Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 145 Bai Xianer pretends to be a white lotus

Chapter 145 Bai Xianer pretends to be a white lotus

After Bai Xian'er learned the lesson last time, she brought more and stronger masters than before, and they were all elite members of the guards.

Soon, these masters locked Ye Qingge firmly.

They were all dressed in armor and had protective gear on their faces. It was almost impossible to deal with them with silver needles and poisonous powder.

"Little bitch, I want to see what other tricks you have!"

Bai Xian'er smiled triumphantly, her expression extremely arrogant.

Ye Qingge put away the silver needle, looked slightly at the tip of her eyebrows, with a calm expression on her face.

She may not necessarily lose if she simply fights for spiritual power, after all, she still has a hole card!
I shoot!

I shoot!

I pat pat!

Ye Qingge used Thunderbolt Palm, which he hadn't used for a long time, and struck at the armor of the hidden guards with lightning speed.

"Swipe brush-"

After a gust of wind, the clothes of the hidden guards were all turned into powder, and everyone instantly turned into naked naked bodies!


The hidden guards had never encountered this kind of attack before. They blushed on the spot, covered important parts one after another, and stepped aside.

This place happened to be the main street, and the little girls, aunts, and old ladies around saw dozens of men without clothes, screamed loudly in shock, and ran away on the spot.

Bai Xian'er couldn't stand it anymore, and directly cursed at the hidden guards, "A bunch of idiots! Don't hurry up and put on your clothes!"

"Miss San, we...we don't have any clothes..." A hidden guard responded weakly.

Bai Xian'er was too lazy to talk anymore, she pulled out a silver whip, and prepared to fight Ye Qingge herself.

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows, just in time, she also planned to meet Bai Xian'er in person.

However, just as the two were about to start fighting, there was a sound of horseshoes nearby, and soon officers and soldiers rushed to the scene and shouted loudly:

"Who is making trouble here? They all brought them back to the Yamen!"

Seeing the officers and soldiers coming, Bai Xian'er was overjoyed. She withdrew her whip, pretended to be a white lotus flower, and cried to the officers and soldiers,

"Everyone, I'm the third miss of the Bai family. This is the person who injured all my servants and even tore the clothes of the hidden guards. I really... woo..."

"So it's Miss Bai San, don't worry, we will definitely uphold justice for you!"

Officers and soldiers belong to the imperial court, and Bai Xian'er has always been the best candidate for the crown prince. Although there have been some scandals recently, the Bai family is the first family, and it will be a matter of time before Bai Xian'er marries the crown prince.

So no matter what, these officers and soldiers must face the future princess.

"Girl, you hurt people in the street, come with us to the yamen!"

There was a ferocious official who glared at Ye Qingge angrily, took out the handcuffs and fetters, and prepared to torture on the spot.

Ye Qingge smiled coldly. Although she knew that explanations were useless, she couldn't help but said: "Bai Xian'er dealt with me first, bullying the few with more, I just protect myself!"

"Save your words and tell the higher-ups, we are only responsible for arresting people.

If you continue to resist, beware of the death penalty of resisting arrest! "

In order to show off in front of Bai Xian'er, the officials didn't take Ye Qingge seriously.

Ye Qingge's expression is getting colder and colder, this is the reality, whoever has power, who has money, whoever has a strong relationship is awesome.

A person with no background like her can only be bullied.

Even if she reveals her identity as "Miss Ye Family Six", these officials will not recognize her. After all, compared with the Bai family, the Ye family has no right to speak at all.

Seeing the officer getting closer and closer to him, and the instrument of torture in the officer's hands, Ye Qingge gritted his teeth, took out a pack of poison, and prepared to fight straight away!

But at this moment, suddenly——

(End of this chapter)

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