Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 142 Advantages of the Supreme Eucharist

Chapter 142 Advantages of the Supreme Eucharist

Yu Qianjue snorted softly, raised his chin slightly, and seemed to be in a good mood.

At this time, Lin smiled and said again: "Master, I bought a lot of books last time, and one of them is called "Male Favorites". Would you like to take a look?"

Male favorite?

Upper rank?

Yu Qianjue is already a "sister", so there is no need for a superior.

"Rin, have you been bored lately?"

"Ah...no! Absolutely not! This subordinate didn't say anything! This subordinate immediately went to carry out the task!"

Rin is well aware of Yu Qianjue's black-bellied nature, if he really offends his master, he will never be able to think about it for the rest of his life.

36 counts, take the best plan!

Let's talk about Ye Qingge.

After she returned to the house, she concentrated on entering the Qiankun Dimension to refine medicine.

Seeing Ye Qingge come back, Qi Ling shouted cheerfully, "Master, you are finally back, baby misses you so much!"

"Well, I miss you too~" Ye Qingge touched the tripod with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, she began to collect medicinal materials and formally entered into refining medicine.

With the previous successful experience, Ye Qingge is now refining the spirit-gathering liquid much more smoothly than before. Whether it is selecting high-quality medicinal materials or controlling the heat, every step is in place.

Following the steps in the "Book of Alchemy", Ye Qingge's level of refining medicine can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

Even Elder Kun, who was used to seeing all kinds of peerless geniuses, couldn't help boasting: "Girl, as long as you make good use of these talents, in time, you will be the number one pharmacist in Hongmeng!"

"Mr. Kun, if you praise me so much, aren't you afraid that I will be complacent?"

Ye Qingge made a joke, and took a sip of Lingquan water by the way, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Elder Kun smiled and said: "You have experienced all kinds of storms in your previous life, and you have died once. If you praise you, you will be proud and complacent, and you will not be able to make it to where you are today."

"Haha, that's true, continue refining medicine!"

Ye Qingge rolled up his sleeves, injected spiritual power into the divine cauldron, and controlled every change of the spirit-gathering liquid.


After three days and three nights of refining, three bottles of spirit-gathering liquid of near-perfect quality were obtained!
After doing all this, Ye Qingge stretched her waist. She found that after refining the medicine, she was not tired at all, and even became more and more energetic!
Not only that, but the aura in her body seemed to be more than before, showing faint signs of a breakthrough.

"What's going on here? Could it be that refining medicine is also a form of cultivation?" Ye Qingge muttered to himself.

Afterwards, she flipped through the "Book of Alchemy Alchemy", and found that there was no explanation in this regard.

Not only that, because alchemists spend time refining medicine and don't have enough time to practice, their strength will be weaker than ordinary practitioners.


Ye Qingge was very puzzled, how could his strength improve so quickly since he obviously didn't practice?

Even if it's because of the spiritual spring water, it's not enough.

Seeing that Ye Qingge was so confused, Elder Kun, who was in the dark, explained aloud,

"Girl, don't forget that you are the Supreme Saint Physique, your spiritual veins are very special, and you are a master of all elements, so your cultivation speed will be faster than ordinary people.

For ordinary pharmacists, refining medicine will delay their cultivation, but for you, the process of refining medicine is a good opportunity to improve your strength.

And this is the advantage of the Supreme Eucharist!

However, you have to be careful, don't let anyone discover this secret.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you will be deprived of your talent like you were when you were a child, or even infused with poisonous spiritual essence again.

At that time, even the reincarnation of the gods will not be able to save you! "

 There are two more, I am working hard to write, thank you for the recommendation tickets, and thank you [Xia Xiaoxian] [You are the pain I can't forget] [If you are well, then I will get it] [Sadness tells a smile] for the reward , Meh~ I love you guys~ Let’s go to bed first, and watch the update tomorrow, don’t stay up late like me~
(End of this chapter)

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