Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 138 Slapping Rong Shizi in the Face

Chapter 138 Slapping Rong Shizi in the Face

marry your sister! ! !
Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows, his eyes were instantly sharp!
She rushed out of the room directly, came to the gate of the courtyard, and looked at Rong Shizi with a displeased expression.

Seeing Ye Qingge appear, Rong Shizi immediately had a hypocritical smile on his face, and said in a flattering voice,
"Qingge, it was my son who was wrong yesterday. There was a sudden fire in Longyang Tower. I was afraid for a while, so I left you and ran away. Fortunately, you are fine..."

"Longyang Building is on fire? Why didn't I know?"

Ye Qingge left early yesterday and didn't know about the fire that followed.

Rong Shizi thought Ye Qingge was still "angry" and deliberately pretended not to know, so he didn't mind.

He continued to smile hypocritically, and said loudly: "The incident of catching fire is not important, what is important is that there is already a husband and wife relationship between you and me!

Qingge, don't worry, my son will marry you in two days! "

When Rong Shizi thought that after marrying Ye Qingge, it would be like marrying a big treasure, and by the way, he would also get into the power of the black market, so he was very happy.

However, in the face of Rong Shizi's excitement, Ye Qingge directly said with an expression of hehe, and said in a very indifferent tone,
"What is the reality of husband and wife?
Rong Shizi, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. I just had a meal with you yesterday and didn't do anything.

Did you drink too much and mistook the young lady from Longyang Tower for me? "

Hearing Ye Qingge's words, Rong Shizi's face froze all of a sudden, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, from head to toe.

That person yesterday wasn't Ye Qingge?

How can this be? !
Rong Shizi refused to accept it, 1 refused to accept it!

He racked his brains, lowered his posture, and calculated so many steps, how could he have slept with a young man in the end!

That is absolutely not true!
Ye Qingge is lying!
At this time, Rong Shizi obviously would not admit that he was wrong, even if he was wrong, he would say that he was right.

In order to marry Ye Qingge, he has already lost so much face and is still running naked in the street, if he can't get anything in the end, how can he give up.

Therefore, regardless of the truth, Rong Shizi only believes in one thing——

That is, he and Ye Qingge are already married!

"Qingge, I know this incident has a great impact on you, but it's okay, you don't have to be shy, I will definitely take responsibility for you.

Yesterday afternoon, you obviously enjoyed it a lot, and you have been..."


Before Rong Shizi could finish speaking, Yu Qianjue made a move directly, with a quick and ruthless move, and punched Rong Shizi in the face!

With a "click", Rong Shizi's face swelled into a ball on the spot, his nose was knocked crooked, two front teeth were broken, and his mouth was full of blood.

A good face is just gone, and an ugly one is called a miserable one!
"Ah! My face! It hurts!!!"

Rong Shizi covered his face and kept screaming. He glared fiercely at Yu Qianjue and roared angrily,

"Who are you? How dare you beat me! Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"It's up to you, you don't have that ability."

Yu Qianjue's voice was light, every word was cold and noble.

Not to mention Rong Shizi, even the emperor of Qingyun Kingdom, after knowing the identity of Yu Qianjue, can only kneel and kowtow.

At this time, Ye Qingge had a serious face, she had had enough of Rong Shizi's stupid behavior, and directly ordered Ye Han,
"Drive this mentally handicapped man out, and don't allow him to set foot in Ye's house without my order!"


Ye Han took the order and was ready to act on the spot.

"Wait a minute—"

(End of this chapter)

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