Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 156

Chapter 156
"Senior Rong, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Xiao had acquaintance with Rong Shizi several times, so he asked out loud.

Rong Shizi gritted his teeth, glanced at Lu Xiao, and then at Ye Qingge, his eyes were more murderous than before.

It's all the damn bitch's fault!

The adulterer last time beat him seriously, causing him to lie in bed for several days and take all kinds of bitter medicines, so he could barely go out today.

What's even more frustrating is that this bitch actually carved the words "I'm mentally retarded" on his forehead, which he couldn't get rid of no matter what, so that he even sleeps now wearing a hat, so he doesn't dare to be seen his forehead.

The more Rong Shizi thought about it, the more angry he became, but he didn't dare to do anything to Ye Qingge. After all, this Ye Qingge was the savior of old Patriarch Lu.

With his current strength, it is absolutely useless to fight against the Lu family.

After thinking about it, Rong Shizi put on a hypocritical face and explained to Lu Xiao,
"Thank you, Brother Lu, for your concern. This son is fine. It's just that I've been a little irritable recently. It's all because of my fiancée, Ye Qingge. She is really... oh..."

Rong Shizi's words were very clever, he deliberately didn't say them, and then sighed, which inevitably made people have various associations.

Lu Xiao is a normal person. Hearing Shizi Rong's words, he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with Ye Qingge?"

"Forget it, it's all my own scandal, it's too embarrassing to say it.

After all, after a while, I will marry her and come in. From now on, as long as she keeps herself clean and my son is tolerant, I don't have to worry about it. "

After Rong Shizi finished speaking, he immediately frowned and shook his head, as if he had been greatly wronged.

With this level of performance, he could almost become a movie king!

Lu Xiao and Patriarch Lu understood what Rong Shizi meant, and the grandfather and grandson looked at each other with subtle expressions.

The Lu family and the Ye family have always been on good terms, so from the bottom of their hearts, they are towards Ye Qingge. In addition, the reputation of the girl's family is very important. As Ye Qingge's fiancé, Rong Shizi actually said this about her. It's not authentic.

At this moment, Ye Qingge just quit!
In front of her, pour dirty water on her, thinking that she would be too scared to speak if she didn't dare to reveal her identity?
Ye Qingge glared at Rong Shizi, and asked directly, "Rong Shizi, I heard that some time ago, the Longyang Building was on fire, and you ran out of the Longyang Building naked, and you were still on the street, 'every day, every day, the air', and finally Running after a bitch, I don't see a clean person, is it you?"


When Lu Xiao heard Ye Qingge's words, he couldn't help laughing, this miraculous doctor girl seems to be a little different from ordinary women!
Rong Shizi blushed with anger, his scandals some time ago caused a lot of noise, almost the whole city knew about it, and there was no way to cover it up.

But even so, he still bite the bullet and said: "That matter...that matter was framed by Ye Qingge!"

"Hey, she's such a good-for-nothing and ugly, she's actually able to frame the eldest son Rong, and even dare to set fire to the Longyang Tower of the Bai family, that's amazing!" Ye Qingge shot back in a cold voice.

"You—" Rong Shizi gritted his teeth and glared at Ye Qingge viciously. If he hadn't considered that Ye Qingge was still useful, he would definitely have exposed her identity immediately!


"Okay, Rong Shizi, it's getting late, so don't mention this matter again.

Miracle doctor girl, Xiao'er, let's go. "

Lu's old Patriarch came out to smooth things over, and directly took this moment away.

Rong Shizi also knew that it would not be good for him to talk any further, so he could only bear with his grievances and said no more.

However, when Ye Qingge passed him by, he said in a very low voice, full of threats: "Ye Qingge, you wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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