Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 163 Domineering Mr. Ye

Chapter 163 Domineering Mr. Ye

Huangfu Qianqian was so angry that she clenched her hands into fists, her nails digging into her flesh, wishing she could stab a hundred villains and curse Ye Qingge.

The man she finally fell in love with actually let that ugly monster take the lead. I really don't know why Young Master Yu likes her!
If I had known this, I should have slashed Ye Qingge's face, and then slashed her body, not leaving a good place. Let's see how she seduces people!

Huangfu Qianqian scolded directly.

Bai Xian'er is in a good mood. Ye Qingge's divorce from Rong Shizi is even more embarrassing than her turning into an ugly monster. So far, she has finally come back!

"Senior Rong, congratulations on finally seeing the true face of Ye Qingge. She is a woman who likes to attract bees and butterflies, and she is not worthy of your nostalgia at all."

On the surface, Bai Xian'er was comforting Rong Shizi, but in fact, she stepped on Ye Qingge again.

Rong Shizi was very useful, and immediately replied: "Thank you, Miss Bai San, for your concern. This son will definitely keep his eyes open in the future and find a lover who suits him."

When Mr. Ye heard this, his face became darker and darker. His beloved granddaughter was attacked by so many people. He really wanted to kill these brats with a single sword!

However, even if he gets angry again, he must calm down!
Taking a deep breath, Old Man Ye asked Ye Han, "Is it true that Qingge has a male favourite?"

Ye Han gritted his teeth, he really wanted to deny it, but that was indeed the truth, but if he said it now, what about Miss Six's face?
Still don't say it?

This is a problem!
Seeing that Ye Han didn't speak, Mr. Ye took it as his acquiescence. He turned his head to look at Rong Shizi, with a sonorous and forceful voice,
"My Ye Zhen's granddaughter is so outstanding, what's the matter with finding a male favorite? One is nothing. When I go back tonight, I will find ten or one hundred for her!

In the Hongmeng Continent, the strong are respected, and my family Qingge has that capital willfulness!
As for this engagement, Rong Shizi, if you want to cancel it, I will give you three words: Impossible!
When the half-year appointment arrives, Qingge personally defeats you and divorces you, and then you can make a defeat speech! "

Hearing Mr. Ye's domineering remarks, Ye Han was startled, and then turned into admiration!
The Patriarch is worthy of being the Patriarch, and his words are powerful!

Miss Six is ​​so powerful, what's wrong with her looking for a male favorite?
If there is a chance, he also wants to be her boyfriend!
What's so great about a mere Rong Shizi, he's just a mad dog that keeps barking!
Ye Mengqi is very envious of Ye Qingge, when will she get such protection?

Patriarch Bai, Bai Xian'er, and Huangfu Qianqian directly expressed their silence. Mr. Ye's words were too domineering, and they couldn't move or dare to speak out.

From this moment on, the relationship between the Ye family and Prince Rong's mansion has been completely torn apart.

Rong Shizi was very angry, very angry, his eyes turned red on the spot, and he cursed directly: "You old bastard—"

"It's so noisy! There's no end to it!"

A crisp male voice full of anger came from the No. [-] box. The No. [-] box is a high-end box with a very distinguished status, second only to the distinguished guests in the No. [-] box.

This time, the Bai family also wanted to apply for the second box, but was directly rejected by the black market, saying that it was not qualified and could only live in the ordinary box.

So at this moment, when the No. [-] box spoke, Rong Shizi immediately froze.

This world is like this, the strong are respected.

"My lord, I'm very sorry, I was pestered by a shameless woman, that's why I'm so excited..."

"The person you mentioned, could it be Miss Ye Family Six?"

"Yes, it's her!"


A strong spiritual force flew out from the No. [-] box, and slapped Rong Shizi on the spot!

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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