Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 208 The Confrontation at the Palace Gate

Chapter 208 The Confrontation at the Palace Gate

"Yes, you are so beautiful, why do you wear a veil?" Nangong Ling was also puzzled.

Ye Qingge smiled faintly, fixed the veil, and said with high spirits, "After fighting for so long, I will close the net today, of course I want to give some people a surprise."

"Ah? What do you mean? Why can't I understand?"

Nangong Ling didn't know the grievances between Ye Bai's family, so naturally she didn't understand.

Yu Qianjue and Ye Mengqi understood. As people on the same front, they were also looking forward to the "excellent performance" of the Bai family today!
"Okay, we're leaving, Miss Nangong, you stay at Ye's house to rest today."

"No! Where are you going? I want to go with you, I'm not fun alone." Nangong Ling likes to join in the fun, seeing Ye Qingge leaving, of course she will follow.

Ye Qingge glanced at Nangong Ling, and decided to take her along for the sake of the other party's strength. If some mad dogs bite someone, this sturdy girl can tear her up for a round.

Soon, Ye Qingge and the others got into the Ye family's carriage and rushed towards the palace within the time limit.

In the carriage, several people were not idle, Ye Mengqi provided Ye Qingge with a key piece of information - Rong Shizi was released!

"This flower viewing banquet, Rong Shizi will also participate.

Although he was imprisoned in the death row a while ago, and the evidence of the rebellion of the Rong Palace was also sent to His Majesty, but on the way, a certain figure from the Fengyun Sect came forward and took Rong Shizi directly, so the emperor had to let him go. "

When Ye Qingge heard the news, although it was a bit unexpected, it was reasonable.

Since Prince Rong's Mansion decided to rebel, how could they do it without pointing their cards?
However, the backstage of the Bai family is Fengyunzong, and the backstage of Rongwangfu is also Fengyunzong. What do these mean?
It seems that today's flower viewing banquet is not as simple as it appears on the surface, it is very likely to be a grand banquet!

"Little Ge'er, you don't have to worry if I'm here." Yu Qianjue comforted him.

Ye Qingge squinted his eyes, spoke in a relaxed tone, and said a quote from Kun Lao's old middle school, "My journey is a sea of ​​stars and stars, so what is this small storm?"

"Okay, girl, have you learned to steal my lines?" In Qiankun Space, Kun Lao joked.

Ye Qingge just smiled and stopped talking.

The carriage arrived at the gate of the palace very quickly, the timing was accurate, the Ye family was not late, but they were also among the last to arrive.

At this time, Bai Xian'er, who arrived at the palace gate one minute earlier than Ye Qingge, saw Ye's late carriage, her face changed suddenly!
Ye Qingge, that ugly monster, dare to talk about pomp with her?Still playing the routine of being late on purpose?Who does she think she is!

Bai Xian'er decided not to go to the banquet for the time being, and first satirized at the door, trampling Ye family's face to pieces before talking!

"Hey, Ye Qingge, you came so late, do you think you are the empress? How arrogant!" Bai Xian'er took the lead in attacking.

Yu Qianjue in the carriage heard this and prepared to teach Bai Xian'er a lesson.

Ye Qingge stopped him, gave him a knowing look, and signaled him not to act in such a hurry.

Now that Bai Xian'er has been defeated, how will the good show be played later, if she, Ye Qingge, wants to make a move, she will go straight to the enemy's throat, making the enemy unable to turn around again!

"Don't worry about this lunatic, get out of the car first."

Ye Qingge spoke lightly, and was the first to jump off the carriage.

However, when Bai Xian'er saw the appearance of Ye Qingge wearing a veil, her arrogant face froze on the spot!
is her!

(End of this chapter)

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