≧▽≦)/~, however, before he was happy enough, Ye Qingge mercilessly began to see off the guests.

"Hey, I'm going to rest, see you tomorrow."

Ye Qingge said while pushing, and pushed Yu Qianjue to the door.

Yu Qianjue got a little bit of sweetness, and was extremely happy in his heart. Like a wolf with a big tail, he nodded and said, "Go to bed early, if you need a bed, you can come to my side."

"Go away~"

Ye Qingge directly closed the door!
A certain person really shines when given a little sunshine, it's just... almost... Ye Qingge couldn't explain clearly, thinking of the proactive kiss just now, she was actually a little apprehensive.

Why did she kiss?


Impulsivity is the devil!
Ye Qingge shook her head vigorously, trying to forget about it, and then began to meditate.

Now that she has a divine cauldron, there is another medicine field in Qiankun Dimension, so she has to try refining medicine.

With a joyful mood, Ye Qingge appeared in the space, and she put the divine cauldron on the ground. Unexpectedly, the divine cauldron automatically enlarged and turned into a one-meter-high bronze cauldron.

"How is this going?"

"Master, the baby is a divine cauldron, and it can change in size freely." A certain Zheng Taiyin responded very proudly.

"I see."


"By the way, are you the Artifact Spirit of the Divine Cauldron?"


"Then what's your name?"

"Baby! Baby's name is Baby!"


Ye Qingge twitched the corners of her mouth, she felt that she should change the name of her Qiling, baby or something, it's too childish!
"Baby's name doesn't seem very good. How about I change it for you?"

"Don't~ the baby likes this name! Master, don't change it for the baby, the master is the best, most beautiful, and most powerful master in the world——"

Qi Ling is coquettish and cute, but she won't change her name anyway.

"Pfft—" Ye Qingge laughed, thinking that this guy is quite interesting.

Anyway, it's just a name, forget it, the most important thing now is refining medicine.

Taking out the "Alchemy Collection", Ye Qingge decided to practice the basic skills of a pharmacist. Alchemy is relatively difficult, so she has to start with spiritual liquid.

"Let's learn from this spirit-gathering liquid. It happens that there are a lot of spirit-gathering grass in the space."

Ye Qingge chose a kind of elixir. She has a background in genius medicine, so she manipulated it very quickly. From searching for the spirit-gathering grass, to lighting the fire, and controlling the fire, the action was done in one go.

of course……

Failure is also done in one go!

"call out--"


In less than a stick of incense, a puff of thick black smoke came out of the cauldron, and the stench was so unpleasant!
(End of this chapter)

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