Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 216 Bai Xian'er Becomes the Crown Princess

Chapter 216 Bai Xian'er Becomes the Crown Princess

"Miss Bai San, I heard that you are the nearest mysterious pharmacist in the black market, is that true? You can refine such a powerful spirit-gathering liquid at a young age, and you are simply a role model for us!"

After Bai Xian'er sat down, some people began to ask the truth. Although there have been many rumors recently that Bai Xian'er's identity has been "basically confirmed", everyone still wanted to hear the answer with their own ears.

When Bai Xian'er heard this question, she pretended to be indifferent and smiled. Before coming to the flower viewing feast, she had made sufficient preparations, and she could lie perfectly.

"Yes, I am the alchemist."

"Wow! Really amazing! You are the pride of our Qingyun country!"

"Sister Xian'er is amazing. At the auction that day, this princess saw the head of the black market accepting her with her own eyes!" Huangfu Qianqian said, raising Bai Xian'er's status again, and getting closer to Bai Xian'er by the way.

The purpose, of course, is for the free bottle of spirit gathering liquid.

Bai Xian'er was very happy when she heard Huangfu Qianqian standing up for her. In this way, her identity was confirmed again.

The queen took advantage of the heat and said directly: "Xian'er, I am very optimistic about you, the more I look at you, the more I like you, why don't you be my daughter-in-law?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but the girls are not talented enough, and I'm afraid they won't be able to take the position of the crown prince and concubine. What's more, marriage is all about fate. If the prince doesn't like the girls, isn't the girl..."

Bai Xian'er lowered her head, deliberately retreating to advance, and wanted the prince to speak up as well, to make herself appear more dignified.

Sure enough, when Huangfu Cheng heard this, he got up quickly and said: "Miss Bai, the Crown Prince likes you very much, I hope you can be the Crown Prince's main concubine!"

The prince confessed on the spot, which was a great honor.

Bai Xian'er was overjoyed, and immediately accepted it as soon as she saw it, and said deliberately shyly: "Thank you, Your Royal Highness, Xian'er promised you..."

"Haha——in that case, the marriage is settled like this, empress, you have chosen a good wife for me." The emperor was also very satisfied with Bai Xian'er, and directly decided on the marriage.

In this way, Bai Xian'er became the future princess, and all kinds of words of blessing rang out on the scene.

"Congratulations to His Highness the Crown Prince, congratulations to the Crown Princess!"

"The prince and the princess are really a match made in heaven!"

"That's right, with such a princess in our Qingyun country, the national power will definitely become stronger!"


When everyone was blessing, only Rong Shizi looked at Huangfu Cheng angrily with his eyes spitting fire.If it wasn't for Huangfu Cheng, with his current status, he would definitely be able to snatch Bai Xian'er, damn it!

As for Ye Qingge, she has been watching the play calmly, but she wants to see how long Bai Xian'er will act.

"Little Ge'er, you are too bad~ You are holding Bai Xian'er so high now, if she falls down later, there probably won't even be ashes left." Yu Qianjue approached Ye Qingge's ear, teasing on purpose.

Ye Qingge raised her eyebrows, and said with a smile: "I didn't do anything, Bai Xian'er wanted to die by herself, and there is a price to pay for lying."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingge looked directly in Bai Xian'er's direction, ready to close the net!
"Miss Bai, I heard that your alchemy skills are superb. I wonder if there is an opportunity today to open our eyes? Qingyun Kingdom is the first alchemist to be a pharmacist. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Everyone, do you want to see it? "

Ye Qingge started to stir up the atmosphere. What she said spoke the minds of most people. Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. I have always heard that Bai Xian'er is very powerful. If so, let's perform alchemy!
(End of this chapter)

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