Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows, curious about the guests in room two.

Then she thought about it carefully. That room number seemed a little familiar. Isn't that the high-end box prepared for her by the black market?

Could it be that she didn't come, so she gave it to someone else?

Probably not...

When Ye Qingge was puzzled, a certain steward of the auction house in the stands on the third floor was also puzzled.

"My lord, isn't this the room we have prepared for that alchemist? She didn't come today, why is there a man's voice?"

"Maybe... our people missed it..."

Guan Lao pondered for a while, and decided to wait for the auction item to be delivered to the second room before going to see what happened.

"1000 million, is there any further price?

If not, ring the bell!

1000 million times! 1000 million twice! 1000 million three times!make a deal! ! ! "


There was no suspense in the auction of the Nebula Compass, and it went directly to room two.

According to the rules of the auction house, after buying it, it must be sent to the customer immediately and traded immediately, so as to prevent some dishonest customers from running away after calling the price, causing unnecessary losses to the auction house.

This time, it is no exception.

However, the difference from before is that this time, Mr. Guan personally came forward to trade in the No. [-] room.

When Guan Lao entered the room, he saw four people, three men and one woman, the girl was not wearing a veil, but he was sure that this girl was definitely not the alchemist.

"My guest, this is the compass you just bought." Guan Lao spoke first.

"Ah—wait for me, I have no money for the time being."

Wu Ze got up, his loose white robe brought a gust of wind, and there was a smile on his clean and green face.

Guan Lao has been in the black market auction house for so many years, but this is the first time he has met such a strange customer, calling a sky-high price of 1000 million gold, and finally said that he has no money, isn't it funny?

"My guest, this is a black market auction house, you want to challenge the authority of the black market?!" The steward heard that Wu Ze had no money, his expression changed immediately, and his tone was no longer polite.

Mr. Ye, Ye Mengqi, and Ye Han all looked at each other in blank dismay, completely unaware that this young man was such a person.

Immediately afterwards, the steward looked at Mr. Ye again and asked, "Patriarch Ye, are you in the same group?"

"No, they have nothing to do with me, don't get excited, I don't have any money, but my friend in room [-] next door has money.

Moreover, I'm friends with that pharmacist, she couldn't come today because of something, she asked me to come to this room. "

Wu Ze ran the train with his mouth full of words, and he was unreliable when he heard it.

The manager stared and roared angrily, "Young master, please don't challenge the bottom line of my black market! Not to mention whether you and that alchemist are friends, that big man next door, can you afford it?"

"I'm not lying, I really know King Jue." Wu Ze directly revealed the identity of Room [-].

"What king, we don't have..."

"Shut up!" Guan Lao interrupted the steward, and after Wu Ze said the word "Jue Wang", he no longer doubted the other party's identity.

He gave Wu Ze a look, signaling to go to the next room now, Wu Ze nodded in agreement.

Just like that, Guan Lao, Guan Shi, and Wu Ze left Room [-] and walked towards Room [-], leaving behind the three members of the Ye family who were still in a daze.

"What's going on here?" Ye Han looked puzzled.

Mr. Ye didn't understand either, but he didn't want to get involved in these matters, so as not to get into trouble, he said, "Continue to watch the auction."

"Yes." The three of the Ye family continued to watch the auction.

But in Room [-] next door, the atmosphere is extremely subtle!

(End of this chapter)

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