Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 165

Chapter 165
"Everyone, this is tonight's No. [-] treasure—the Yin Yang God Needle!
It was carefully tempered by hundreds of skilled craftsmen using the best top-grade cold iron and top-grade hot iron in 81 days!

Although there is only one needle, it is no different from ordinary silver needles, but as long as it is injected with spiritual power, it can instantly become countless. The stronger the strength, the more the number, the better the attack effect. "

After the auctioneer finished speaking, he injected a small amount of spiritual power into the silver needle.

With a click, the silver needles immediately turned into hundreds of them, floating in the air, looking gorgeous and awesome.

Ye Qingge is a genius doctor, so of course he is very interested in silver needles and the like.

She has not found a suitable silver needle for a long time, and she is going to decide on the Yin-Yang needle tonight!

"Everyone, the starting price of the magic needle is 5 taels of gold!"

The auctioneer starts counting.

"Sixty thousand!"

"Seventy thousand!"

"One hundred thousand!"


Everyone began to bid for the auction. Although Ye Qingge wanted to buy it, he didn't make an offer immediately, but observed the situation first.

After the price soared to 30, there was basically no one shouting in the lobby on the first floor, and only a few boxes on the second floor were shouting.

Among them, the Bai family has the highest price increase each time.

Bai Xian'er is also a physician and pharmacist, she is very interested in this kind of silver needle, and the Bai family is very rich, so this price is nothing to her.

"60 million!"

Bai Xian'er directly quoted the highest price in the audience.

The other boxes on the second floor were either too expensive to afford, or they didn't dare to compete with the Bai family, so after Bai Xian'er quoted 60 yuan, almost no one bid anymore.

Ye Qingge aimed at the opportunity, disguised his voice, and shouted: "70."

"72!" Bai Xian'er refused to give in.

"80." Ye Qingge also increased the price.

All her current belongings are 170 million in total, and the rules of the auction house are to pay immediately, so she can't wait for the money from the final Juling Liquid auction.

This more than 100 million should be enough to compete with Bai Xian'er.

However, the Bai family is really rich. Seeing that there were always people competing with her, Bai Xianer directly quoted a high price of six figures, "100 million taels of gold!"

Hearing this price, even the distinguished guests on the second floor gasped. This Bai family is really rich. A mere needle costs 100 million.

However, Ye Qingge did not flinch, and continued to offer calmly, "130 million."



"160 million!"

"160 million."

"On the other side, are you trying to find fault? Do you know who this lady is?"

Bai Xian'er was angry, her voice was domineering, and she wanted to use her identity to overwhelm Ye Qingge.

After all, no matter how rich the Bai family is, buying silver needles for 160 million is really a pain in the ass.

Moreover, their goal tonight is still behind, and if they continue to fight like this, it will not be good for the next auction.

"I don't care who you are, buy if you have money, and shut up if you don't have money. This is the rule of the auction house."

Ye Qingge shot back coldly.

Bai Xian'er has always been proud and arrogant, so how could she not buy it, so her brain became hot, and she directly shouted: "200 million!"

"300 million!"

"400 million!!!"

After shouting the price, Bai Xian'er immediately regretted it, annoyed that she was too impulsive.

Patriarch Bai also gave Bai Xian'er a hard look. Bai Xian'er's current energy should be focused on refining medicine, and medical skills can be stopped for a while. Buying silver needles for 400 million is simply a waste of money!
At this moment, the owner of the Bai family hopes that the other party will quote another price, and then the Bai family will not have to buy it.


 Ask for a recommendation ticket!There is one more!

(End of this chapter)

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