Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 129 Fengyun Academy

Chapter 129 Fengyun Academy
Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows. In her memory, this Young Master Ye had very little presence, and he didn't bully her with Ye Mengru.

But even so, she still has to be careful and improve her strength as soon as possible, just in case.

"By the way, you just said Fengyun Academy, what is that place?"

Ye Qingge heard the words "Fengyun College" more than once, so she was very curious.

Ye Mengqi was slightly shocked, she didn't expect that Ye Qingge didn't know about Fengyun Academy.

However, after thinking about it, Ye Qingge was a waste before, and it's normal not to know.

So, she explained,
"The Hongmeng Continent is mainly divided into five sections - East, West, North, South, and our Qingyun Kingdom is in the east.

There are three other countries in the east, namely: Qingyun Country, Xueyun Country, and Xiyun Country.

Fengyun Academy is the sacred place for cultivation in these three countries. It recruits students from these three countries every year. If they pass the examination, they can enter to study there.

If you have excellent academic performance, you can still enter the core of Fengyun Academy - Fengyun Sect. "

"Sounds like a great deal."

"It's not great, but very powerful!

Especially the Fengyun Sect, on the surface, it is just a sect, but in fact, it is manipulating the change of power in the entire east.

The reason why the Bai family can become the first family is because Fengyunzong is in the background, and even the royal families of various countries have to listen to it..."

Speaking of this, Ye Mengqi quietly lowered her voice, and whispered at a volume that only two people could hear,

"Let me tell you a secret, the last emperor of Xueyun Kingdom, because he didn't want to listen to the Fengyun Sect, secretly united with the other two countries to rebel, but the Sect Master of the Fengyun Sect found out and executed him immediately...

You have to be careful in the future, in the eastern part of Hongmeng Continent, offending the royal family is not terrible, but offending Fengyunzong is the most terrible. "

"Well, I see."

Ye Qingge nodded, becoming more and more curious about "Fengyun Sect" and "Fengyun Academy". If there is a chance, she really wants to take a look.

Seeing Ye Qingge's expression, Ye Mengqi guessed what Ye Qingge was thinking, so she said, "In half a year, Fengyun Academy will come to Qingyun Country to enroll students, you can try it then.


"but what?"

"You have an agreement with Rong Shizi for half a year. If you lose after five months, you have to marry Rong Shizi. At that time, the Rong Palace will definitely not let you go."

"You think I'm going to lose?"

Ye Qingge looked confident, as if he didn't take Rong Shizi seriously at all.

Seeing this, Ye Mengqi shook his head.

She knew that Ye Qingge was very good, but Rong Shizi was not easy to use. The two of them were on the same stage, and it was still unknown who would win.

But... I hope Ye Qingge wins.

Only when Ye Qingge wins can she maintain the status quo.

Once Ye Qingge loses and marries Rong Shizi, Bai Qingmei and Ye Mengru will definitely regain control of the Ye family. At that time, she will have to pretend to be a grandson again.

She never wanted to experience that painful life again!
"Ye Qingge, you will definitely win!"

"Thank you Jiyan."

Ye Qingge smiled, then waved and left the hall.

It's getting late, she has to go to the martial arts field to train, and if she wants to win Rong Shizi, she must not only rely on words, but also have to take practical actions!
In this way, Ye Qingge trained for three full hours in the training ground.

She didn't drag her tired body back to her room until the moon was in the middle of the sky.

However, after returning to the room, Ye Qingge discovered that the whole room has changed drastically!
(End of this chapter)

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